This 1.5-hour webinar will introduce substance misuse prevention professionals to the basics of media literacy. Media literacy education provides the tools necessary to analyze and understand the impact of media on our everyday decision making. Participants will identify different types of media and practice analyzation strategies and skills.
Christi Valentini-Lackner, OCPC
Christi Valentini-Lackner is the Chief Program Officer for Community Strategies at PreventionFIRST!. She is an Ohio Certified Prevention Consultant (OCPC) who has worked in the prevention field for over 20 years. Christi has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Ohio University, is the Vice President for the Ohio Prevention Professionals Association and serves on the Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board’s Education and Training Committee. In 2016, she received the ADAPAO Advocate of the Year Award. Christi is an Ohio Coaching and Mentoring (OCAM) Network coach and mentor. The Ohio Coaching & Mentoring Network (OCAM) is a statewide initiative providing capacity building and workforce development for prevention professionals. The OCAM Network is a diverse team of experienced and certified Ohio prevention professionals.
The Great Lakes A/MH/PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.