The Power of Prevention: A Curriculum Infusion Package

The Pacific Southwest PTTC is seeking instructors to pilot test the latest Curriculum Infusion Package! The primary goal of this Curriculum Infusion Package is to teach the next generation of health professionals the power of prevention science in promoting public health. Each module can be used as a series or as a stand-alone lesson.

About the Curriculum Infusion Package

The Pacific Southwest PTTC formed an Academic Advisory Work Group comprised of faculty and highly experienced prevention professionals from the Pacific Southwest region including Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada. This group met to develop prevention science curriculum that could be flexibly infused into an existing curriculum or course.

We would like to thank the members of the Pacific Southwest PTTC’s Academic Advisory Work Group who collaborated with our team and provided feedback on the development of these materials.

How to use the Curriculum Infusion Package

This Curriculum Infusion Package was designed using the flipped classroom model. Each module will contain a recorded presentation and learning activities. Students should watch the recorded presentation and complete an individual activity before class. Students will engage in further learning activities and discussions about what they have learned during class.  

Demonstration video coming soon!

Module 1: Upstream and Downstream Approaches to Public Health

To help students define substance misuse prevention by distinguishing between upstream and downstream approaches and then applying these concepts through a combination of individual and interactive activities.

View Module 1

Module 2: The Spectrum of Behavioral Health and Approaches to Prevention

To enable students to understand the significance of substance use prevention, categorize prevention approaches, understand the spectrum of behavioral health care services, and apply the concepts through individual and interactive activities.

View Module 2

Module 3: The Social Determinants of Health and the Importance of Health Equity

To enable students to understand Social Determinants of Health and their influence on substance use and misuse through individual and interactive activities.

View Module 3

Module 4: Risk and Protective Factors for Substance Misuse

To create a dynamic and engaging learning experience where students can explore, discuss, and apply their understanding of the factors influencing substance use and misuse through individual and interactive activities.

View Module 4

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