Products and Resources Catalog

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LGBTQ Affirming Prevention Messaging: Safety, Engagement, Retention, Strategies Randall Leonard, LCSW-C August 16, 2023, 1:00pm-3:00pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION LGBTQ people, particularly youth, gender diverse folks, and individuals of color, are often labeled both “high-risk” and “hard to reach” populations. Taking the time to understand the medical mistrust dynamics within the community is essential to an embracing welcome. Often, what makes the difference in reaching out to LGBTQ communities with prevention messages is a well-considered, community-designed, targeted campaign featuring high-impact images and culturally-responsive text. This webinar will describe some of the threats that LGBTQ community members may be concerned about in treatment, discuss impactful ways to communicate safety and respect, and give practical examples of prevention messages that have been effective with these populations. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe common experiences of safety and threat for LGBTQ people accessing services. Define signals and dynamics in agency messaging that may impact engagement and retention with LGBTQ clients. Identify at least 3 evidence-based outreach strategies that can be effective with LGBTQ community members PRESENTERS Randall Leonard, LCSW-C, is a licensed clinical social worker who has specialized in the care of LGBTQ individuals for four years. They currently serve as a Staff Therapist at the Center for LGBTQ Health Equity, a Center of Excellence of Chase Brexton Health Care, providing individual therapy as well as assessments for gender-affirming surgery. They also facilitate “Identity Talk”, a group for trans and gender-diverse people of color to process intersectionality between culture and gender. Before joining the Chase Brexton team, Randall served survivors of intimate partner violence at Family and Children’s Services, where they provided individual therapy and a weekly support group. In addition, they worked as a Behavioral Specialist in the Emergency Department of Union Memorial Hospital. They started their social work career working with people with severe and persistent mental illness at Sheppard Pratt Health Systems. Randall holds a Master of Social Work from the University of Maryland School of Social Work with a concentration in clinical behavioral health.  
Published: August 16, 2023
Print Media
The Central East PTTC is proud to share this resource for prevention professionals to better serve the LGBTQ community. This handout was created in partnership with our partner, the Center for LGBTQ Health Equity at Chase Brexton. Please download and share this resource.
Published: August 16, 2023
LGBTQ Youth and Substance Use Disorder Kate Bishop, MSSA July 26, 2023, 1:00pm-3:00pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION It’s been a tough year for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) youth, as access to gender affirming health care, youth sports, and drag performances are vilified and outlawed in one state after another. Far from value-neutral, overhearing this political discourse too often leads to life-threatening shame, despair, and self-harm thoughts and feelings for young people just coming into their LGBTQ identity. As in many communities that experience discrimination, LGBTQ young people may overuse substances to cope with a hostile environment that insults their humanity. Though youth are especially vulnerable, LGBTQ people across the lifespan are at markedly higher risk for mental health challenges and harmful substance use than the public. Evidence has shown that identity-targeted interventions can be effective in supporting wellness within these communities. This webinar will describe these disparities, explore what makes young LGBTQ populations particularly vulnerable, provide suggestions about how best to support a young queer, trans, or nonbinary individual in crisis, and consider Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM)-targeted prevention frameworks and strategies. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define the impact of social determinants of health, including prejudice and discrimination, family rejection, trauma, and stress-related illness, on the substance use behaviors of Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) youth populations, highlighting how current policy conversations and conditions are affecting the population. Describe LGBTQ sub-cultural norms, attitudes, myths, and messages around substance use and misuse. Identify community-targeted intervention strategies to support SGM youth struggling with substance use disorder. PRESENTERS Kate Bishop, MSSA, Education Coordinator at the LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton, is a seasoned professional development trainer with expertise in working with LGBTQ populations, sexual and reproductive health care, adolescent development, intimate partner violence, and sexual trauma. She is certified as a trainer through GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) as well as SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders). Before joining the Chase Brexton team, she developed the capacity building program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s STAR TRACK Adolescent HIV program, providing cultural responsiveness trainings for agencies that serve sexual minority youth of color. Ms. Bishop holds a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies from Hiram College and a Masters in Social Work from Case Western Reserve University.  
