Home > Culture Cards
The National American Indian & Alaska Native PTTC has developed a series of culture cards for non-Native prevention professionals and others to reference when working with Native American and Alaska Native communities. These cards are also available in print form. If you would like to order some of these cards, free of charge, please contact us at [email protected].
This culture card gives important information for prevention specialists who wish to engage with tribal communities. This is a helpful resource to keep on hand, giving non-Native people step-by-step advice on ways to approach tribal leaders in a respectful and humble way. Click here to access the resource.
This guide helps professionals understand the difference between ceremonial use of tobacco and commercial tobacco. Click here to access the resource.
This product is designed for Prevention Specialists working with Native Communities. Topics include: intervention for Native youth's mental health, substance abuse, suicidality, and practice-based evidence. Click here to access the resource.
This product is designed for Prevention Specialists working with Native Communities. Topics include: cultural connectedness (spiritual activity, cultural identity, and traditional activity), and cultural humility. Click here to access the resource.
This is a helpful resource to keep on hand, giving non-Native people step-by-step advice on ways to approach tribal communities with a strength based approach. Click here to access the resource.