Home > Environmental Strategies for Substance Misuse Prevention
Environmental strategies seek to make changes on a large scale in the community, impacting community norms, regulations, and access and availability of substances.
Guide: Substance Use Disorder Prevention Environmental Prevention Strategies
This guide from the Washington State Department of Health and Human Services provides an overview of Environmental Prevention with examples of strategies that can be implemented at the community and state level.
Guide: The Coalition Impact: Environmental Prevention Strategies
The publication from CADCA includes brief case studies from four local coalitions that have implemented environmental strategies to successfully address their communities’ most pressing issues.
Webinar: Introduction to Environmental Strategies: Part 1
This two-part webinar from the Great Lakes PTTC provides substance misuse prevention practitioners with an overview of environmental strategies. Part 1 covers the basics of what environmental strategies are, the benefits and limitations of using them, how they differ from individual-focused strategies, and the communication category of environmental strategies.
Webinar: Introduction to Environmental Strategies: Part 2
This two-part webinar from the Great Lakes PTTC provides substance misuse prevention practitioners with an overview of environmental strategies. Part 2 focuses on the policy and enforcement categories of environmental strategies, as well as the resource available to guide the selection and implementation of environmental strategies.
Self-paced Course: An Introduction to the Power of Policy Change
This course, developed by the Southeast PTTC, provides an overview of how policy change can be an effective strategy for prevention professionals to address community-level problems with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The goal of the course is to dispel some of the concerns around policy and help community coalitions and partners see that it is feasible, do-able and most importantly, impactful.
Self-paced Course: 10 Steps of Policy Change
This course provides an overview of a policy framework adopted and modified by the Southeast PTTC - The Policy Adoption Model. Prevention providers will follow the path of a fictitious prevention coalition as they develop and implement a local policy campaign.
Guide: Environmental Strategies Toolkit
This guide was developed by the NE and Caribbean PTTC for substance misuse prevention professionals working in agencies and coalitions as a set of practical tools to support the implementation of three foundational environmental prevention strategies—policy, enforcement, and media.
Website: Environmental Strategies Inventory
This website has an inventory of environmental substance abuse prevention strategies targeting alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, including the evidence base and level of effectiveness for each identified strategy.