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Connecting Communities to Substance Use Services: Practical Approaches for First Responders - SAMHSA's Behavioral Health Equity Statement
Published: August 20, 2023
Stigma and Substance Use Prevention Part 2: What Prevention Professionals and Others Can Do Josh Esrick, MPP, and Demetrie Garner May 10, 2022, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will review strategies for addressing and preventing stigma against people at risk for substance misuse, substance use disorders, and consequences of substance use. It will discuss strategies at multiple levels: 1) peers and individuals; 2) within prevention organizations; 3) among collaborative partners and across the behavioral health continuum; 4) throughout the community at-large; and 5) in society as a whole. Each of these strategy levels will be examined from the perspectives of both academic research and lived experiences. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Discuss strategies to overcome stigma working as a peer with substance use clients Review strategies to avoid stigma within prevention organizations Explain how prevention can work with collaborative partners and across the behavioral health continuum to address stigma Explore opportunities to address stigma in the community and across society PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is a Senior Policy Analyst with Carnevale Associates. Josh has extensive experience in substance use prevention; researching, writing, and presenting on best practice and knowledge development publications, briefs, and reference guides; and developing and providing T/TA to numerous organizations. He developed numerous SAMHSA Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies’ (CAPT) products on strategies to prevent opioid misuse and overdose, risk and protective factors for substance use, youth substance use prevention strategies, youth substance use trends, emerging substance use trends, the potential regulations surrounding marijuana legalization, as well as numerous other topics. Demetrie Garner, is a Peer Recovery Specialist at the Emergency Department. This has given him the vantage point to encounter minority disparities. A lack of health communication targeted to African-Americans, and other minorities help further this disparity. As a Peer Recovery Specialist, the visible cracks of systemic inadequacies in health care and its access garners attention and policy changes in patients with substance use disorders. The experience in active addiction abusing opiates, cocaine, and alcohol for 26 years with countless relapses fostered the expertise needed to help others in active addiction. Finding recovery over the last 2 and 1/2 years while working in the recovery field has given Demetrie a unique perspective on recidivism and retention throughout the process of recovery. With the help of the God of his understanding (Jesus Christ), Narcotics Anonymous, and healthy relationships, the pathway of a daily reprieve from active addiction is now possible. Continuous work through pastoral licensed counseling has unlocked the acceptance of childhood molestation and recovery from trauma. Demetrie is currently a Pre-McNair Scholar with ambitions to attend the UMBC School of Public Policy M.P.P Program in spring of 2022 after obtaining his Bachelor’s degree in Public Health.  
Published: May 10, 2022
Stigma and Substance Use Prevention Part 1: The Impacts of Stigma Josh Esrick, MPP, and Demetrie Garner May 4, 2022, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will provide a broad overview of stigma and the importance of addressing it through what the research tells us and what is known through lived experience. The webinar will define stigma and explain how it can manifest in various substance use prevention settings and on the road to recovery. It will address the similarities and differences between public-, self-, and institutional-stigma and the role of both intentional and inadvertent stigma. The webinar will also discuss how stigma impacts substance use prevention outcomes and our ability to recovery. Additionally, it will explain why prevention professionals, other stakeholders, and the community-at-large need to address stigma. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define stigma conceptually and from a recovered person’s perspective Review the various forms of stigma and their effects on our ability to recover Discuss the impact of stigma on prevention outcomes Explain stigma’s ongoing impact on the road to recovery PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is a Senior Policy Analyst with Carnevale Associates. Josh has extensive experience in substance use prevention; researching, writing, and presenting on best practice and knowledge development publications, briefs, and reference guides; and developing and providing T/TA to numerous organizations. He developed numerous SAMHSA Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies’ (CAPT) products on strategies to prevent opioid misuse and overdose, risk and protective factors for substance use, youth substance use prevention strategies, youth substance use trends, emerging substance use trends, the potential regulations surrounding marijuana legalization, as well as numerous other topics. Demetrie Garner, is a Peer Recovery Specialist at the Emergency Department. This has given him the vantage point to encounter minority disparities. A lack of health communication targeted to African-Americans, and other minorities help further this disparity. As a Peer Recovery Specialist, the visible cracks of systemic inadequacies in health care and its access garners attention and policy changes in patients with substance use disorders. The experience in active addiction abusing opiates, cocaine, and alcohol for 26 years with countless relapses fostered the expertise needed to help others in active addiction. Finding recovery over the last 2 and 1/2 years while working in the recovery field has given Demetrie a unique perspective on recidivism and retention throughout the process of recovery. With the help of the God of his understanding (Jesus Christ), Narcotics Anonymous, and healthy relationships, the pathway of a daily reprieve from active addiction is now possible. Continuous work through pastoral licensed counseling has unlocked the acceptance of childhood molestation and recovery from trauma. Demetrie is currently a Pre-McNair Scholar with ambitions to attend the UMBC School of Public Policy M.P.P Program in spring of 2022 after obtaining his Bachelor’s degree in Public Health.  
