What is the Alcohol Action Network?

April 8, 2022

The Alcohol Action Network (AAN) is a project of the American Public Health Association and is a nationwide network of alcohol prevention practitioners and researchers engaging in alcohol policy issues in their states or local communities. AAN was initially established to address the shifting alcohol policy landscape at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to bring prevention specialists together to address policy issues as they arise. 

AAN is led by a Planning Committee that coordinates three content-specific subcommittees: Action, Research, and Member Engagement. Members are welcome to join the Planning Committee or any of the subcommittees. The Planning Committee sets AAN goals and objectives and plans biweekly AAN meetings. The Action Subcommittee tracks and responds to emerging national alcohol policy issues, help draft and issue calls to action and letters to representatives that promote evidence-based and public health-focused alcohol policies, and consult on state and local actions. The Research Subcommittee act as stewards of the latest research regarding alcohol consumption, related harms, and prevention policy strategies, help manage the administration of AAN’s Alcohol Availability Assessment Tool and linked data repository, and work closely with alcohol policy researchers and alcohol epidemiologists to track and evaluate the evidence base. The Member Engagement Subcommittee Recruit additional prevention specialists, community organizers, alcohol policy researchers, and alcohol epidemiologists to AAN and engage existing members in bi-monthly meetings and other AAN activities.

The AAN has created an Alcohol Availability Observational Tool as a resource to support immediate action for monitoring alcohol availability through home delivery, curbside pickup, and drinks to-go. The tool is designed to collect information about compliance with state and local regulations.

To learn more about AAN and the Observational Tool explore their website: Alcohol Action Network

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