Published: July 26, 2023
Liberation Approaches in LGBTQ Behavioral Health and The Crossroads of Racial and Sexual/Gender Identity Randall Leonard, LCSW-C, and Kate Bishop, MSSA April 5, 2023, 1:00pm-3:00pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION A Liberation-focused practice seeks to meet marginalized people where they are, within their cultural, historical, and community contexts, and to support clients in healing from the impacts of white supremacy, homophobia, gender binary rigidity, and other systems of dominance and oppression. We know that substance over-use is a common tool used by marginalized community members to find relief from the continual soul-scraping of living with degrading experiences, microaggressions, exploitation, intergenerational trauma, and colonial legacies. Effective liberation prevention and treatment approaches are those that pull back from individual choices and focus on the underlying systems that create intolerable conditions for living. These frameworks engage structural and institutional analysis, including a critical look at the ways behavioral health care systems may act as a tool to reinforce systemic inequity, and offer community-nested, strengths-based, empowerment-focused healing approaches. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Locate substance use as an adaptive tool for managing minority stress. Apply a liberation framework to creative outreach strategies and prevention messaging. Examine the role of behavioral health providers and systems in maintaining oppressive care structures and apply new models to substance use treatment. Develop a liberation framework analysis of current treatment options available to BIPOC LGBTQ people. PRESENTERS Randall Leonard, LCSW-C, is a licensed clinical social worker who has specialized in the care of LGBTQ individuals for four years. They currently serve as a Staff Therapist at the Center for LGBTQ Health Equity, a Center of Excellence of Chase Brexton Health Care, providing individual therapy as well as assessments for gender-affirming surgery. They also facilitate “Identity Talk”, a group for trans and gender-diverse people of color to process intersectionality between culture and gender. Before joining the Chase Brexton team, Randall served survivors of intimate partner violence at Family and Children’s Services, where they provided individual therapy and a weekly support group. In addition, they worked as a Behavioral Specialist in the Emergency Department of Union Memorial Hospital. They started their social work career working with people with severe and persistent mental illness at Sheppard Pratt Health Systems. Randall holds a Master of Social Work from the University of Maryland School of Social Work with a concentration in clinical behavioral health. Kate Bishop, MSSA, Education Coordinator at the LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton, is a seasoned professional development trainer with expertise in working with LGBTQ populations, sexual and reproductive health care, adolescent development, intimate partner violence, and sexual trauma. She is certified as a trainer through GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) as well as SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders). Before joining the Chase Brexton team, she developed the capacity building program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s STAR TRACK Adolescent HIV program, providing cultural responsiveness trainings for agencies that serve sexual minority youth of color. Ms. Bishop holds a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies from Hiram College and a Masters in Social Work from Case Western Reserve University.  