Published: May 4, 2022
Happy New Year! This month, our theme for our video is “A Healthy New Year” We want to encourage you to look at 2022 with hope, healing, recovery, and schedule time to re-charge and take care of your wellbeing.     Español  ¡Feliz año nuevo! Este mes, el tema de nuestro video es “Un Año Nuevo Saludable” Nos gustaría alentarlos a mirar el año 2022 con esperanza, sanación interna, recuperación y un tiempo para recargarse y cuidar de su bienestar.     Português Feliz ano novo! Este mês, o tema do nosso vídeo é “Um Ano Novo Saudável” Queremos te encorajar a olhar para 2022 com esperança, cura, recuperação e reservar um tempo para recarregar as energías e cuidar do seu bem-estar.
Published: January 4, 2022
  The Great Lakes A/MH/PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.   Register to join us on the first Tuesday of each month from 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Central (11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Eastern). Each session will feature a new expert presenter.    DESCRIPTION  Alcohol is STILL a drug.  The opioid crisis, increase in stimulant misuse, and marijuana legalization dominate the news— yet alcohol remains the number one substance causing health, social, legal and financial problems throughout the US.  While this series will focus on the hopefulness of recovery from alcohol use disorder, we’ll also take a deep dive into what we know about the full impact of alcohol overuse and the ways it affects every person in the US. Kris Kelly, a peer recovery expert, will launch the series by highlighting September as National Recovery Month and specific resources related to recovery from alcohol use disorder.   PRESENTER Kris Kelly, BS Kris Kelly is a project manager for the Great Lakes Addiction, Mental Health, and Prevention Technology Transfer Centers, a woman in long-term recovery, and subject matter expert on peer-based recovery support services. Kris is also leads the Recovery Community Organization Capacity Building core area for the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence. She has worked with state and local government, recovery community organizations, treatment courts, withdrawal management/detoxification, and clinical treatment developing best practices for integrating recovery supports into systems and services. As a former executive director and director of programs of a Minnesota-based recovery community organization, Kelly is a leader in the peer support movement in Minnesota. Kelly has presented at state and national conferences on topics ranging from supervision in peer-based recovery support services and integrating peer support services into behavioral health organizations to recovery-oriented systems of care.  
Published: September 21, 2021
This presentation is an Spanish translation of a webinar that was presented in Portuguese. Este webinar oferecerá uma visão geral das políticas dos Estados Unidos da América e dos padrões de uso de substâncias pelos jovens e como elas afetam os jovens de ascendência latina/hispânica. Este treinamento também trará sugestões baseadas em evidências para professores, pais e líderes da comunidade sobre como ajudar a prevenir o início precoce dessas drogas. Additional Resources/Recursos Adicionales/Recursos Adicionais Factsheets/hojas informativas/fichas técnicas English - Download the Smoking and vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for Prevention factsheet for more information and resources Español - Haga clic aquí para descargar la hoja educativa titulada Fumando y vapeando en las Américas: Implicaciones Políticas para la Prevención. Português - Clique aqui para fazer o download da ficha educativa intitulada Fumando e vaporizando nas Américas: Considerações sobre Prevenção e Políticas Públicas   Translations       Biogafia: Dra. Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH (Bia) é pesquisadora cientista do Instituto de Adição, Drogas e Álcool e Drogas da Universidade de Washington (ADAI) e Professora Associada Afiliada da Escola de Saúde Pública do Departamento de Serviços de Saúde. Em sua carreira de pesquisa, Dr. Carlini tem se dedicado a compreender o impacto na saúde pública de substâncias psicoativas legais, como álcool, inalantes, tabaco e, mais recentemente, cannabis. Desde 2016, Dra. Carlini lidera a Pesquisa e Educação sobre Cannabis da ADAI, incluindo a coordenação de colaboração com outros pesquisadores de cannabis na Universidade de Washington, atuando como Presidente do Programa de Simpósio de Pesquisa de Cannabis da Universidade de Washington e agindo como ponto de conexão entre legisladores no estado e pesquisadores de outras universidades . Em 2019, ela foi nomeada Diretora do Programa de Estudos sobre Tabaco na Escola de Saúde Pública da Universidade de Washington, onde também leciona Disparidades de Saúde e Justiça Social relacionadas ao Tabaco. Como uma imigrante de primeira geração e cidadã americana nascida no exterior, Dr. Carlini está especialmente interessada no impacto da cannabis e do uso do tabaco na perpetuação das disparidades sociais e de saúde. Dr. Carlini tem paixão por promover a inclusão social, desafiar estereótipos e combater o estigma. Ela aplica uma lente de equidade em seu trabalho como pesquisadora e educadora.
