Applicants will know of their acceptance status by the week of February 14th at 4:00pm, and a first meeting will be scheduled before March 1, 2025.
(you'll need a google account to view the form)
Thank you for your application to the New England PTTC Research and Design (RAD) Fellowship Program. Please complete your application in full, as we may not be able to consider incomplete applications.
The New England PTTC RAD Fellowship aims to promote the career development of five, mid to advanced-level substance misuse prevention specialists who work in New England; while increasing the regional data and recourses available to the entire Substance Misuse Prevention workforce in the region. The Fellowship will focus on a priority area of Substance Misuse Prevention during each fellowship term. The 2025 Priority area is Community Mapping: Assets, capacity building, and behavioral health spectrum partnerships in rural and urban New England.
Fellows will contribute new, relevant and innovative research on the priority subject area and an accompanying tool or product which will be available to members of the substance misuse prevention field following the conclusion of the Fellowship term. This research will be presented by the Fellows in a symposium to which prevention specialists in the New England area will have priority access. Each Fellow will choose their contribution to the priority area, and applicants are asked to submit their proposed subject below.
Fellows will be welcome to reapply for consecutive Fellowship terms.
The program will have fellows from different New England states and will provide each fellow with a working stipend of $10,000 upon completion of milestones in the program and after the program has concluded.
The Fellows will meet four times during the Fellowship Term (February, April, June, August) to coordinate their research so that each product supports a collective whole without being duplicative. At the end of the term, the Fellows will present their work in a symposium for the New England prevention workforce.
Requirements for Applicants for the 2025 Term are as follows:
Highly qualified applicants will also be provisionally or fully Certified as Prevention Specialists within their state. Applications will be de-identified as fully as possible, scored by a panel of staff and volunteer reviewers with a rubric that measures how complete an application is submitted, as well as lived and professional experience with the proposed subject, how thorough the proposal is, and if the priority subject area is addressed. Scores will be averaged, and the highest scoring applicants will be selected.
(you'll need a google account to view the form).
Applicants will know of their acceptance status by February 14th at 4:00 pm, and a first meeting will be scheduled before March 1, 2025.
Need more information? Contact us at [email protected].