Research Briefs

January 25, 2022

The Northwest PTTC, in collaboration with the Washington State Prevention Research Subcommittee and Washington State University’s IMPACT Research Lab, along with members of the Washington Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery developed three research briefs intended to translate science to practice by providing policymakers with key points about behavioral health risks related to substance use and mental health. The briefs also lay out science-grounded actions to respond to those risk and promote behavioral health and well-being.  Topics are: Location Matters: Access, Availability, and Density of Substance Retailers; Protecting Youth from the Harmful Effects of Alcohol, Cannabis, and Commercial Tobacco (Nicotine) Marketing and Promotion; and Smart Investment: Costs and Benefits of Substance Use Prevention and Behavioral Health Promotion.  

The research briefs can be found here:

Location Matters: Access, Availability, and Density of Substance Retailers
Protecting Youth from the Harmful Effects of Alcohol, Cannabis, and Commercial Tobacco (Nicotine) Marketing and Promotion
Smart Investment: Costs and Benefits of Substance Use Prevention and Behavioral Health Promotion 

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