
HHS Region: Region 9 - Pacific Southwest

Title:  Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS)

Prevention Experience: 2,000 hours of work experience specific to Prevention.

Supervised Prevention Experience: Verification of 120 hours of supervised experience in the six performance domains listed. There must be a minimum of 10 hours in each of the six performance domains.

Educational / Training Requirements:


Verification of 120 hours specific to the six performance domains listed below. 24 hours of these 120 hours must be specific to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug (ATOD) use and abuse. Must have six (6) hours of prevention ethics education, and four (4) hours of HIV/AIDS education.

Six Performance Domains:

1.) Planning and Evaluation

2.) Prevention Education and Service Delivery

3.) Communication

4.) Community Organization

5.) Public Policy and Environmental Change

6.) Professional Growth and Responsibility

NOTE: Sources of education are college courses, seminars, conferences, in-services, institutes, lectures, workshops, etc. One college credit is equivalent to 10 clock hours. Three college credits are equivalent to 30 clock hours. All sources of education must be presented with documentation. 

Examination: Successful completion of the IC&RC Prevention Specialist examination.


Code of Ethics Requirements: Read, agree, and sign ABCAC’s Code of Ethics for Prevention Specialists. There will be a written enforcement and appeals process if a professional violates ABCAC’s Code of Ethics.

Recertification Requirements: Recertification requires 40 hours of continuing education every 2 years, or 20 hours every year of certification.

Certification & Licensing Board: Arizona Board for Certification of Addiction Counselors (ABCAC)









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