Prevention Summer Institute Workshops

July 11, 2019

The Prevention Training Services, a nonprofit organization, organized the Prevention Summer Institute on July 22- 27, 2019 in San Antonio, Texas. The NHLPTTC received an invitation to provide three prevention workshops; each workshop was three-hours long, allowing the NHLPTTC to give and collect the GPRA evaluations.

Public Policy and Environmental Change Prevention of Opioids and Prescription Drug Misuse Among the Latino Community
Date: July 22, 9:00a-12:00p
Trainer: Dolka Zelaya

This workshop addressed what we know about the effects of the opioid epidemic within the Latino community. In particular, Latino youth. 

Marijuana, CBD and Vaping 101 and Latino Youth
Date: July 22, 1:30p-4:30p
Trainer: Judy Mezey

This workshop provided an overview of Marijuana, CBD and youth vaping from what the devices look like, to why vaping is a concern with a specific focus on Latino youth. The workshop begins with a show and tell of commonly used vape products, including the Juul. Youth are vaping e-juice with flavorings, nicotine, and high potency THC concentrates. We covered the risks risks of each of these products. Using data from the Monitoring the Future survey, the webinar discussed prevalence and trends among Latino Youth.

Delivering Cultural Competence throughout the Strategic Prevention Framework
Date: July 22, 9:00a-12:00p
Trainer: Pierluigi Mancini

Changing demographics have profound implications for all aspects and activities in a community. To create equitable prevention focused environments for diverse youth and their families, we must engage the entire community in a cultural and linguistically appropriate manner. A community faced with rapidly changing demographics will benefit by engaging in a vigorous, ongoing, and systemic process of professional development to prepare to function effectively in a highly diverse environment. We must understand the dynamics and impact of culture in order to be able to deliver effective programs. This course helped prevention providers understand how to incorporate cultural competence as they work through each of the elements of the SPF.

Picture of cultural diverse people
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