PTTC Network Coordinating Office

Collaborative to Advance Health Services School of Nursing and Health Studies University of Missouri – Kansas City Health Science Building, Suite 2417
2464 Charlotte St.
Kansas City,
HHS Region

Through the PreventionTechnology Tranfer Center (PTTC) Network Coordinating Office (NCO) (FOA award SP-19-001), the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) serves SAMHSA, the 12 individual PTTCs, and the specialized prevention workforce that provides substance use disorder (SUD) services across America.

The Network Coordinating Office is a program in residence of the Collaborative to Advance Health Services located at the University of Missouri-Kansas City’s School of Nursing and Health Studies.

PI/Co-Directors: Holly Hagle, PhD and Laurie Krom, MS 

Recent News

From the PTTC Network Coordinating Office
May. 10, 2021
  National Prevention Week (NPW) is an annual health observance dedicated to increasing public awareness and action around substance use prevention and the promotion of positive mental health. This year, this national initiative, sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), will take place May 9 to 15.   SAMHSA Resources: SAMHSA'S NATIONAL PREVENTION […]
Sep. 21, 2020
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is pleased to announce the release of Screening and Follow-Up for Unhealthy Alcohol Use: Quality Improvement Change Package for Health Plans, a toolkit to help health plans address unhealthy alcohol use among their members and improve reporting of the HEDIS alcohol measure using electronic clinical data. […]
Jul. 07, 2020
This guide supports health care providers, systems, and communities seeking to prevent vaping. It describes relevant research findings, examines emerging and best practices, identifies knowledge gaps and implementation challenges, and offers useful resources. Download SAMHSA's new guidebook on Vaping here. Reference the product page on SAMHSA's site here.

Upcoming Events

Hosted by the PTTC Network Coordinating Office

Products & Resources

Developed by the PTTC Network Coordinating Office
Documents, Interactive Resource
Fostering Dialogue: Exploring the Intersection between Prevention and Harm Reduction
Presentation Slides
The purpose of the PTTC, MHTTC, and ATTC network’s glossary is to promote clear and consistent communication and understanding among professionals, service providers, policymakers, and the general public by providing definitions and explanations of key terms and concepts related to prevention, mental health, and addiction. This glossary is valuable in promoting effective communication and collaboration, leading to better-informed decisions and improved prevention and treatment outcomes. Additionally, a prevention and behavioral health glossary is an essential asset for individuals seeking information and support, helping to increase awareness and understanding of the prevention, mental health, and addiction fields and promoting a more informed and empathetic society. This glossary contains both words that help us understand concepts related to equity, diversity, and culture, as well as words that help us understand the impact that those concepts can have on our health. This is not intended to be comprehensive list, but rather to provide definitions for some terminology that you may encounter in your work. The document is formatted in 2 sections. The first section is intended as an addition to terms defined in A Comprehensive Culturally Responsive Glossary: Concepts to Increase Awareness Towards Health Equity, originally published in September 2021. The second section provides cross-cultural translations of common terminology for mental health, substance use, medical care, health access and diversity for English and Portuguese speakers. The Spanish edition is coming soon! This product was a collaborative effort of the PTTC, MHTTC, and ATTC Networks. PORTUGUESE: O objetivo do glossário da Rede de Centros de Transferência de Tecnologia de Prevenção (PTTC), Rede de Centros de Transferência de Tecnologia de Saúde Mental (MHTTC) e Centro de Transferência de Tecnologia de Dependência Química (ATTC) é promover uma comunicação e compreensão clara e consistente entre profissionais, prestadores de serviços, formuladores de políticas e o público em geral, fornecendo definições e explicações de termos-chave e conceitos relacionados à prevenção, saúde mental e adicção. Este glossário é valioso para promover uma comunicação e colaboração eficaz, ajudando as pessoas a tomar decisões informadas produzindo melhora nos resultados de prevenção e tratamento. Além disso, um glossário de prevenção em saúde é um produto essencial para indivíduos que buscam informação e apoio, ajudando a aumentar a conscientização e compreensão nas áreas de prevenção, saúde mental e adicção e promovendo uma sociedade mais informada e empática. Este glossário contém tanto palavras que nos ajudam a entender conceitos relacionados com a cultura, a equidade, e a diversidade. Essas palavras nos ajudam a entender o impacto que esses conceitos podem ter em nossa saúde. O glossário não pretende ser uma lista abrangente, mas sim, fornecer definições para algumas terminologias que você pode encontrar em seu dia a dia. O glossário está formatado em duas seções. A primeira seção pretende ser um acréscimo aos termos definidos em Um Glossário Compreensivo e com Sensibilidade Cultural: Conceitos para Aumentar a Conscientização Sobre a Equidade em Saúde, publicado originalmente em setembro de 2021. A segunda seção fornece traduções transculturais de terminologia comum para saúde mental, uso de substâncias, cuidados médicos, acesso à saúde e diversidade para as pessoas que falam português.
This webinar focuses a roundtable discussion on sustaining collaborator relationships for preventionists, followed by a question and answer portion.  Featured speakers are Capetra Parker, Dan Fitzgerald, Bethanie Rado, and Amy Mellick-Wetzel.
Copyright © 2025 Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network