Recent News

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has released a new mobile app, My Mental Health Crisis Plan, which allows individuals who have serious mental illness (SMI) to create a plan to guide their treatment during a mental health crisis. The app was developed through SMI Adviser, a project funded by SAMHSA and administered […]
Published: 10/02/2020
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is pleased to announce the release of Screening and Follow-Up for Unhealthy Alcohol Use: Quality Improvement Change Package for Health Plans, a toolkit to help health plans address unhealthy alcohol use among their members and improve reporting of the HEDIS alcohol measure using electronic clinical data. […]
Published: 09/21/2020
NLBHA, the NHL ATTC and PTTC teams are proud and honored to present the 2020 National Hispanic and Latino Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program Graduates. We cannot wait to see the great things they will accomplish in their careers and the beautiful impact they will continue to bring to our communities. Ana Vizoso, MA, LPC, […]
Published: 09/18/2020
Every year since 1968, between September 15 and October 15 Americans celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize Hispanic and Latino communities and their countless contributions and resilience. Additionally, we celebrate the richness of Hispanic and Latino countries, families, traditions, and cultures. The National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Center (NHL-PTTC) and the National Latino Behavioral […]
Published: 09/16/2020
Using Take Back Programs to Advance Substance Use Prevention Efforts October 24 is the next Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Prescription drug take back programs and events are a commonly used tactic for encouraging the safe disposal of unnecessary prescription drugs, with the DEA’s National Take Back Day being one […]
Published: 09/15/2020
We are so excited to share with you our brand-new project: a series of short videos to provide you with a dose of hope, clarity and tools in the area of Behavioral Health. Through this project, we will focus on normalizing and bringing awareness to some of these themes. Disponible en Español Estamos muy contentos […]
Published: 09/14/2020
Published: 09/10/2020
The New England PTTC has developed four microlearning activities. Microlearning is a way to provide short bursts of content for learners to digest at their own pace. We're excited to showcase these new tools, developed by Kristen Erikson, the Distance Learning Coordinator for New England PTTC.    VAPING PREVENTION LESSON TOPICS INCLUDE: Nicotine and the Adolescent […]
Published: 09/10/2020
The Youth Collaboratory has developed different resources for Engaging Young People in a Virtual World to help services providers engage youth via different social media platforms to all kinds of online meeting platforms.   The Engaging Young People Virtually Tip Sheet is one of these great resources:  Click the image to download the tip sheet     Youth […]
Published: 09/03/2020
National Suicide Prevention Month September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and Suicide Prevention Week is September 6-12. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death overall in the United States, and the second leading cause of death among youth and young adults.1 Suicide is also a growing problem, up from 29,366 reported fatal suicides in 1999 […]
Published: 08/27/2020
New England Leadership Development Program   4th Cohort Begins October 7, 2020   APPLY NOW   APPLICATION DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 16, 2020 Due to the impact of COVID-19, the Leadership Development Program (LDP) cohort 4 is being completely offered virtually for autumn 2020.   ABOUT: The New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) is pleased […]
Published: 08/12/2020
Your Guide to Integrating HCV Services into Opioid Treatment Programs The opioid epidemic has resulted in significant increases in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) among people who inject drugs, accounting for 23% of new infections. HCV is completely curable and testing and treatment are the path to cure. Opioid Treatment Providers (OTPs) play a critical role […]
Published: 08/07/2020
International Drug Overdose Awareness Day Substance use prevention is often understood to have three component parts: demand prevention, supply prevention, and harm prevention. In other words: reducing the desirability of substance use, reducing the availability of substances to use, and reducing the consequences that can stem from use. One of the greatest consequences of substance […]
Published: 08/03/2020
Through this New England PTTC Project ECHO, we will seek to provide support and education for supervisors and emerging leaders in the prevention field on topics related to positive workplace culture including staff development, retention and prevention of burnout, coaching, and more.  The goals of this ECHO are to provide support for leaders and emerging […]
Published: 07/13/2020
This guide supports health care providers, systems, and communities seeking to prevent vaping. It describes relevant research findings, examines emerging and best practices, identifies knowledge gaps and implementation challenges, and offers useful resources. Download SAMHSA's new guidebook on Vaping here. Reference the product page on SAMHSA's site here.
Published: 07/07/2020
This guide supports health care providers, systems, and communities seeking to prevent vaping. It describes relevant research findings, examines emerging and best practices, identifies knowledge gaps and implementation challenges, and offers useful resources. PDF:  Product page:
Published: 07/01/2020
Prescription opioid misuse remains a major issue in the United States. While there have been encouraging signs of declining use, there is still much work to be done. In 2018, past-year prescription pain reliever misuse nationally was 3.6 percent. Although this was a decline from 4.1 percent in 2017, prescription pain relievers were still the […]
Published: 07/01/2020
This free 3-hour online course is designed to increase the capacity of prevention practitioners to collaborate with infectious disease control practitioners. The course focuses on how opioid misuse and overdose prevention strategies can be coordinated with infectious disease control efforts in order to align resources, increase access to focus populations, and address shared risk and protective […]
Published: 06/26/2020
This fact sheet published by SAMHSA in May 2020 for teens provides facts about opioids. It describes short- and long-term effects, lists signs of use, and helps dispel common myths. It also can be used by prevention professionals, educators, health care providers, and others who come in contact with teens on a regular basis. Click […]
Published: 06/26/2020
The New England PTTC and Central East PTTC present   Webinar: Cannabis Use in Pregnancy and Lactation: Understanding the Science and Assisting Practitioners with Prevention Strategies Date: August 24, 2020 Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Cost: Free Contact Hours: 1 NAADAC   Learn more and register   COURSE DESCRIPTION Participants will understand the basic tenets of the social determinants […]
Published: 06/17/2020
This SAMHSA brief looks at recent reports that indicate the current pandemic disproportionately impacts communities of color, compounding longstanding racial disparities. Click here to access the brief.
Published: 06/10/2020
This newly released SAMHSA report presents data on the prevalence of opioid misuse and death rates in the Black/African American population; contextual factors and challenges to prevention and treatment; and innovative community-based strategies to connect people to evidence-based treatment and support. Click here to access the report.
Published: 06/10/2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is an issue seemingly on everyone’s mind right now, and with good reason. The pandemic has negatively impacted virtually everyone in the United States to a greater or lesser extent. However, recent data suggests that the pandemic has disproportionately harmed more vulnerable populations, in particular racial and ethnic minorities.[1] This continues the […]
Published: 06/01/2020
Download the resources:  An Epidemic in the Midst of a Pandemic: Opioid Use Disorder and COVID-19 Double Jeopardy: COVID-19 and Behavioral Health Disparities for Black and Latino Communities in the U.S. When Epidemics Collide: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the Opioid Crisis
Published: 05/28/2020
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