Published: April 5, 2023
Substance Use and HIV Part 2: Recommendations for Prevention Professionals Josh Esrick, MPP, and Princess Walker, MPHc July 26, 2022, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will provide recommendations to prevention professionals interested in providing HIV-related services. This includes dual-focused substance use and HIV prevention programming, substance use prevention services for people living with or at risk for HIV, and HIV prevention services for people with or at risk for substance use. The webinar will provide examples of evidence-based and promising programs and discuss the importance of developing public health partnerships to implement them. It will review opportunities to improve services for populations disproportionately impacted by HIV, such as LGBTQ, BIPOC, and Hispanic communities, and share examples of successful practices. The webinar will also provide key recommendations for developing new pilot programs and ensuring to incorporate cultural competency and humility. Lastly, it will provide an opportunity for webinar participants to take part in small breakout group discussion of these topics. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Review evidence-based and promising programs for HIV and substance use prevention Summarize opportunities to improve services and to develop public health collaborative partnerships Discuss recommendations for developing new pilot programs Provide small group discussion and shared learning opportunity PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is a Senior Policy Analyst with Carnevale Associates. Josh has extensive experience in substance use prevention; researching, writing, and presenting on best practice and knowledge development publications, briefs, and reference guides; and developing and providing training and technical assistance to numerous organizations at the Federal, state, and local levels. He developed numerous SAMHSA Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies’ (CAPT) products on strategies to prevent opioid misuse and overdose, risk and protective factors for substance use, youth substance use prevention strategies, youth substance use trends, emerging substance use trends, the potential regulations surrounding marijuana legalization, as well as numerous other topics. Princess Walker, MPHc, graduated with a dual degree in Psychology and Health Administration and Policy Program with a concentration in Public Health from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She is a results-oriented public health professional passionate about community health education, inequality, public health research, and eliminating health disparities. Specifically, she serves underprivileged communities to address health disparities in high-risk groups. She has worked extensively at both the community and state levels developing strategic prevention/behavioral healthcare plans and enforcing policies. Princess is proficient in qualitative and quantitative research and analysis, program/project management, and public health issues. Recognized for orchestrating work processes and instilling trust and confidence in stakeholders in education, private entities, government organizations, and participants that support public health objectives—currently advancing her degree as an MPH candidate with a concentration in Epidemiology. She hopes to advance community-level monitoring and evidence-based interventions and training to improve health outcomes produced by Substance used disorder and other communicable diseases.
Published: July 26, 2022
Substance Use and HIV Part 1: Understanding the Connections and Scope of the Problem Josh Esrick, MPP, and Princess Walker, MPHc July 19, 2022, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will review the connections between substance use and HIV. It will summarize the research on how substance use can increase the risk of contracting HIV and present the most recent data on co-occurring prevalence rates. The webinar will examine the disproportionate impact of HIV among LGBTQ, BIPOC, Hispanic, and other disadvantaged populations nationwide and in the Central East region. It will discuss the importance of including HIV prevention programming in substance use prevention services, as well as of providing substance use prevention services to people living with HIV. Additionally, the webinar will introduce key considerations for serving this population, such as the importance of cultural competency and humility. Lastly, it will provide an opportunity for webinar participants to take part in small breakout group discussion of these topics. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Discuss the importance of addressing substance use and HIV together Review the disproportionate impact of HIV Explain key considerations for serving people living with HIV Provide small group discussion and shared learning opportunity PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is a Senior Policy Analyst with Carnevale Associates. Josh has extensive experience in substance use prevention; researching, writing, and presenting on best practice and knowledge development publications, briefs, and reference guides; and developing and providing training and technical assistance to numerous organizations at the Federal, state, and local levels. He developed numerous SAMHSA Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies’ (CAPT) products on strategies to prevent opioid misuse and overdose, risk and protective factors for substance use, youth substance use prevention strategies, youth substance use trends, emerging substance use trends, the potential regulations surrounding marijuana legalization, as well as numerous other topics. Princess Walker, MPHc, graduated with a dual degree in Psychology and Health Administration and Policy Program with a concentration in Public Health from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She is a results-oriented public health professional passionate about community health education, inequality, public health research, and eliminating health disparities. Specifically, she serves underprivileged communities to address health disparities in high-risk groups. She has worked extensively at both the community and state levels developing strategic prevention/behavioral healthcare plans and enforcing policies. Princess is proficient in qualitative and quantitative research and analysis, program/project management, and public health issues. Recognized for orchestrating work processes and instilling trust and confidence in stakeholders in education, private entities, government organizations, and participants that support public health objectives—currently advancing her degree as an MPH candidate with a concentration in Epidemiology. She hopes to advance community-level monitoring and evidence-based interventions and training to improve health outcomes produced by Substance used disorder and other communicable diseases.
Published: July 19, 2022
Print Media
  This fact sheet describes the relationship between bisexual women and substance misuse. It includes an overview of the bisexual health disparities, the "bisexual umbrella", and myths and microagressions. Use the download link to obtain and share this fact sheet.  
