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Prevention Experience:
The applicant must have 2,000 hours full or part-time experience providing Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) prevention services.
Supervised Prevention Experience:
The applicant must have 120 hours of direct supervision performing ATOD prevention functions related to the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. A minimum of 10 hours of supervision much be in each domain.
Educational / Training Requirements:
The applicant must have 120 documented hours of education in ATOD prevention within the areas defined by the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. A listing of the domains is contained in the I.C.P.S. standards manual.
Pass a written examination that has been approved by the IC&RC
Certification & Licensing Board:
Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation (CACCF)
Board Website:
Code of Ethics Requirements:
Recertification Requirements:
The I.C.P.S. must be re-certified every 2 years by submitting proof of 40 C.A.C.C.F. approved continuing education hours.
Additional Requirements:
Submit a Portfolio Application that outlines work experience, education, supervised clinical training, a written prevention program model, a signed Canon of Ethics and the applicable administrative fee.