Home > News > Embracing Microlearning in Your Coalitions (New England PTTC Session) - CADCA's 32nd National Leadership Forum
Date: February 3, 2022 | Format: Live | |||
Time: 2:45 PM—4:00 PM EST |
Finding time for prevention workforce training and development can be challenging. Using the concept of microlearning, the New England PTTC developed resources to address this challenge. Through these applications of microlearning, we will demonstrate how coalitions can use microlearning to enhance their prevention initiatives. First, we developed a short video series to introduce people to the core concepts of prevention. In this series, prevention professionals describe the IC&RC prevention performance domains, drawing from their experiences. The videos can be used during onboarding of new coalition staff or engage coalition members in understanding prevention. Second, we created 2 substance-specific microlearning series. Each lesson includes a short educational video and quiz to provide a brief learning opportunity for coalition and community members about specific SUD topics. Participants will learn how to develop their own microlearning series to target their coalition’s prevention objectives.
1. Describe how microlearning and narrative tools can be used to enhance training for both new coalition staff and coalition members
2. Support the adoption of tools for the recruitment and retention of prevention staff and coalition members
3. Plan a microlearning lesson and quiz that a coalition could use to increase their coalition members’ understanding of their substance misuse prevention priorities
About the webinar: This webinar is hosted by the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC), a program funded through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminstration (SAMHSA) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Cooperative agreement #5H79SP081020‐04). This webinar is intended for substance misuse prevention professionals in New England.