Published: April 27, 2022
Bisexual Women and Substance Misuse Kate Bishop, MSSA April 27, 2022, 1:00pm-3:00pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Though LGBTQ people in general report higher rates of substance use, bisexual women are particularly vulnerable to substance use disorders. Studies have consistently shown bisexual women at the highest risk among sexual and gender minority groups, including significantly higher rates of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, opioid misuse and binge drinking than lesbians or heterosexual women. Studies have looked at the constellation of pressures that may contribute to this alarming disparity, including higher rates of sexual trauma, poverty, and discrimination coming from both heterosexual and LGBTQ communities. This webinar will describe the scope of bisexual women's substance use, what factors may contribute to drug and alcohol dependence, and ways prevention workers can support bisexual women who are dealing with chaotic substance misuse in their lives. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe the scope of substance use among bisexual women. Explore the unique challenges many bisexual women face which may contribute to elevated rates of substance use disorders within the population. Identify intervention strategies to support bisexual women who wish to address chaotic substance use in their lives. PRESENTERS Kate Bishop, MSSA, the Education Coordinator at the LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton, is a seasoned professional development trainer with expertise in working with LGBTQ populations, sexual and reproductive health care, adolescent development, intimate partner violence, and sexual trauma. She is certified as a trainer through GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) as well as SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders). Before joining the Chase Brexton team, she developed the capacity building program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s STAR TRACK Adolescent HIV program, providing cultural responsiveness trainings for agencies that serve sexual minority youth of color. Ms. Bishop holds a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies from Hiram College and a Masters in Social Work from Case Western Reserve University.  
Published: April 27, 2022
        What LGBTQIA2S+ BIPOC want Prevention Professionals to Know? The Central East PTTC, Central East ATTC, National American Indian & Alaska Natives PTTC, and the National Hispanic and Latino PTTC joined efforts to proudly present a 4-part virtual learning series titled ‘What LGBTQIA2S+ BIPOC want Prevention Professionals to Know?’ In case you missed these events, and you would like to access the sessions, please see below: Understanding the historical information behind the challenges and the risk factors of the LGBTQIA2S+ BIPOC (Part 1) Enhancing the protective factors for the LGBTQIA2S+ BIPOC (Part 2) Moving the needle: How to improve the current behavioral health system to increase engagement and retention of LGBTQIA2S+ BIPOC? (Part 3) How can we transform this information into actionable and practical steps to enhance service delivery to the LGBTQIA2S+ BIPOC and make a difference? (Part 4)   During each session, panelists shared their experiences as subject matter experts and/or lived experiences. The sessions were very well received by the participants. Our community asked us to provide additional resources around LGBTQIA2S+ BIPOC populations. As a result of this request, our team put together an extensive list of articles, trainings, websites, materials and you can access the information and share it with your family, friends and colleagues. Please click each image to view the corresponding resources. Click Images Below To View Resources                  Disclaimer The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by SAMHSA/HHS, or the U.S. Government, the Central East ATTC and PTTC, The Danya Institute, the National American Indian and Alaska Native PTTC, the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center or National Latino Behavioral Health Association (NLBHA). Funding for this learning series was made possible by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). 1H79SP081018 HHS Region 3 Central East PTTC: The Danya Institute, 1H79TI080210 HHS Region 3 Central East ATTC The Danya Institute, 1U79SP023012 National Hispanic and Latino PTTC: The National Latino Behavioral Health Association (NLBHA), 5H79SP081032 National American Indian and Alaska Native PTTC. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the by the U.S. Government, The Central East ATTC and PTTC, The Danya Institute, the National American Indian and Alaska Native PTTC, the National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center or The National Latino Behavioral Health Association (NLBHA).  
