The NHLPTTC provided two workshops at the National Prevention Network Conference (NPN), that took place at the Hotel Hilton Chicago, IL . on August 27-29, 2019.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Richard Cervantes, Ph.D., Director, Behavioral Assessment, Inc., Pierluigi Mancini, Ph.D., MAC, National Hispanic and Latino PTTC Project Director, National Latino Behavioral Health Association, Frederick Sandoval, MPA, Executive Director, National Latino Behavioral Health Association
This presentation provided an overview of the prevention workforce needs for serving Hispanic/Latinos. Results from the 2019 SAMHSA, National Hispanic/Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center’s, National Needs Assessment survey of providers, administrators and consumers was presented. The Needs Assessment included a variety of questions related to sub population interests, training needs, technical assistance needs and agency capacity building needs.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Pierluigi Mancini, Ph.D, MAC, National Hispanic and Latino PTTC Project Director, National Latino Behavioral Health Association, Dolka Zelaya, CPS, National Hispanic and Latino PTTC Project Coordinator, National Latino Behavioral Health Association The opioid epidemic has touched every state in the United States. However, most of the attention has been focused on opioid use in White communities leaving out the effects of this epidemic in racially and ethnically diverse communities. This workshop addressed what we know about the effects of the opioid epidemic within the Latino community. In particular, Latino youth.