Cultural Intersections Across the Continuum of Care
Southeast TTC’s Collaborative Virtual Summit
Join the Southeast TTC’s Collaborative Virtual Summit! Are you a professional or practitioner in the field of prevention, treatment, recovery, or mental health services within the southeastern United States? If so, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) Southeast Technology Transfer Centers (TTCs) invite you to our illuminating event: "Cultural Intersections Across the Continuum of Care."
The Technology Transfer Centers (TTC) play a crucial role in developing and fortifying the specialized workforce that provides prevention, treatment and recovery support services for substance use disorder and mental health. The Southeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center (SE ATTC), Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (SE MHTTC), and Prevention Technology Transfer Center (SE PTTC) will lead discussions, share insights, ideas, and best practices within their specialized areas. This regionally relevant summit will focus on the intersection of culture and illuminate the challenges and approaches experienced across the continuum of behavioral health.
Supplemental Resources:
Presentation Slides - Cultural Intersections SE TTC Collaboration
Key Themes:
Equity Across Borders: Explore how cultural intersections impact prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts in diverse communities across the southeastern United States.
Continuum of Care: Examine the continuum of care and the role of equity in prevention, addiction science, and mental health services.
Challenges and Opportunities: Engage in thought-provoking discussions on the challenges and opportunities faced in ensuring health equity in substance use prevention and mental health services.
CAPT Michael King, PhD, MSW, Regional Director
Albert Gay, MS, CPC
Lucy Cannon, EdD, LCSW, CCDP-D, MATS
Pierluigi Mancini, PhD
Published: April 24, 2024
Is your organization as welcoming and responsive to the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) population as it could be? How can we facilitate more affirming and effective prevention services for members of the LGBTQ+ community? In this webinar, we will explore some of the ways we can increase positive outcomes with LGBTQ+ individuals, from outward-facing initial points of contact with our organizations to long-term internal actions toward increased representation and leadership. We will also hear from a panel of LGBTQ+-identified young adults about their experiences with prevention providers and their thoughts for the field moving forward.
After the training, participants will be able to:
Review their own workplace practices with an eye to where processes could be made more welcoming and affirming
Implement workplace practices that have been shown to increase positive behavioral health outcomes for LGBTQ+ individuals
Integrate the perspectives of individual LGBTQ+-identified young adults into their prevention work
Marissa Carlson, MS, CPS
Marissa is the Executive Director of the NH Teen Institute, a leadership development nonprofit working with middle & high school students from around NH & New England in a variety of areas including substance misuse prevention, peer mentoring, and creating positive school & community climate. As part of her role at TI, she oversees and facilitates training for youth participants, youth & adult volunteer program staff, and outside behavioral health and education professionals. She is a trainer for multiple workshops developed through SAMHSA systems, and is a member of the advisory council of the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC). In addition, she is the President of the Prevention Certification Board of NH, the NH Prevention delegate to the IC&RC, and serves as the chairperson of the Prevention Specialist credentialing committee. Outside of her prevention work, Marissa is a founding member of Mill City Productions, a theatre company in Western Massachusetts. She graduated from Pomona College with a BA in Psychology, received an MS in Nonprofit Management from Bay Path University, and has been a Certified Prevention Specialist since 2011.
Published: November 2, 2023
Many prevention specialists may not have experience working with immigrant, refugee, asylum-seeking individuals. It is important to learn about these communities in order to deliver substance misuse prevention programs that are culturally responsive and effective. This guide and job aid were created to offer prevention professionals basic information that may useful when working with immigrant populations in the Great Lakes region (Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Ohio).
Published: October 11, 2023
SAMHSA's National Model Standards for Peer Support Certification (Spanish Version)
This Spanish model standards guidance document, SAMHSA's National Model Standards for Peer Support Certification, is prepared in response to President Biden's 2022 Unity Agenda. This document outlines model standards for substance use disorder, mental health, and family/youth peer support certification.
Modelo nacional de normas para la certificación de apoyo entre pares
El documento guía de modelo de normas de SAMHSA titulado, Modelo nacional de normas para la certificación de apoyo entre pares, ha sido preparado como respuesta a la agenda de unidad del 2022 del presidente Biden. Este documento delinea el modelo nacional de normas en el área del consumo de sustancias, la salud mental la familia así como también la certificación de apoyo entre pares jóvenes.
