Home > Community Coalitions and Collaborators Priority Area
The Community Coalitions and Collaborators (C3) Working Group (WG) exists to develop training and technical assistance tools, products, and services on effective community coalitions and collaborations, to be deployed across the PTTC network to increase the capacity of prevention coalitions and collaborators to reduce substance misuse outcomes.
Contact the PTTC Network for more Information: [email protected]
The Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network developed. ‘The Six Elements of Effective Coalitions” webpage provides the prevention field tools to use within their own coalitions to train on the 6 elements
The webpage includes downloadable recorded webinars on each of the 6 elements, downloadable slide decks for use, and other resources.
How can prevention coalitions work across the continuum of care to maximize impact and sustain systems-level changes that promote wellness for everyone? This virtual series will provide a framework for understanding harm reduction strategies by sharing the history and pillars of harm reduction as a social movement and examples of various types of harm reduction strategies. Participants will explore how the goals and values of prevention intersect with harm reduction and how we can work together through community collaborations to address overlapping goals. Finally, we will explore how the knowledge brought from those with lived experience can enhance our implementation strategies across the continuum of care.
Upon completion of this virtual learning experience, participants will be able to:
Sustaining Collaborator Relationships Roundtable
This webinar focuses a roundtable discussion on sustaining collaborator relationships for preventionists, followed by a question and answer portion. Featured speakers are Capetra Parker, Dan Fitzgerald, Bethanie Rado, and Amy Mellick-Wetzel.
Resource: Download PDF
Resource: Download PDF
The first Coffee Chat, presented by Dr. Zili Sloboda, will explore how, based on an understanding of the etiology of substance use and other risky behaviors, community-based coalitions can build prevention service systems that can have far-reaching impacts. Effective coalitions are key to having these ‘population-based’ outcomes as they know and represent their broader communities, and have the potential of being more skilled at influencing the allocation of prevention resources, community policies & practices, inter-organizational relationships and community awareness, knowledge, and values.
Resource: Download PDF
The second Coffee Chat, presented by Sarah Davis, will explore practical tools and approaches for engaging your coalition in systems thinking and engaging in community-level change. By using a risk and protective factor lens, participants will explore opportunities to engage diverse sectors within their community to impact population-wide changes to reduce substance misuse. Participants will leave with sample tools they can use with their coalition to encourage thinking at a systems-level - as well as plenty of resources to support ongoing skill building within their coalition.
Resource: Download PDF