Strategic Prevention Framework Step 5: Evaluation

Evaluation, the fifth step of the SPF, focuses on the systematic collection and analysis of information about the prevention activities to reduce uncertainty, improve effectiveness, and facilitate decision making. Below are training resources to support your work. For more evaluation resources, visit our tools and training pages.


Conducting a Culturally Responsive Evaluation using Qualitative Methods

In this video, Ashani Johnson-Turbes, senior manager from ICF's Public Health division in Atlanta, Georgia, discusses the qualitative methods that her team used to conduct a culturally responsive evaluation.

Partnerships for Success Final Evaluation Report

This example of a final evaluation report comes from Vermont's Partnerships for Success grant funded by SAMHSA.

Examples of Community-level Logic Models for Reducing the Non-Medical Use of Opioid Prescription Drugs

Prevention Solutions @EDC provides four example logic models for preventing opioid-related deaths that outline problem statements, goals, inputs, outputs, partners, and outcomes within states and communities.

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