SAMHSA Resources

SAMHSA Highlighted Resources


Tools to Access Community Readiness to Prevent Substance Misuse
“Readiness” describes the degree to which a community is willing and prepared to address prevention needs. This tool provides a list of tools that practitioners working to prevent substance misuse can use to assess their community’s readiness to address identified needs, and to prioritize these needs accordingly. Please note that the examples presented here are not representative of all assessment tools available to the field and do not imply endorsement by SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.

Examples of Local-level Logic Models for Addressing Behavioral Health Disparities
This resource contains three examples of logic models that prevention practitioners can use to think through their process for addressing behavioral health disparities at the community level. Each example addresses a different type of disparity, and includes the community’s related substance use problem; factors that contribute to the problem; activities to address the problem; and short-, intermediate-, and long-term outcomes.



Preventing the Consequences of Opioid Overdose: Understanding Naloxone Access Laws
This document describes the aims of naloxone access laws and the various forms they can take. It also includes examples of distribution programs that prevention practitioners have implemented in the context of their own states’ naloxone access laws, and a chart that compares the three primary naloxone prescription models.


Using Prescription Monitoring Program Data to Support Prevention Planning
To track the prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances such as opioids, 49 states and the District of Columbia have legislatively mandated the creation of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs). This practice-support tool offers a brief introduction to these programs, highlighting how practitioners can use PDMP data to prevent prescription drug misuse in their states and communities.  



Preparing for Naloxone Distribution: Resources for First Responders and Others
This tool presents a list of resources prevention practitioners can use to prepare both professional and non-professional first responders to distribute and/or administer naloxone.


Examples of Community-level Logic Models for Reducing the Non-Medical Use of Opioid Prescription Drugs
Logic model development is central to strategic planning, helping us identify appropriate approaches for addressing salient risk and protective factors, and ultimately producing anticipated outcomes. Logic models presented are intended to be a guide, as the problem statements and inputs described are not relevant to, or present in, all states or communities. 



Examples of Community- and State-level Logic Models for Addressing Opioid-related Overdose Deaths
Includes four examples of logic models—two present a community-level response to opioid-related deaths and two present state-level responses.


Using International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Codes to Access Opioid-Related Overdose Deaths
CD codes provide a common language for reporting and monitoring diseases and health problems across multiple disciplines, and facilitate analysis by enabling the consistent formatting and storage of data. This tool is designed to support practitioners in using ICD-10 codes to understand and describe the impact of opioid overdose in their communities.



The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Substance Misuse and Related Behavioral Health Problems
Provides information on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) which are strongly related to the development and prevalence of a wide range of health problems throughout a person’s lifespan, including those associated with substance misuse. 


Preventing Heroin Use: Facts, Factors, and Strategies
Heroin use has increased significantly in the past few years, and it continues to rise. The number of people who die from heroin-related overdoses in the United States is nearly four times what it was a decade ago. This issues brief is designed to help substance abuse prevention practitioners better understand and prevent this growing problem.



Locating Data on Risk Factors for Opioid Overdose
Knowing which factors are associated with opioid overdose in a community can help prevention practitioners identify strategies that address these factors, and are thus most likely to be successful.  This tool addresses these challenges by pairing national data sources with the specific overdose-related factors they describe.


Media Campaigns to Prevent Prescription Drug Misuse, Youth Marijuana Misuse, and Underage Drinking: Evidence of Effectiveness
This chart summarizes evaluation findings from a selection of media campaigns (current and past) shown to be effective in preventing one or more of the following: prescription drug misuse, youth marijuana misuse, and underage drinking. Though many of these campaigns may target specific types of substance misuse, practitioners can glean valuable insights from their evaluations that can be applied more generally. 



Preventing Prescription Drug Misuse: Selected Strategies and Associated Risk Factors
This tool presents selected strategies to prevent prescription drug misue. These strategies have been selected because research shows that they directly address common risk factors associated with NMUPD. 


Words Matter: How Language Choice Can Reduce Stigma
This tool looks at the role of language in perpetuating SUD stigma, followed by tips for assessing when and how we may be using stigmatizing language, and steps for ensuring that the language we use and messages we deliver are positive, productive, and inclusive. 





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