New England PTTC Project ECHO: Prevention in the Era of Commercial Cannabis - Cannabis Use and Mental Health (HHS Region 1)

Date: November 18, 2021  Blank space (transparent) for table Format: Webinar Blank space (transparent) for table  
Time: 12:00 PM—1:30 PM EST Blank space (transparent) for table Cost: FREE Blank space (transparent) for table  

Logos Project Echo


The landscape of cannabis prevention has changed dramatically as states across the country continue to pass laws decriminalizing or legalizing cannabis possession and establishing commercial markets for cannabis. In New England, all states allow medical use of cannabis while Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont also allow adult use. Substance misuse prevention professionals must be able to adjust their approach to cannabis prevention to adapt to changing public perception of cannabis, respond to changing policies, and be aware of new products and trends in cannabis use and misuse across the lifespan. Through this New England PTTC Project ECHO, we will seek to provide support and education for substance misuse prevention professionals to address the changing landscape of cannabis prevention in their state and communities.  The overall goals of this ECHO are to increase use of evidence-based approaches to cannabis prevention, policy and communication in New England.




At the conclusion of the Project ECHO, participants will be able to:

  • Identify current research on cannabis effects and trends in use
  • Identify current evidence-based strategies to prevent youth and young adult cannabis use and mitigate problematic adult use
  • Describe the trends of how commercial cannabis markets are emerging and evolving in New England states
  • Discuss environmental and policy approaches that may be effective for cannabis prevention
  • Use effective communication strategies to educate adults and youth about cannabis risk


Project ECHO®

Project ECHO® (Extension for Community Health Outcomes) is an evidence-based distance learning method developed by researchers at the University of New Mexico, in which a group of faculty experts meets regularly with a participant cohort to engage in case-based discussion and learning. Using this format, this group will meet for 1.5 hours via Zoom videoconference on a monthly basis for 10 months consecutively. Each session will include a brief expert-led educational segment and an extended participant-led case discussion.


This webinar is intended for professionals in HHS Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont).


Read the full details about the program.

Starts: Nov. 18, 2021 12:00 pm
Ends: Nov. 18, 2021 1:30 pm
Registration Deadline
October 20, 2021
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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