Documents, Interactive Resource
Fostering Dialogue: Exploring the Intersection between Prevention and Harm Reduction
Published: September 29, 2024
Presentation Slides
The purpose of the PTTC, MHTTC, and ATTC network’s glossary is to promote clear and consistent communication and understanding among professionals, service providers, policymakers, and the general public by providing definitions and explanations of key terms and concepts related to prevention, mental health, and addiction. This glossary is valuable in promoting effective communication and collaboration, leading to better-informed decisions and improved prevention and treatment outcomes. Additionally, a prevention and behavioral health glossary is an essential asset for individuals seeking information and support, helping to increase awareness and understanding of the prevention, mental health, and addiction fields and promoting a more informed and empathetic society.
This glossary contains both words that help us understand concepts related to equity, diversity, and culture, as well as words that help us understand the impact that those concepts can have on our health. This is not intended to be comprehensive list, but rather to provide definitions for some terminology that you may encounter in your work. The document is formatted in 2 sections. The first section is intended as an addition to terms defined in A Comprehensive Culturally Responsive Glossary: Concepts to Increase Awareness Towards Health Equity, originally published in September 2021. The second section provides cross-cultural translations of common terminology for mental health, substance use, medical care, health access and diversity for English and Portuguese speakers. The Spanish edition is coming soon!
This product was a collaborative effort of the PTTC, MHTTC, and ATTC Networks.
PORTUGUESE: O objetivo do glossário da Rede de Centros de Transferência de Tecnologia de Prevenção (PTTC), Rede de Centros de Transferência de Tecnologia de Saúde Mental (MHTTC) e Centro de Transferência de Tecnologia de Dependência Química (ATTC) é promover uma comunicação e compreensão clara e consistente entre profissionais, prestadores de serviços, formuladores de políticas e o público em geral, fornecendo definições e explicações de termos-chave e conceitos relacionados à prevenção, saúde mental e adicção. Este glossário é valioso para promover uma comunicação e colaboração eficaz, ajudando as pessoas a tomar decisões informadas produzindo melhora nos resultados de prevenção e tratamento. Além disso, um glossário de prevenção em saúde é um produto essencial para indivíduos que buscam informação e apoio, ajudando a aumentar a conscientização e compreensão nas áreas de prevenção, saúde mental e adicção e promovendo uma sociedade mais informada e empática.
Este glossário contém tanto palavras que nos ajudam a entender conceitos relacionados com a cultura, a equidade, e a diversidade. Essas palavras nos ajudam a entender o impacto que esses conceitos podem ter em nossa saúde. O glossário não pretende ser uma lista abrangente, mas sim, fornecer definições para algumas terminologias que você pode encontrar em seu dia a dia. O glossário está formatado em duas seções. A primeira seção pretende ser um acréscimo aos termos definidos em Um Glossário Compreensivo e com Sensibilidade Cultural: Conceitos para Aumentar a Conscientização Sobre a Equidade em Saúde, publicado originalmente em setembro de 2021. A segunda seção fornece traduções transculturais de terminologia comum para saúde mental, uso de substâncias, cuidados médicos, acesso à saúde e diversidade para as pessoas que falam português.
Published: August 29, 2024
This webinar focuses a roundtable discussion on sustaining collaborator relationships for preventionists, followed by a question and answer portion. Featured speakers are Capetra Parker, Dan Fitzgerald, Bethanie Rado, and Amy Mellick-Wetzel.
Published: August 28, 2024
Join the PTTC for an insightful session with leading public health experts on semi-synthetic cannabis products such as Delta-8 THC. The panel will provide information on recent shifts in the U.S. cannabis markets and their implications, harms from using semi-synthetic cannabis products, and laws needed to effective in mitigating these harms.
Published: May 23, 2024
"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" We often ask young people to think about their futures, but the world we're asking them to think about living in is changing quickly. From screen time to social media to emerging substance use trends to being trauma-informed, preventionists have to stay up to date on the health of young people- so have you thought about climate change? Climate change is on the minds of upwards of 80% of young people, making it a standout issue. Increased stressors on communities, families, and individuals can mean increased mental health challenges, as well as other public health concerns, and people and communities will have different abilities to adapt to these changes depending on a host of socioeconomic factors. This training is designed as a conversation to help you begin to be climate-informed about these issues and more, so these subjects are familiar to you when bolstering youth and community resiliency, and helping young people find hopeful answers to the question, "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
Published: May 7, 2024
In recognition of SAMHSA's 20th Annual National Prevention Day, the PTTC Network and National Prevention Week have developed this webinar, Finding Power in Prevention Storytelling. This webinar showcases real-world, innovative initiatives in communities across the United States and highlights what motivates “preventioneers” to do such amazing work.