Published: April 1, 2022
Providing Culturally Appropriate Healthcare for LGBTQ Persons of Color Randall Leonard, LCSW-C May 13, 2021, 1-3:15 PM EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Due to social determinants of health and economic and other structural disparities, Black and Brown's individuals utilize healthcare and social services at higher rates yet show worse overall outcomes. Likewise, LGBTQ people frequently face poorer health outcomes due to discrimination, lack of access to competent providers, and well-justified medical mistrust. Those who live at the crossroads of these identities are particularly vulnerable to needing healthcare treatment and are far less likely to access it. This seminar will explore the unique demographics of LGBTQ communities of color, the colonial legacy of gender and how it impacts Black and Indigenous residents, barriers to seeking and receiving services, and best practices for bridging gaps in access and care. Join social worker Randall Leonard to explore evidence-based techniques to reach, connect, and serve this large and diverse group of clients in various healthcare settings. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Gain awareness with the demographic, historical, and cultural context as well as strengths, challenges and needs of LGBTQ people of color in health settings Explore evidence-based best practices for engaging and supporting queer and gender- diverse ethnic minority community members “where they are.” Identify three specific tactics to create a welcoming and affirming environment for LGBTQ clients of color. PRESENTERS Maryland native Randall Leonard, LCSW-C (they/them) is a licensed clinical social worker who has specialized in the care of LGBT individuals for four years. They currently serve as a Staff Therapist at the LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton, providing individual therapy as well as assessments for gender-affirming surgery. They also facilitate “Identity Talk”, a group for trans and gender-diverse people of color to process intersectionality between culture and gender. In addition, they work as a Behavioral Specialist in the Emergency Department of Union Memorial Hospital. Before joining the Chase Brexton team, Randall served survivors of intimate partner violence at Family and Children’s Services, where they provided individual therapy and a weekly support group. They started their social work career working with people with severe and persistent mental illness at Sheppard Pratt Health Systems. Randall holds a Master of Social Work from the University of Maryland School of Social Work with a concentration in clinical behavioral health.  
Published: May 13, 2021
Suicide Risk, Assessment, And Intervention: Skill Building Lab Kate Bishop, MSSA February 23, 2021, 10AM-12PM EST COURSE DESCRIPTION The global pandemic and resulting social isolation have taken a heavy toll on the human mind, heart, and spirit. Though the strain is difficult for everyone, marginalized communities already dealing with systemic injustice and those with existing mental health challenges have an extra level of distress to contend with. Professional helpers may encounter suicidal clients in any health and human service role, but may not feel confident about how to tell who is most at risk for suicide, how to assess the level of danger, and how to connect someone who is struggling with effective interventions. Broadly relevant to many populations, with special focus on LGBTQ individuals and people living with HIV, this webinar event is designed to help workers build a toolbox of practical skills you can use immediately to support vulnerable people in staying alive and moving towards well. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explore the dynamics of suicide among vulnerable populations, including people living with HIV and AIDS. Identify key methods and tools for assessing suicide risk with clients Describe how to address suicidal ideation and self-harm, boost resilience, and connect clients to specialized care and treatment Examine prevalence, disparities, trends, unique risk and protective factors, and culturally-specific support interventions PRESENTER Kate Bishop, MSSA, the Education Coordinator at the LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton, is a seasoned professional development trainer with expertise in working with LGBTQ populations, sexual and reproductive health care, adolescent development, intimate partner violence, and sexual trauma. She is certified as a trainer through GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) as well as SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders). Before joining the Chase Brexton team, she developed the capacity building program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s STAR TRACK Adolescent HIV program, providing cultural responsiveness trainings for agencies that serve sexual minority youth of color. Ms. Bishop holds a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies from Hiram College and a Masters in Social Work from Case Western Reserve University.
