Cost: FREE
Contact Hours: Up to 5 for attending Parts 1-4 (Certificate of Attendance)
Target Audience: Professionals or organizations; Community members (members of a community or consumers); Students or educators (including faculty, administrators, supervisors, etc.)
Developed for: SAMHSA Region 3
Join us for our Using Environmental Scan Data for Strategic Planning Learning Collaborative comprised of 2 webinars, each with an accompanying learning lab. The learning labs will offer an immersive, hands-on environment where participants can actively practice and refine skills in real-world scenarios.
WEBINAR 1: February 18: What are Environmental Scans?
LAB 1: February 20: Identifying the Concepts and Resources Necessary for Environmental Scans
WEBINAR 2: February 25: How to Conduct and Use Environmental Scans
LAB 2: February 27: Identify the Skills and Opportunities for Utilizing Environmental Scans
WEBINAR 1: What are Environmental Scans?
The first webinar in this learning collaborative will provide of an overview of environmental scans and their importance. The term “environmental scan” has multiple, competing definitions, depending on its source and context. This can present a challenge to prevention professionals seeking information and resources about them. This webinar will provide a shared definition of environmental scans that is relevant to substance use prevention and discuss how it relates to other types of assessments. The webinar will also discuss how and why environmental scans are an important tool for prevention professionals. Among other topics, the webinar will identify the common types of environmental scans and their uses and how asset maps can support environmental scans.
By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
Explain the basics of environmental scans and their similarities and differences to other types of assessments.
Describe the importance of environmental scans to prevention.
Identify common types of environmental scans and their core elements.
Recognize how asset maps can support environmental scans.
LAB 1: Identifying the Concepts and Resources Necessary for Environmental Scans
This first learning lab in our environmental scan learning collaborative focuses on two of the most common types of environmental scans: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental (PESTLE) and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analyses. Both of these analyses are defined and described in the first webinar of this collaborative. Here, through guided exercises, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the core elements of these analyses and what information they can provide prevention professionals.
By the end of this lab, participants will be able to:
Identify the core elements of a PESTLE analysis.
Identify the core elements of a SWOT analysis.
WEBINAR 2: How to Conduct and Use Environmental Scans
The second webinar in this learning collaborative will provide an overview of the practical steps to conducting an environmental scan and using its findings to support prevention efforts. The webinar will identify and discuss the steps to complete an environmental scan, as well as review the common challenges and opportunities that can arise. It will also review important resources that can support environmental scans, such as Geographic Information Systems. Lastly, the webinar will crosswalk potential environmental scan findings with each step of the Strategic Prevention Framework and discuss how the findings can improve planning efforts.
By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
Describe the steps of an environmental scan.
Identify the resources needed to complete an environmental scan.
Recognize common challenges to completing environmental scans and opportunities for overcoming them.
Recognize opportunities for using environmental scan results throughout the strategic planning process.
LAB 2: Identify the Skills and Opportunities for Utilizing Environmental Scans
This second learning lab in our environmental scan learning collaborative focuses on preparing for an environmental scan and using findings to support strategic planning. Here, through guided exercises that build off the content provided in the webinars, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the practical skills required to fully utilize environmental scans.
By the end of this lab, participants will be able to:
Identify the skills necessary to conduct an environmental scan.
Identify opportunities for using environmental scan data.
Josh Esrick, MPP is the Chief of Training and Technical Assistance at Carnevale Associates, LLC. Mr. Esrick has over ten years of experience researching, writing, evaluating, and presenting on substance use prevention and other behavioral health topics. He is an expert in providing training and technical assistance (T/TA) in substance use, having overseen the development of hundreds of T/TA products for numerous clients, including six of SAMHSA’s ten regional Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTCs), the PTTC Network Coordinating Office, the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) and Mental Health Technology Transfer Centers (MHTTC), and SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT). These trainings and products have covered a wide range of topics, including strategic planning, data collection and analysis, and identifying evidence-based prevention interventions for youth. In addition to T/TA, Mr. Esrick has directly provided many of these services to behavioral health agencies and other entities. He has published several academic journal articles. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Master of Public Policy from George Washington University.
Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip holds a Masters of Science in Abnormal and Clinical Psychology from Swansea University and a Postgraduate Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Edinburgh. She offers significant professional experience in the fields of public policy development and analysis, criminal justice research, data collection and analysis, program development, and performance management.
Olivia Stuart, MSW supports the training & technical assistance (T/TA) team in the development and delivery of knowledge translation products across multiple projects. In this capacity, she assists with webinars, literature reviews, and infographics on a range of behavioral health topics. Prior to joining Carnevale Associates, Olivia interned with the Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center where she supported projects to reduce inequities in the criminal justice system. Olivia also served as a Graduate Research Supervisor at George Mason University and worked for several years in LGBTQ+ advocacy and fundraising. She holds a Master of Social Work degree from George Mason University.
In order to be eligible for the contact hours/certificate of attendance, you must join the live webinar in the Zoom platform.
If you are having issues accessing the room/application at the time of the event: Please email
[email protected] at the start of the webinar so that we can assist you.
If you are in need of any special accommodations, please notify the Central East PTTC Webinar Team three weeks in advance of the event, or as soon as possible, by emailing
[email protected].