Two-Part Series: Planning for Program Sustainability - Part 1: Foundations of Sustainability (HHS Region 1)

Date: February 10, 2023 Blank space (transparent) for table Format: Webinar Blank space (transparent) for table  

Time: 11:00 AM—12:30 PM EST

Blank space (transparent) for table Cost: FREE Blank space (transparent) for table  


Planning for Program Sustainability Part 1: Foundations of Sustainability



This two-part series will provide an introduction to program sustainability followed by a more advanced look at how prevention agencies can navigate the current funding landscape while planning for the future. Part 1 will address foundational concepts of program sustainability and how to consider sustainability in your planning. Part 2 will take a deeper dive into unique considerations for program sustainability and how to navigate the current funding landscape. Participants may choose to register for either or both webinars.



Dodi Swope, M.Ed., LMFT, has over 35 years of experience across the continuum of behavioral health prevention, intervention and treatment. Her background includes teaching in regular and special education settings and a clinical practice serving children and families for over ten years, before moving towards the prevention end of the spectrum. For twenty plus years she has supported prevention strategies at community, region, state and national levels through her work as a training and technical assistance specialist with Education Development Center. Dodi coordinates two community coalitions in her local community, one focused on helping middle school aged girls thrive and the other on early childhood development and wellbeing. Dodi also teaches a graduate level course at Clark University on Grant Writing for Community Developers. She maintains an independent community public health consulting practice from her home in Worcester, Massachusetts.


About the webinar: This series is hosted by the New England PTTC, a program funded through SAMHSA, in response to an identified need for additional training on sustainability planning within the New England prevention workforce. Participants will receive a participation certificate for 1.5 contact hours for each webinar.


REGISTER - Part 2: Navigating the Funding Landscape - February 17, 2023, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Starts: Feb. 10, 2023 11:00 am
Ends: Feb. 10, 2023 12:30 pm
Registration Deadline
February 10, 2023
Event Type
Hosted by
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