Published: February 23, 2021
LGBTQ Youth Tobacco Prevention: COVID-19 and Lung Vulnerability Kate Bishop, MSSA December 9, 2020, 1-2 PM EST   COURSE DESCRIPTION LGBTQ populations are at higher risk for COVID-19 due in part to wildly disproportionate rates of smoking, vaping, and other forms of tobacco use. Tobacco dependence usually starts in adolescence, and studies have shown LGBTQ youth are especially vulnerable to substance misuse, predatory ad campaigns, and peer influence. This webinar will explore the rates, risks, and intersections of tobacco use and the novel coronavirus among queer and gender expansive teens and young adults. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Review current data on LGBTQ youth, tobacco use, and COVID-19. Examine the lung health impacts of COVID-19, smoking, and vaping in adolescents. Describe the unique vulnerabilities of LGBTQ youth that influence tobacco use. Explore best practices to support LGBTQ young people in avoiding or quitting their use of tobacco products. PRESENTER Kate Bishop, MSSA, the Education Coordinator at the LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton, is a seasoned professional development trainer with expertise in working with LGBTQ populations, sexual and reproductive health care, adolescent development, intimate partner violence, and sexual trauma. She is certified as a trainer through GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) as well as SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders). Before joining the Chase Brexton team, she developed the capacity building program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s STAR TRACK Adolescent HIV program, providing cultural responsiveness trainings for agencies that serve sexual minority youth of color. Ms. Bishop holds a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies from Hiram College and a Masters in Social Work from Case Western Reserve University. HOSTS This training was developed under the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC), Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC), Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) task orders (Reference #s 1H79TI080210, 3H79SM081785, and 1H79SP081018) and is for training use only. Learn more about the Central East ATTC, Central East MHTTC, and Central East PTTC. The Central East ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC are managed by The Danya Institute.
Published: December 9, 2020
Engaging LGBT Elders in Prevention Programs Kate Bishop, MSSA October 28, 2020, 1-2 PM EST   COURSE DESCRIPTION The novel coronavirus pandemic has brought increased challenges to older adult populations in several directions. Elders are known to be at higher risk for contracting COVID-19, and are far more likely to face a serious course of the illness if infected. At the same time, isolation itself is a risk factor for physical and mental illness, cognitive deterioration, substance misuse, suicidal impulses, and creates barriers to accessing resources. LGBT Elders are less likely to be partnered or have children than other older adults, and are often estranged from their families of origin. Isolation, already a life-threatening condition, has reached extreme levels in LGBT Elder populations during the pandemic. This webinar will frame the unique challenges of reaching vulnerable LGBT Elders and offer practical strategies for engaging them in needed services, social opportunities, and essential support networks. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Examine the health risks of isolation and the impact of COVID-related barriers on older adults Identify unique challenges often faced by LGBT Elders, as well as unique sources of resilience Explore effective tools to engage older LGBT adults in prevention services and support networks PRESENTER Kate Bishop, MSSA, the Education Coordinator at the LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton, is a seasoned professional development trainer with expertise in working with LGBTQ populations, sexual and reproductive health care, adolescent development, intimate partner violence, and sexual trauma. She is certified as a trainer through GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) as well as SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders). Before joining the Chase Brexton team, she developed the capacity building program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s STAR TRACK Adolescent HIV program, providing cultural responsiveness trainings for agencies that serve sexual minority youth of color. Ms. Bishop holds a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies from Hiram College and a Masters in Social Work from Case Western Reserve University. HOSTS This training was developed under the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC), Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC), Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) task orders (Reference #s 1H79TI080210, 3H79SM081785, and 1H79SP081018) and is for training use only. Learn more about the Central East ATTC, Central East MHTTC, and Central East PTTC. The Central East ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC are managed by The Danya Institute.
