
In today's climate messages abound regarding marijuana use, its harm, and legalization, making it difficult to determine fact from fiction. The Mid-America PTTC  presents this user-friendly page with straightforward, accurate information and resources to help prevention practitioners in their work.

Marijuana Risks: Build A Brain

Marijuana is stronger, more available than ever, and use in the U.S. is on the rise. In Build A Brain, viewers learn how marijuana can interfere with the delicate machinery of the brain including erasing I.Q. points and deleting memories.


Know the Risks of Marijuana 


Marijuana use comes with real risks that can impact a person’s health and life.

Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal substance in the U.S. and its use is growing. Marijuana use among all adult age groups, both sexes, and pregnant women is going up. At the same time, the perception of how harmful marijuana use can be is declining. Increasingly, young people, today do not consider marijuana use a risky behavior.

But there are real risks for people who use marijuana, especially youth and young adults, and women who are pregnant or nursing. Today’s marijuana is stronger than ever before. People can and do become addicted to marijuana.


Marijuana IQ Quiz

How much do you really know about the effects and risks of marijuana? You might be surprised. Let’s test your marijuana IQ.


Marijuana Effects on the Body

Dr. Wilson M. Compton, Deputy Director at NIDA, highlights the adverse effects of marijuana use can have on the brain, heart, and respiratory. The video also provides some information on second-hand exposure and current marijuana potency.

Marijuana Effects on the Body from ATTC Network on Vimeo.


Effects of Marijuana Use on Developing Adolescents

Dr. Kari Franson from the University of Colorado's Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences shares information on the long-term negative outcomes marijuana use has on developing adolescents.

Effects on Marijuana Use on Developing Adolescents from ATTC Network on Vimeo.


Informing Prevention: The Effects of Drug Use Such as Marijuana, on Adolescent Brain Development

During this webinar, you will understand the complexity of adolescent brain development. You will understand adolescent vulnerabilities to substance-use. Additionally, you will increase your knowledge of strategies for preventing adolescent substance use disorder.



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