Publication ID: PEP23-10-01-002
Publication Date: September 2023
Originally published by SAMHSA, here:
Published: September 27, 2023
Supplemental Resources:
Presentation Slides
This presentation describes trauma's impact on communities and compelling reasons a community, and its prevention workforce, needs to become trauma informed and resilient focused. In sharing success stories from Northeast Tennessee in work she helped to pioneer, Becky also discussed practical steps communities can take to reduce the effects of toxic stress and childhood adversity and promote resilience.
Learning Objectives:
Define trauma
Describe trauma's impact on communities
Explain the significance of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study
Provide attendees with steps to build community resilience
About the Presenter:
Becky Haas is an international advocate and trainer on using a trauma informed approach, the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study and Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) study. She is a pioneer in creating trauma informed communities. The work she led while working for the Johnson City Police Department in Northeast Tennessee was recognized by SAMHSA in 2018 as a model for other cities to follow. In 2019 she co-authored the "Building a Trauma Informed System of Care" toolkit for the TN Department of Children's services detailing a blueprint for creating community resilience. This toolkit has been recommended as a “practical tool” in John's Hopkins, Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. Becky is the author of several sector specific professional development trainings with two receiving statewide accreditation in Tennessee as evidence-based training. Among the diverse sectors of professionals, she has trained, she is uniquely distinguished for her work training police officers and others in the justice system to understand trauma. In March of 2022, she was honored to receive the Friends of Children award from the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth for her work as a local, state, and national leader in implementation and support of trauma informed services and communities. Becky has a deep understanding of the importance for every professional sector to have intimate knowledge of healthy early childhood development and the potential for early adversity to disrupt that healthy development. She is a founding member of the East Tennessee State University Ballad Health Strong Brain Institute and serves as a member of the CTIPP National Trauma Campaign strategy team and as a Strategic Partner for the Pathways to Resilience Program.
Published: June 5, 2023
As prevention professionals, we spend much of our time facilitating trainings for our peers and various community sectors. Facilitators juggle many roles, from keeping the group focused to exploring ways to promote the application of new knowledge. But how do you learn to do this? This workshop explored what makes the "perfect" facilitator and the impact the facilitator has on the training and participants. Many of you may have found yourself in a situation where you are ready to deliver an outstanding presentation, only to encounter a distraction. Distractions, whether intentional or not, happen. As facilitators, how we respond to distractions is a good indicator of how successful the presentation will be. It's best to be prepared for potential distractions so that we are ready just in case they occur. This workshop discussed the importance of setting group norms and expectations to create presentations that will benefit all learning styles. There was a discussion of the different types of participants. Finally, there was a discussion of strategies for working with all participants and situations that could arise during your presentation.
Learning Objectives:
Identify instructional design theories, seat placement practices, and speaking styles that can help create the "perfect" presentation.
Demonstrate skills needed to engage all audiences to accommodate different learning styles and develop capacity for managing difficult people and situations in a program setting.
Recognize the types of different participants, the effects of disruptive audience members on others and the behavior of the perfect participant.
About the Presenter:
Jordon Hillhouse is a Certified Prevention Specialist with over ten years of experience in substance use prevention. In the past, he has worked with state agencies targeting the opioid crisis, underage drinking, and mental health awareness efforts. His passion is with alcohol and drug prevention education. He has developed many prevention-related trainings and has had the opportunity to speak to thousands of people across the country. He holds a master’s degree in business administration from Alcorn State University and is a published author. He currently works at the Mississippi Public Health Institute as the Workforce Development Manager, where he oversees the Mississippi Behavioral Health Learning Network, providing relevant trainings to state and national mental health professionals.
Published: February 23, 2023
Print Media
Product Description
The following resources define stigma as negative attitudes or discrimination against individuals or groups based on a particular characteristic, associated with substance use disorders (SUDs), as well as other physical, mental, and behavioral health conditions. The information sheets provide tips on how to prevent, understand, and recognize stigma, in addition to highlighting reduction strategies and additional online resources.
For your convenience, one information sheet includes the types of stigma (self-stigma, public stigma, and structural stigma), in addition to the information outline above.