Published: October 28, 2020
Managing Anxiety and Depression for LGBTQ Populations During COVID-19 Kate Bishop, MSSA September 30, 2020, 1-2 PM EST   COURSE DESCRIPTION The COVID-19 pandemic has increased stress, isolation, and worry for everyone. For LGBTQ people already dealing with unique challenges around anxiety and depression, the impact of these pressures can be devastating. This webinar will explore what makes LGBTQ people particularly at risk for anxiety and depression, as well as related outcomes like substance misuse and suicidality, and underline the ways that COVID-19 increases these vulnerabilities. Participants will explore warning signs, effective interventions, and community supports that help build resilience for these populations. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explain the impact that prejudice, discrimination, family rejection, trauma, and stress-related illness has on anxiety and depression for Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) populations Describe the dual epidemic of substance misuse and suicide among LGBTQ people, including prevalence, disparities, trends, psychosocial challenges, and help-seeking behaviors Identify community-targeted intervention strategies to support LGBT individuals struggling with depression or anxiety as well as individual resilience-building supports PRESENTER Kate Bishop, MSSA, the Education Coordinator at the LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton, is a seasoned professional development trainer with expertise in working with LGBTQ populations, sexual and reproductive health care, adolescent development, intimate partner violence, and sexual trauma. She is certified as a trainer through GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) as well as SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders). Before joining the Chase Brexton team, she developed the capacity building program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s STAR TRACK Adolescent HIV program, providing cultural responsiveness trainings for agencies that serve sexual minority youth of color. Ms. Bishop holds a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies from Hiram College and a Masters in Social Work from Case Western Reserve University. HOSTS This training was developed under the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC), Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC), Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) task orders (Reference #s 1H79TI080210, 3H79SM081785, and 1H79SP081018) and is for training use only. Learn more about the Central East ATTC, Central East MHTTC, and Central East PTTC. The Central East ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC are managed by The Danya Institute.
Published: September 30, 2020
Print Media
Produced in partnership with Chase Brexton's LGBT Resource Center, these three fact sheets serve as a resource for Prevention Professionals working with LGBTQ Communities. They highlight risk and protective factors unique to these communities.    Please download the Youth and Vaping, LGBTQ Suicide Prevention, and LGBTQ Substance Misuse Prevention Strategies Fact Sheets using the download link above. Check out our recorded webinars for additional information on these topics! Vaping and LGBTQ Youth Suicide Prevention and LGBTQ Communities Prevention Strategies to Engage the LGBTQ Community
Published: December 2, 2019
COURSE DESCRIPTION Vaping, the healthy alternative to smoking! Or so manufacturer ad campaigns would like you to believe. Though breathing aerosol vapor is somewhat less harmful than the well-known lethal poison of traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes contain toxic chemicals and nicotine that can lead to addiction and compromised health. LGBTQ youth are especially vulnerable to predatory ad campaigns and peer pressure. While vape makers advertise their candy-flavored chemical dependence with colorful cartoons, blatantly targeting youth as their next consumer market, vaping has serious impacts the developing brain. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Examine the health impacts of e-cigarettes and vaping on adolescents. Increase awareness of the unique vulnerabilities of LGBTQ youth that may make vaping more prevalent and nicotine addiction more concerning. Consider the vaping industry’s claims that using e-cigarettes is effective harm reduction for smokers. Explore best practices to support LGBTQ young people in avoiding or quitting their use of e-cigarettes. PRESENTER Kate Bishop, MSSA, the Education Coordinator at the LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton, is a seasoned professional development trainer with expertise in working with LGBTQ populations, sexual and reproductive health care, adolescent development, intimate partner violence, and sexual trauma. She is certified as a trainer through GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) as well as SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders). Before joining the Chase Brexton team, she developed the capacity building program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s STAR TRACK Adolescent HIV program, providing cultural responsiveness trainings for agencies that serve sexual minority youth of color. Ms. Bishop holds a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies from Hiram College and a Masters in Social Work from Case Western Reserve University.                 