Published: February 15, 2024
Join the Implementation Science work group for a webinar that addresses a common overarching question in prevention: "how can an evidence-based intervention (EBI) be delivered with fidelity to its scientific components, while also responding effectively to changing real-word conditions?” Mindful of the public health adage, “one size doesn’t fit all,” how can intervention delivery staff respond effectively to these conflicting demands? This session will summarize major challenges and their resolution as illustrated by the “Fidelity-Adaptation Dilemma.” A general prevention science goal is to effectively disseminate, adopt, implement, improve, and sustain relevant EBIs to benefit residents from a local community. Strategies for addressing this dilemma across diverse real-world settings will be discussed.
This webinar is designed to compliment the Implementation Science Work Group's four-module course on selecting evidence-based programs and interventions, available on HealthEKnowledge. It is recommended that participants are familiar with the contents of that course prior to attending this webinar, but not required.
Slides: Download
Published: January 18, 2024
Interactive Resource
Cannabis Pharmacology for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners is a 4.5 hour self-paced course that provides important information on what prevention professionals need to know about cannabis. Dr. Hayden Center presents the following 3-part series:
The Effects of Cannabis
Cannabis and the Adolescent Brain
Cannabis Pharmacology
The ideal audience for this training is prevention organizations/coalitions and the prevention professionals serving at the local, state, regional and/or national levels that would like to learn and/or review updated and science-based information on cannabis to be better equipped to serve their communities. This can include coalition members, agencies, sector representatives and partners, volunteer staff, and other key partners, stakeholders, and collaborators. This training can also be appropriate for the broader public, with interest in the role cannabis policies is impacting, informing, influencing and shaping changes in their communities.
This training was developed by the PTTC Cannabis Prevention Working Group, with special support from the New England PTTC (1 H79 SP081020-01).
Published: January 11, 2024
Print Media
This brief compares and contrasts the mission, services and audiences of the PTTC Network and SPTAC, and describes how to take advantage of their excellent free prevention resources.
Published: January 10, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
Published: January 10, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
Published: December 1, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
Published: November 2, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
Published: September 1, 2023
Presentation Slides
Published: August 16, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
Published: August 1, 2023
Presentation Slides
Presentation at CADCA mid-year
Published: July 19, 2023
Print Media
Prevention is a public health strategy has been implemented for centuries. Whether to reduce the spread of disease or to mitigate the use of substances, educating the public on the dangers and potential negative outcomes of risky behaviors has become a mainstay of preventative actions. Educating the general public about health prevention is complex. Within society are cultures and subcultures with their own values, systems of belief, education levels, cultural traditions, and socioeconomic statuses. Additionally, demographics concerning age, racial identity, access to healthy food and healthcare, quality of available education, safe neighborhoods, and affordable housing also factor into prevention-oriented messaging. In short, blanketed, one-size-fits-all prevention strategies often fall short of expected outcomes.
Published: July 6, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
Published: July 1, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
Published: June 1, 2023
Print Media
Use of the veterinary drug xylazine is having a profound impact on the health of those who use illicit substances across the United States. Originally developed by the pharmaceutical company Bayer in 1962 as a large animal sedative containing a muscle relaxant with analgesic properties, xylazine was never intended for human consumption and therefore identified as a non-classified drug by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), requiring only a veterinarian’s prescription. In humans, xylazine acts on the central nervous system and may cause drowsiness, slowed breathing, decreased heart rate, lowered blood pressure, and even amnesia. So when did this veterinary drug enter into the street drug supply chain, and how did it get there?
Published: May 1, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
Published: May 1, 2023
Print Media
Women’s use and misuse of substances create unique challenges, especially in treatment and recovery from opioids. Medical research on substance use by women, along with other health-related concerns, is largely lacking, especially research specific to women and their physiological differences and tolerance of substances to that of men.
Published: April 1, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
Published: April 1, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
Published: March 1, 2023