Two decades of research show that out-of-school suspension is an educationally unsound solution. Furthermore, the use of zero tolerance policies has shown they are not an effective means for changing student behavior. Those policies are associated with no meaningful change in substance use, lower academic achievement, lower graduation rates, and worse school climate. Students who are suspended are far more likely to drop out and get involved with the juvenile justice system.
There are many prevention and intervention strategies that have been proven effective in addressing school-based misconduct such as the use of substances. Restorative justice, nonpunitive, alternative-to-suspension programs require little to no school resources and have been shown to be far more effective than exclusionary measures such as suspension.
This Alternative to Suspension Cannabis Prevention program is designed to replace punitive discipline for cannabis-related infractions and instead introduce the student to new information, resource, and a supportive adult in hopes of creating healthy behavioral change.
Join the author of the program to learn how you can implement this program in your school/community.
REGISTER HERE: Train the Trainer: Cannabis Prevention: Alternative to Suspension Program
You can view the program HERE. This is a free program.
This TOT is limited to 30 people, so acceptance into the training is based on answers to registration questions as well as those who complete registration the soonest, so please register as soon as possible and we will confirm your acceptance in the coming weeks.