Published: September 4, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
The September 2019 Dialogue contains articles on: Addiction: National Recovery Month | Mental Health: Learning Collaboratives | Prevention: Prescription Opioid and Heroin Awareness | ORN: LGBT+ Long-term Recovery | Recovery Stories Additional sections include upcoming training and webinar events, behavioral health observances, new resources, and Region 3 news. The Dialogue is designed to inform behavioral and mental health professionals of news and upcoming events in the Central East states. This electronic newsletter is disseminated on the first Tuesday of each month. You are encouraged to provide us with any feedback or submit articles and topics for discussion in future issues of the newsletter. If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive the Dialogue, news, and training announcements, sign up here.       Recovery Stories: Two special guest contributors shared their recovery stories for Recovery Month in the September Dialogue.   Shirley J. Davis For many years, I ran from the realities of my past life and tried extremely hard to hide from the knowledge that I continually lost time and felt like “someone else,” until the winter of my thirtieth year. I went to bed one night and as soon as I turned off the light to go to sleep, I relived a horrible memory of rape. I immediately turned the lights back on and lay shivering in my bed waiting for daylight. It was then that I knew I had to get help. Continue reading Shirley's story.     Kathy Dorman I’m so grateful to be a recovering addict, to still be alive to give others hope, because I remember the life of hopelessness. My passion is to reach children and young adults who may feel hopeless or peer pressured into trying drugs. As a child, I was surrounded by family and friends who were caught in the disease of addiction. I tell people, yes, I may have had a choice, but literally I had no chance, at least that’s how I felt. Continue reading Kathy's story.
Published: September 3, 2019
COURSE DESCRIPTION Though suicide touches every community, the stunningly disproportionate rate of self-induced deaths among LGBTQ individuals is an ongoing emergency. Family rejection, social stigma and discrimination, economic insecurity, and prejudice-related mental health concerns have enormous impact on suicidal ideation. This webinar will highlight some of the pressures that lead sexual and gender minority people to suicide, what factors elevate or lower self-harm risk, and interventions to help LGBTQ people build resilience in a hostile world. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Examine the suicide epidemic among LGBTQ people, including prevalence, disparities, trends, psychosocial challenges, and help-seeking behaviors. Explore unique risk and protective factors for suicide among LGBTQ people. Increase awareness of culturally-specific prevention and support interventions. Highlight methods to boost LGBTQ resilience to suicide and suicidal ideation. PRESENTER Kate Bishop, MSSA, the Education Coordinator at the LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton, is a seasoned professional development trainer with expertise in working with LGBTQ populations, sexual and reproductive health care, adolescent development, intimate partner violence, and sexual trauma. She is certified as a trainer through GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) as well as SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders). Before joining the Chase Brexton team, she developed the capacity building program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s STAR TRACK Adolescent HIV program, providing cultural responsiveness trainings for agencies that serve sexual minority youth of color. Ms. Bishop holds a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies from Hiram College and a Masters in Social Work from Case Western Reserve University.                 
Published: August 28, 2019
COURSE DESCRIPTION Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) clients are at markedly higher risk for addiction and mental health challenges than the general public. Evidence has shown that identity-targeted interventions can be effective in supporting wellness within these communities.  This webinar will describe these mental health disparities, explore what makes LGBTQ populations particularly vulnerable, and consider Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM)-targeted prevention frameworks and strategies. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Examine the impact of social determinants of health, including prejudice and discrimination, family rejection, trauma, and stress-related illness, on the substance use behaviors of Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) populations. Explore LGBTQ sub-cultural norms, attitudes, myths, and messages around substance use and misuse. Highlight three programmatic frameworks essential to effective work in LGBTQ communities: trauma-sensitive, sex positive, harm reduction approaches. Consider community-targeted intervention strategies to support SGM individuals struggling with substance use disorders. PRESENTER Kate Bishop, MSSA, the Education Coordinator at the LGBT Health Resource Center of Chase Brexton, is a seasoned professional development trainer with expertise in working with LGBTQ populations, sexual and reproductive health care, adolescent development, intimate partner violence, and sexual trauma. She is certified as a trainer through GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) as well as SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders). Before joining the Chase Brexton team, she developed the capacity building program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s STAR TRACK Adolescent HIV program, providing cultural responsiveness trainings for agencies that serve sexual minority youth of color. Ms. Bishop holds a Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies from Hiram College and a Masters in Social Work from Case Western Reserve University.                 
Published: July 31, 2019
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