Home > News > APPLICATION IS OPEN - New England PTTC Learning Labs: Intersection of Harm Reduction, Prevention, and Recovery (HHS Region 1)
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The New England PTTC virtual Learning Labs will expand on the information delivered in the PTTC Network Coordinating Office webinar series “The Intersection of Harm Reduction, Prevention, and Recovery.”
Participation in the New England PTTC Learning Labs is an opportunity for connection and collaboration between harm reduction, recovery, and prevention professionals, guided by facilitators, to provide a shared collection of resources: experiences, stories, tools, and ways of addressing community-level issues. The Learning Labs will be interactive and skill-oriented so participants will be able to apply their learning to their work.
Learning Lab participants must first participate in “The Intersection of Harm Reduction, Prevention, and Recovery” webinar series on 11/9 and 11/16 (hosted by the PTTC Network Coordinating Office). See full details on these events in the participant information section below.
Kris Gabrielsen has worked in the substance misuse prevention field since 1991. She was the Associate Director of the Western Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT), co-authored the first Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training curriculum, and co-authored the textbook, Substance Abuse Prevention: The Intersection of Science and Practice. She works with states and communities across the nation to bridge the gap between research and practice, assisting prevention professionals in maximizing their effectiveness.
Kris Kelly is a Project Manager for the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and subject matter expert on peer recovery support services. Kris has developed best practices for integrating recovery supports into a wide variety of systems and services. As a former ED and Director of Programs of a Recovery Community Organization, Kris is a leader in the peer support movement in Minnesota. Kris has presented at state and national conferences on topics ranging from supervision in peer recovery support services, integrating peer support services into behavioral health organizations, and recovery-oriented systems of care.
This opportunity is open to those in the New England region (HHS Region 1 - CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT) working in the field of harm reduction, prevention, or recovery who are interested in learning how to make connections across the continuum of care. Participants must be able to attend and actively participate in all four learning lab sessions since each session will build upon each other. Due to limited space, participants must apply by Friday, October 29 at 5:00 pm.
Participants in the Learning Labs should also register for and attend the webinar series “Intersection of Harm Reduction, Prevention and Recovery” on Tuesday, November 9 and Tuesday, November 16 from 1:00-3:00 pm EST (preferred option). Those who are unable to participate in the webinars will be expected to view the webinar recordings prior to the Learning Lab.
Certificates of participation for up to 6 contact hours will be provided.
This program was developed by the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) in response to a recognized need for training and collaboration across the continuum of care. It is open to those working in prevention, harm reduction or recovery within the New England states (HHS Region 1 serving CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT).
The New England PTTC is funded through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The views and opinions expressed during this program are those of the presenters and do not represent the views of or endorsement by SAMHSA or the HHS.
Please contact Kristen Erickson [email protected] with any questions about this program or the application.