Chuck Daugherty Announces Retirement

September 6, 2023

A True Pioneer in Prevention: Chuck Daugherty Announces Retirement

After four decades of unwavering dedication to public service and prevention leadership, we're honored to share the retirement of Act Missouri's Executive Director, Chuck Daugherty, MHD, CRPS, effective December 31, 2023.

Chuck's journey began in 1984, carving a path through adolescent treatment in Kansas, Texas, and eventually leading the way in Missouri. His remarkable leadership guided Act Missouri to the forefront as a national beacon of change.

Through his tenure, Chuck fostered growth, innovative programming, and community empowerment. From annual prevention conferences to driving the State Alliance for Drug Endangered Children, his legacy speaks volumes.

But it doesn't end here. As Chuck passes the torch, his wisdom echoes: "Prevention works... trust in the wisdom of our community and staff." We're forever grateful for his contributions and are excited for the next chapter.

Join us in celebrating Chuck's incredible journey, and stay tuned as we set our sights on an even brighter future.

Retirement Announcement
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