Leveraging the 6 CSAP Strategies Categories to Deliver Effective Substance Misuse Prevention

In 1981, the U.S. Congress included in legislation 6 primary prevention strategy categories, commonly known as the “6 CSAP Strategies.” Since 1981, much knowledge has been gained through research on effective and ineffective substance misuse prevention strategies. This 90-minute webinar will present the evidence for the six categories, as well as explore the spectrum of strategies that fall into each category, focusing on our current knowledge of effective and ineffective prevention strategies within each of the six categories.



  • List the 6 CSAP primary prevention strategy categories
  • Describe the evidence base for each CSAP strategy category
  • Describe current evidence regarding effective and ineffective prevention strategies in each CSAP strategy category



What Research Shows Does NOT Work in Substance Misuse Prevention

This guide was created to help substance misuse prevention practitioners identify ineffective approaches to substance misuse prevention



Chuck Klevgaard, CSPS

Chuck Klevgaard is a nationally recognized expert in substance misuse prevention, public health, and school-based health. Drawing on his experience in collective impact and prevention-focused partnerships, he builds the capacity of states, tribes, schools, communities, and cities to use evidence-based substance misuse prevention and intervention strategies. He specializes in behavioral health support; training and technical assistance; and evidence-based alcohol, opioid, and substance misuse programs and policies.

Ashley Bodiford

Ashley Bodiford is the Director of Prevention at LRADAC where she develops, implements, and maintains effective prevention services for Richland and Lexington counties. Mrs. Bodiford has been in the field of substance use prevention since 2010 and is skilled in universal, selective, and indicated prevention strategies. She enjoys bringing insight to the field of Prevention through innovative techniques and collaborating with community partners. Ashley has provided training and technical assistance in the areas of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention, cultural diversity and competence, community coalition building, needs assessment, implementation strategies, and other prevention-related topics. Mrs. Bodiford holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Developmental Psychology, a Master in Public Health, and a Master in Human Services. In 2012, she was named the recipient of the Jan Oglietti Rising Star Prevention Professional Award for outstanding contributions to the field of prevention, and in 2016 was named the recipient of the Norman Peter Johnson Outstanding Prevention Professional Award. Most recently, Ashley was named as a Subject Matter Expert by the International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) and was tasked with item writing for the Prevention Specialist credential exam.


The Great Lakes A/MH/PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.

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