Published: August 30, 2021
This presentation is an English translation of a webinar that was presented in Portuguese. Este webinar oferecerá uma visão geral das políticas dos Estados Unidos da América e dos padrões de uso de substâncias pelos jovens e como elas afetam os jovens de ascendência latina/hispânica. Este treinamento também trará sugestões baseadas em evidências para professores, pais e líderes da comunidade sobre como ajudar a prevenir o início precoce dessas drogas. Additional Resources/Recursos Adicionales/Recursos Adicionais Factsheets/hojas informativas/fichas técnicas English - Download the Smoking and vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for Prevention factsheet for more information and resources Español - Haga clic aquí para descargar la hoja educativa titulada Fumando y vapeando en las Américas: Implicaciones Políticas para la Prevención. Português - Clique aqui para fazer o download da ficha educativa intitulada Fumando e vaporizando nas Américas: Considerações sobre Prevenção e Políticas Públicas   Translations       Biogafia: Dra. Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH (Bia) é pesquisadora cientista do Instituto de Adição, Drogas e Álcool e Drogas da Universidade de Washington (ADAI) e Professora Associada Afiliada da Escola de Saúde Pública do Departamento de Serviços de Saúde. Em sua carreira de pesquisa, Dr. Carlini tem se dedicado a compreender o impacto na saúde pública de substâncias psicoativas legais, como álcool, inalantes, tabaco e, mais recentemente, cannabis. Desde 2016, Dra. Carlini lidera a Pesquisa e Educação sobre Cannabis da ADAI, incluindo a coordenação de colaboração com outros pesquisadores de cannabis na Universidade de Washington, atuando como Presidente do Programa de Simpósio de Pesquisa de Cannabis da Universidade de Washington e agindo como ponto de conexão entre legisladores no estado e pesquisadores de outras universidades . Em 2019, ela foi nomeada Diretora do Programa de Estudos sobre Tabaco na Escola de Saúde Pública da Universidade de Washington, onde também leciona Disparidades de Saúde e Justiça Social relacionadas ao Tabaco. Como uma imigrante de primeira geração e cidadã americana nascida no exterior, Dr. Carlini está especialmente interessada no impacto da cannabis e do uso do tabaco na perpetuação das disparidades sociais e de saúde. Dr. Carlini tem paixão por promover a inclusão social, desafiar estereótipos e combater o estigma. Ela aplica uma lente de equidade em seu trabalho como pesquisadora e educadora.
Published: August 1, 2021
Este webinar oferecerá uma visão geral das políticas dos Estados Unidos da América e dos padrões de uso de substâncias pelos jovens e como elas afetam os jovens de ascendência latina/hispânica. Este treinamento também trará sugestões baseadas em evidências para professores, pais e líderes da comunidade sobre como ajudar a prevenir o início precoce dessas drogas. Additional Resources/Recursos Adicionales/Recursos Adicionais Factsheets/hojas informativas/fichas técnicas English - Download the Smoking and vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for Prevention factsheet for more information and resources Español - Haga clic aquí para descargar la hoja educativa titulada Fumando y vapeando en las Américas: Implicaciones Políticas para la Prevención. Português - Clique aqui para fazer o download da ficha educativa intitulada Fumando e vaporizando nas Américas: Considerações sobre Prevenção e Políticas Públicas   Webinar Slides English Spanish Português   Translations     Biogafia: Dra. Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH (Bia) é pesquisadora cientista do Instituto de Adição, Drogas e Álcool e Drogas da Universidade de Washington (ADAI) e Professora Associada Afiliada da Escola de Saúde Pública do Departamento de Serviços de Saúde. Em sua carreira de pesquisa, Dr. Carlini tem se dedicado a compreender o impacto na saúde pública de substâncias psicoativas legais, como álcool, inalantes, tabaco e, mais recentemente, cannabis. Desde 2016, Dra. Carlini lidera a Pesquisa e Educação sobre Cannabis da ADAI, incluindo a coordenação de colaboração com outros pesquisadores de cannabis na Universidade de Washington, atuando como Presidente do Programa de Simpósio de Pesquisa de Cannabis da Universidade de Washington e agindo como ponto de conexão entre legisladores no estado e pesquisadores de outras universidades . Em 2019, ela foi nomeada Diretora do Programa de Estudos sobre Tabaco na Escola de Saúde Pública da Universidade de Washington, onde também leciona Disparidades de Saúde e Justiça Social relacionadas ao Tabaco. Como uma imigrante de primeira geração e cidadã americana nascida no exterior, Dr. Carlini está especialmente interessada no impacto da cannabis e do uso do tabaco na perpetuação das disparidades sociais e de saúde. Dr. Carlini tem paixão por promover a inclusão social, desafiar estereótipos e combater o estigma. Ela aplica uma lente de equidade em seu trabalho como pesquisadora e educadora.