Stigma Information Sheet
Stigma Information Sheet with Type Definitions
Published: February 6, 2023
Webinar Description
This interactive virtual training reviewed cultural humility as a practical strategy to help providers to identify and diffuse personal bias, to increase person-centered care through core communication skills, and to increase the potential to deliver culturally informed care for racial and ethnic populations.
Providers also explored how cultural humility can also help support staff supervision.
Diana Padilla is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC) and provides training and technical assistance on implementation of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), and Equity & Inclusion capacity building opportunities.
Supplemental Materials
Published: January 25, 2023
Stacee Read is Director of Network Development for the National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children. She is responsible for the development and oversight of State, Local, and Tribal DEC Alliances, and for providing training and TA within the DEC network - and to professionals across the nation.
Her previous work in child welfare has included such roles as Crisis Counselor, and a Fatality Review Team Facilitator. Her depth of experience on committees and workgroups includes Substance Exposed Newborns, Rural Methamphetamine, and Child Protection.
Stacee received her Master’s in Social Work and her undergraduate studies in Psychology with an emphasis on abnormal psychology and dependency behaviors. Ms. Read is also an adjunct professor and consultant helping students and professionals on various topic issues across the country.
[email protected]
Published: December 15, 2022
It’s Not about Me…It’s about Us
Part 3: What’s Next: Applying the Knowledge and Skills Lab
Lisa Connors, LCPC, NCC, MAC, ABD
December 1, 2022, 2:00pm-3:30pm EST
What happens with professionals working in prevention work? Where do they go from here? What is the takeaway messages in moving forward with clients? What do professionals need, what do they want, what is working, and what can be added to be proficient in serving clients who need them the most? The question is: What's Next? What's next for professionals in preventing substance use, misuse, and addictions among clients? This webinar will offer space for open dialogue and hands-on practices on how professionals can implement strategies, techniques, and tools in their work to benefit clients and communities.
Summarize how communication and relationships are vital components in substance use prevention work.
Identify resources that are needed to continue providing adequate services.
Formulate a collaborative approach by networking and building partnerships with other professionals in substance use prevention work.
Demonstrate strategies, techniques, and tools to provide substantial prevention work.
Lisa Connors, LCPC, NCC, MAC, ABD is an Associate Pastor at In His Image International Ministry, Inc. She is a Licensed Bachelor Social Worker, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, National Certified Counselor, Board-Certified Coach, Master Addiction Counselor, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, and Certified Grief Counseling Specialist. Ms. Connors is Certified in Thanatology [the study of death, dying, and bereavement]. She has been in the human services/social work/counseling fields for 30 years and has worked in a variety of settings providing services to the despondent and downtrodden. Ms. Connors works tirelessly to help others reach their fullest potential in life, supporting and empowering those who have been oppressed, stigmatized, marginalized, and victimized. Her greatest passion is working with, serving, and providing training related to individuals affected by HIV/AIDS, substance use and mental health disorders, violence/abuse/trauma, grief and loss, racial and social injustices. Ms. Connors is a mental health therapist providing services to individuals who have co-occurring issues. In addition to her pastoral and clinical work, Ms. Connors is a college professor. She has taught at the University of Maryland and is currently teaching at Anne Arundel Community College in Maryland. Like many women of color, Ms. Connors has experienced various forms of oppression. Ms. Connors earned her Bachelor of Social Work, Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Professional Counseling degrees, respectively, and is a Doctoral Candidate completing her Ph.D. in Psychology.
Published: December 1, 2022
RECORDING: Older Adults: Substance Misuse Trends and Prevention Strategies
A recent study designed to project the number of people aged 50 years or older with substance use disorder predicted that by 2020 the total would be 5.7 million. Increases are projected for all examined gender, race, and ethnicity groups. As the population of older adults has risen, so has the rate of SUD and the diseases and injuries associated with misuse and disorders. This webinar will provide critical information for prevention professionals to allocate resources and develop prevention approaches to address future needs of the US older adult population and this rapidly emerging public health issue.
