Announcing the 2023 New England PTTC Research & Design (RAD) Fellows

February 22, 2023

Announcing the 2023 New England PTTC

Research & Design (RAD) Fellows

Prevention Product Development for the New England Region

The 2023 priority area is Practical Resources to Address The Root Causes of Substance Misuse.


This program will support a seven-month term, during which the fellows will each create a tool or product around a central, priority subject area, and at the end of the program, the fellows will present their products to the workforce in a symposium meant to demonstrate how the products should and can be used. The term will begin in February of 2023 and will complete after the symposium, scheduled for September 2023. Read about the application process and program.


Dan Fitzgerald

2021 and 2022 Fellow, 2023 Fellowship Mentor: Dan Fitzgerald MPH, ICPS

In our third term of the RAD Fellowship, we will have a program Mentor. The mentor is someone who has been through the program who can provide one on one support to the current fellows on all aspects of the program from what to expect, to research support, to the design of a product that can be useful to the workforce. This year, Dan Fitzgerald will serve as the RAD Fellowship Mentor. Dan earned a Fellowship in 2021 under the priority subject area Diversity and Intentional Inclusion in Prevention in New England, through which he created a state by state guide on understand and working with LGTBQIA+ Youth for prevention specialists. In 2022, Dan earned a spot in the program as a Senior Fellow under the priority subject area The Changing Landscape of Cannabis in New England with a focus on the IC&RC Prevention Domains. Dan focused his work here on publishing an alternative to suspension program he piloted in his service area for students found to be using cannabis. 

Dan is the Executive Director of the Chariho Youth Task Force, a substance use prevention and mental health promotion coalition in southern Rhode Island. Dan also serves as the Director of Advocacy for the American Lung Association in RI and MA. Dan’s educational background is in prevention science, social marketing, nonprofit management, and public health. Dan has worked at the state, local, and national level with nonprofits and state and federal agencies. In his career, Dan has served as a lead activism trainer and has traveled coast to coast delivering training and technical assistance to hundreds of thousands of students, educators, and medical professionals.  Recently, Dan was recognized for his impact in the world of tobacco control and received the C. Everette Koop Unsung Hero Award in honor of the late United States Surgeon General. The Rhode Island General Assembly named Dan the “Advocate of the Year” while he was in high school and as the state’s “Champion for Children and Youth” in 2018. Dan volunteers his time with a variety of nonprofits including serving as the National Board Chair of SADD, Vice Chair of his local YMCA, Vice Chair of Wood River Health Services, Treasurer of the Rhode Island Certification Board, and as a community advisor to Brown University's School of Public Health.

Connecticut RAD Fellow Tamar Dalcé Coles



Massachusetts RAD Fellow Janet Dosseva

Maine RAD Fellow Mariah Flynn



New Hampshire RAD Fellow Christina Mancebo-Torres
Rhode Island RAD Fellow Deirdre O'Donnell



Vermont RAD Fellow Pamela Mulready


View the 2022 products.

RAD Fellows Announcement 2023
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