Climate Change and Prevention Resources

The impact of climate change on human health and well-being is supported by ample evidence, and the field of substance misuse prevention is starting to explore the implications of these effects on our work. It is important for the prevention community to know and understand the effects of climate change, how it can affect communities and populations, and what is being done by these communities to raise awareness and address the effects.  The PTTC national Implementation Science working group has created this page with the latest information and resources from federal entities such as the EPA, CDC, and SAMHSA, as well as communications from other organizations. 

We will continue to update this page with the latest federal and state health advisories and tools and resources you can use in your community to respond to this urgent public health crisis.

PTTC Climate Change and Prevention Webinar

Climate Change from a Prevention Perspective

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" We often ask young people to think about their futures, but the world we're asking them to think about living in is changing quickly. From screen time to social media to emerging substance use trends to being trauma-informed, preventionists have to stay up to date on the health of young people- so have you thought about climate change? Climate change is on the minds of upwards of 80% of young people, making it a standout issue.
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EPA Climate Adaptation Plan:

This resource is a comprehensive guide to the 2021 EPA Climate Adaptation Action Plan, a strategic response to President Biden’s Executive Order 14008. It outlines the agency’s commitment to mitigating climate change impacts, enhancing resilience, and updating implementation plans in collaboration with various stakeholders.

Source: EPA

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Climate Adaptation Planning:

This resource presents the Climate Change and Health Playbook: Adaptation Planning for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, a collaborative effort by the CDC and APHA. It serves as a detailed guide to integrate JEDI principles into climate and health initiatives, supplementing the BRACE framework.

Source: CDC

Explore Climate Impacts by Region:

This resource is an interactive map tool that allows users to explore the potential impacts of climate change on various regions and ecosystems. It provides summarized reports on anticipated climate effects, aids in understanding and evaluating these impacts, and offers information to inform natural resource management and adaptation strategies.

Source: USDA

Climate Change and Health Equity:

This resource provides a comprehensive overview of Climate Change and Health Equity, detailing the effects of climate change on extreme weather, natural disasters, and health impacts. It emphasizes the vulnerability of certain populations and the role of the HHS Office of Climate Change and Health Equity (OCCHE) in addressing these challenges.

Source: SAMHSA

Climate Effects on Health:

This resource provides an in-depth look at the multifaceted impacts of climate change on human health and disease, emphasizing the intensification of existing health threats and emergence of new ones. It offers a regional breakdown of health impacts, discusses the disproportionate effects on certain communities, and presents a range of national health topics related to climate change. 

Source: CDC

Climate Change and Health Fact Sheets:

This resource emphasizes the importance of understanding and preparing for the health threats posed by climate change. It highlights the universal vulnerability to these impacts, with certain populations being more affected due to various factors. The resource also includes a series of fact sheets that detail the health impacts of climate change at different life stages and for specific populations of concern.

Source: SAMHSA

Climate Change Snapshot

This resource details the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) sixth year of Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program data, highlighting trends in greenhouse gas emissions across various sectors and regions. It underscores the EPA’s commitment to the President’s Climate Action Plan, the reduction in emissions from 2011 to 2015, and the use of this data to inform climate policies and promote energy efficiency. 

Source: EPA

New England Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Climate Justice Webinar:

This resource is a virtual panel discussion titled “New England Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Climate Justice”. It features Indigenous community members, activists, and scholars sharing their experiences and insights on how their communities are responding to climate change, the role of traditional ecological knowledge in mitigation, and the implications for climate justice. 

Source: UMASS Boston

Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II, Chapter 15: Tribes and Indigenous Peoples

This resource discusses the unique and disproportionate impacts of climate change on Indigenous peoples in the United States, highlighting their distinct knowledge and adaptation strategies. It underscores the threats to traditional subsistence activities, cultural heritage, and mental health, and the challenges Indigenous communities face in managing disasters, displacement, and relocation due to climate change.

Source: The National Climate Assessment

Talking to Your Child About Climate Change from UNICEF:

This resource provides guidance on how to discuss climate change with children, acknowledging their emotions and equipping them with knowledge and action steps. It offers tips on educating oneself, listening to children’s concerns, explaining the science in simple terms, encouraging outdoor activities, and focusing on solutions to climate change.

Source: UNICEF

Is Distress About Climate Change Associated with Climate Action:

This resource explores the growing impact of climate change on mental health, often leading to “eco-anxiety”. It discusses how direct and indirect experiences of climate change can lead to psychological distress, affecting behavior and prompting both maladaptive and adaptive responses. The resource also presents findings from a survey, indicating that those experiencing climate distress are more likely to take climate action, underscoring the importance of providing avenues for action to those distressed about climate change.

Source: YALE

How Young People Feel About Climate Change and Their Future:

This resource presents findings from a poll conducted by PBS NewsHour and Generation Lab among 13- to 29-year-olds in the U.S., revealing that a majority are optimistic about preventing the worst long-term effects of climate change. However, it also highlights a significant degree of uncertainty, with one in four respondents unsure about the possibility of turning things around. The resource discusses the role of both collective and individual actions in addressing climate change, and notes a gender gap in perceptions of personal impact from climate change.

Source: PBS

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