Identify trends in misuse among older adults including related consequences
Describe factors that place older adults at risk
List prevention strategies shown to be effective with this population
Chuck Klevgaard, CSPS
Chuck Klevgaard is a nationally recognized expert in substance misuse prevention, public health, and school-based health. Drawing on his experience in collective impact and prevention-focused partnerships, he builds the capacity of states, tribes, schools, communities, and cities to use evidence-based substance misuse prevention and intervention strategies. He specializes in behavioral health support, training and technical assistance, and evidence-based alcohol, opioid, and substance misuse programs and policies. As a consultant to Great Lakes Prevention Technology Transfer Center, Klevgaard provides training and technical assistance to substance misuse prevention entities within the Great Lakes region, which includes Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio. Klevgaard, a Certified Senior Prevention Specialist through the Illinois Certification Board, Inc., holds a BSW from Minnesota State University Moorhead.
Stephanie Asteriadis Pyle, PhD, CPS
Stephanie Asteriadis Pyle, PhD, CPS, Emeritus is a former Project Manager for the Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT). Dr. Asteriadis Pyle established Nevada’s first substance use disorder library and clearinghouse at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) campus and during her tenure at UNR/CASAT served as the C0-I or PI for 36 grants and contracts for substance use prevention for students at UNR and Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) and problem gambling prevention for aging populations in Nevada. Dr. Asteriadis Pyle most recently managed and wrote for the CASAT OnDemand website and blog for five years, synthesizing research for professionals in SUD prevention, treatment, and recovery and related behavioral health fields.
She continues to teach CAS 255, an introductory course in substance misuse prevention she has taught face to face or online since 2007.
Published: July 28, 2022
Recording: Alcohol is STILL a Drug: The Impact of Alcohol Use on Individuals with Mental Illness
This presentation will review the comprehensive impact alcohol use has on people who have a co-occurring psychiatric conditions, including depression, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, PTSD and schizophrenia. Special consideration will be given to the impact of COVID-19 and factors that promote initiating and sustaining recovery.
Published: June 7, 2022
Recording: Creating Inclusive Prevention Organizations and Coalitions
Prevention programs and coalitions that strive for inclusivity will reap the greatest benefits from its diversity. Topics covered in this skill building presentation include: a definition of key terms: monocultural, compliance and inclusive prevention programs and coalitions; three sign of an inclusive prevention program or coalition; 7 steps for developing an inclusive prevention program or coalition; crucial conversations; how to deal with microaggressions and how to become an inclusivity change agent.
By the end of this presentation, you will be able to:
Articulate the differences between a monocultural, compliance and inclusive prevention program and coalition.
Utilize 7 steps for developing an inclusive prevention program and coalition.
Address microaggressions which can negatively impact trust and coalition building.
Begin the process of creating an inclusivity committee which can help move your inclusivity initiative forward.
Function as an inclusivity change agent.
Mark Sanders, LCSW, CADC
Mark Sanders is the State Project Manager for the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC and PTTC. Mark has worked for 40 years as a social worker, educator, and part of the SUD workforce. He is founder of the Online Museum of African American Addictions, Treatment and Recovery and co-founder of Serenity Academy of Chicago, the only recovery-oriented high school in Illinois. Mark is also an international speaker, trainer, and consultant in the behavioral health field whose work has reached thousands throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, the Caribbean, and the British Islands.
The Great Lakes PTTC offered this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.
Published: May 12, 2022
Curriculum Package
The Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center and the Mountain Plains Prevention Technology Transfer Center collaborated to host a six-part webinar series, Suicide Prevention Across the Educational Continuum. Throughout the series, participants are provided with information related to suicide prevention and intervention for youth, young adults, and college students.
Crisis Response Planning for Suicidal Patients: an Introduction
A widely-used strategy for managing acute suicide risk is the contract for safety, also known as the no-suicide contract. Despite its widespread use across mental health and medical settings, accumulating consensus is that this approach may be ineffective. Alternative strategies such as crisis response planning or the related safety planning intervention have therefore been proposed. Written on an index card, the crisis response plan outlines simple steps for a suicidal individual to follow when in a crisis. Results of a recently completed randomized clinical trial show that crisis response planning reduces suicide attempts by 75% as compared to the contract for safety, thereby supporting the method’s efficacy. The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of crisis response planning, and to differentiate the method from other, less effective means for managing suicide risk.
Presented by: Craig J. Bryan, PsyD, ABPP
Webinar Recording
Presentation Slide in .PDF
Presentation Transcript
Published: April 29, 2020