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Introduction to the Prevention Core Competencies

The Introduction to Prevention Core Competencies for Prevention Professionals was designed to introduce practitioners to the essential competencies, knowledge, and skill to work in substance use and misuse prevention. It is based on the Prevention Core Competencies published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The course provides a foundation for service delivery based on prevention science and the use of evidence-based practices. It strengthens the understanding of effective planning and implementation approaches and encourages the pursuit of more specialized training and professional development. 1. Describe the key elements of prevention planning and evaluation. 2. Understand the core prevention professional knowledge, skills, and competencies. 3. Acknowledge the importance of research-based theories and processes that help explain and build effective prevention interventions. 4. Describe how evidence-based (EB) prevention strategies can be delivered across settings including the family, school, media, community, or workplace. Certificate of Completion Available
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HealtheKnowledge stands as a premier learning management site (LMS), offering a wide array of free online learning opportunities alongside affordable continued education courses tailored for health and behavioral health professionals. Our comprehensive curriculum spans crucial topics, including substance misuse prevention and treatment, mental health, behavioral health clinic administration, reproductive health, STD and HIV prevention, Hepatitis C screening, and much more.

Upon completing each course, participants receive a certificate of completion. Moreover, many courses provide the flexibility to purchase individual continuing education credits or opt for an annual All Access membership, granting unlimited access to continuing education credits. With HealtheKnowledge, professionals can continually enhance their skills and knowledge to better serve their communities and advance in their careers.

Substance misuse prevention work is inherently concerned with place. As we work to prevent substance-related harms, the community context is an important consideration when deciding where to implement prevention strategies. Using a Geographic Information System (GIS) allows users to focus on the community context with a robust set of tools supporting data visualization and analysis. The Geospatial Academy for Prevention Professionals (GAPP) will provide you the skills necessary to implement geospatial analyses of community data to communicate work to key stakeholders, assess community need, and evidence the impact of prevention initiatives. This is part 1 of a 3 part training series that will introduce you to the Quantum GIS software package, culminating in producing maps and analyses to support substance misuse prevention work in your community. Each part of the online training series is self-paced and supported by individual technical assistance. GAPP I: Introduction to GIS. GAPP II: Creating a Basic Map. GAPP III: Using Local Data to Support Prevention Goals. This 2.5 hour self-paced course will introduce participants to GIS and a free software application to implement GIS in your prevention work. This course requires you to download a free software package. Please see our disclaimer. Certificate of Completion
Published: August 10, 2021
In this comprehensive 1-hour course, professionals in substance misuse prevention, treatment, and recovery will gain essential skills in finding, analyzing, and utilizing data to inform decision-making and create impactful stories. We'll explore various data sources, including public health databases and community surveys, and teach you practical strategies for collecting and organizing data. You'll learn to interpret data accurately and draw meaningful conclusions to assess prevention programs, identify trends, and evaluate treatment outcomes. Additionally, we'll focus on presenting data clearly and engagingly, making it accessible to stakeholders and the broader community. By the end of this course, you'll be equipped to leverage data to enhance your work and advocate for evidence-based approaches in substance misuse prevention and recovery. This course offers a certificate of completion.
Published: July 23, 2024
This course is part two of a 3-part series found in category Special Topics in Prevention of Substance Misuse. Other courses are titled (part 1) Evidence-Based Programs (EBPs) Overview, and (part 3) Evidence Based Practices: Implementation with Fidelity and Sustainability. In our second segment on Evidence Based Practices we'll look at what must happen for intervention success and share how to select the best options, plus unpack the core elements of an intervention. In this 1 hour course we will cover: 1. What must happen for intervention success? 2. What happens after searching for EBPs? 3. What parts of an intervention are the most important to deliver with fidelity? Certificate of Completion Available
Published: April 2, 2023
This 1-hour self-paced webinar, Informing Prevention: Effectively Engaging Adolescents in Interventions (Part 2 of 6), is for any health, oral health, and behavioral health student or professional. During this webinar, you will learn the rates of adolescent engagement in prevention programs. You will learn what prevents adolescents from engaging in prevention programs. Lastly, you will learn and be able to describe strategies that can be implemented to increase engagement in adolescent prevention programs. 1.0 Hours Continuing Education Credit Available, NAADAC
Published: January 21, 2020
This 1-hour self-paced webinar, Informing Prevention: Effectively Using Technology for School-Based Prevention (Part 4 of 6), is for any health, oral health, and behavioral health student or professional. During this webinar you will learn how technology can assist in school-based prevention efforts. You will learn which technologies are best for certain elements of prevention and in what ways school-based and community providers can promote technology-based prevention efforts. 1.0 Hours Continuing Education Credit Available, NAADAC
Published: January 28, 2020
This 1-hour self-paced webinar, Informing Prevention: The Effective Use of Epidemiological Data (Part 3 of 6), is for any health, oral health, and behavioral health student or professional. In this webinar you will learn how to determine the scope of a problem for your target population. You will learn where to access and ways to analyze epidemiological data. 1.0 Hours Continuing Education Credit Available, NAADAC
Published: January 27, 2020
This is a self-paced course. During this webinar you will understand the complexity of adolescent brain development. You will understand adolescent vulnerabilities to substance-use. Additionally, you will increase your knowledge of strategies for preventing adolescent substance-use disorder. 1.0 Hours Continuing Education Credit Available, NAADAC
Published: January 28, 2020
This 1-hour self-paced webinar, Informing Prevention: Understanding Adolescent Development (Part 1 of 6), is for any health, oral health, and behavioral health student or professional. In this webinar, which is part one of a six-part series, you will learn about adolescent development and milestones. 1.0 Hours Continuing Education Credit Available, NAADAC
Published: January 17, 2020
This 1-hour self-paced webinar, Informing Prevention: Vaping Among Adolescents (Part 6 of 6), is for any health, oral health, and behavioral health student or professional. During this webinar you will learn about the rates of vaping among adolescents and why adolescents vape. You will learn the social and biological consequences of vaping. Lastly, you will learn how to prevent adolescents from vaping. 1.0 Hours Continuing Education Credit Available, NAADAC
Published: January 28, 2020
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