Published: May 13, 2021
  The Great Lakes PTTC, ATTC and Peer Recovery Center of Excellence offer this training for prevention practitioners in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, and WI. This is a 90-minute webinar.   Data-driven decision making for recovery and recovery support services is possible. Indiana has made some key policy changes at a state and agency level that increase the availability of data across agencies. The Recovery Supports Workgroup of the Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA) has is now using this data to evaluate gaps in key recovery supports, to make the recommendations, and track outcomes. In this session everyone will learn innovative ways of looking for, collecting, and utilizing recovery-specific data that drives and enhances recovery outcomes.    Learning Objectives Attendees who attend this webinar will learn:  How Indiana is collecting and defining recovery data How Indiana plans to use the recovery data   Co-Sponsored by the Great Lakes PTTC, Great Lakes ATTC and the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence         Speakers:  Jay Chaudhary, JD: Jay is the Director of the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction. Previously, he was the Managing Attorney and Director of Medical Legal Partnerships for the Indiana University Maurer School of Law.           Erin Quiring: Erin works for the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction as the Assistant Deputy Director for Quality Improvement. Her responsibilities at DMHA primarily focus on the monitoring and improvement of treatment services provided by DMHA’s certified, licensed, and funded mental health and substance use agencies. Erin is thrilled to be part of the team using data to expand access to quality recovery supports throughout Indiana.         Ari Nassirri: Ari works for the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction as the Director of Behavioral Health Integration. His responsibilities at DMHA focus on progressing the level of integration across the continuum of care for behavioral health and substance use disorder providers in Indiana, as well as increasing the integration of data sources among such providers and at the state level. Ari is very excited to work with the Recovery Support Workgroup and with their strategy to expand and utilize recovery data.       Amy Brinkley: Amy works for the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction as the Bureau Chief for Consumer and Family Affairs. She is also the Chairperson for NASMHPD’s National Division of Recovery Support Services. Her responsibilities at DMHA and as a National Chairperson primarily focus on the expansion of quality peer recovery and recovery support services initiatives. She’s excited to be part of Indiana’s team advancing recovery support services and setting the bar nationally for the collection of recovery data.        
Published: January 26, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
Monthly electronic newsletter for the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.  The December 2020 issue of the Great Lakes Current includes a spotlight on Wisconsin, a new article in The Counselor's Corner, and links to the new COVID-19 Provider Well-being Supplement and the Spotlight on Stigma podcast series. 
Published: December 28, 2020
During the month of September, we are excited to celebrate National Recovery Month, dedicated to those who are in recovery from mental illness and/or substance use disorders. This year’s Recovery Month theme, “Join the Voices for Recovery: Celebrating Connections”. We would like to honor everyone currently in recovery, thank all the allies who stand by those of us in recovery and encourage anyone considering recovery. Together, we can do it! Disponible en Español Durante el mes de septiembre celebramos el Mes Nacional de Recuperación. El tema del Mes de la Recuperación de este año es: "Únase a las voces para la recuperación: celebrando las conexiones". Nos gustaría honrar a todas las personas que se encuentran en recuperación, agradecer a todos los aliados que están a nuestro lado en la recuperación y animar a cualquier persona que esté considerando comenzar su recuperación. ¡Juntos, lo podemos lograr! Disponible en Portugués Durante o mês de setembro, estamos animados para celebrar o Mês Nacional da Recuperação. O tema do Mês de Recuperação deste ano, “Junte-se às Vozes para a Recuperação: Celebrando Conexões” Gostaríamos de homenagear todas as pessoas em recuperação, agradecer à todos os aliados que estão ao nosso lado na recuperação e encorajar todos que estão considerando começar sua recuperação. Juntos nós podemos!
Published: September 30, 2020
Print Media
This printable, downloadable infographic summarizes research findings published in The Journal of the American Dental Association, 150(7), 591-601 article, "Comprehensive oral care improves treatment outcomes in male and female patients with high-severity and chronic substance use disorders".
Published: January 22, 2020
Print Media
Engaging the Faith Community in Substance Use Prevention: The Rationale for Partnering and Resources to Support Your Efforts  This resource guide was created as a companion to the Great Lakes PTTC two-part webinar series, Engaging the Faith Community in Substance Use Prevention.  The four-page guide gives an overview of the role of the faith community in prevention efforts and lists prevention toolkits and other resources developed by faith communities.  Click to Download: Engaging the Faith Community in Substance Use Prevention: The Rationale for Partnering and Resources to Support Your Efforts
Published: November 5, 2019
Scope of Prevention 5-Part Webinar Series Part 4 of 5 Mamas, Munchkins, and Methamphetamines - Evidence-Based Interventions for Pregnant Women Using Stimulants Dr. Smid will provide an overview of evidence-based interventions for pregnant women using stimulants, including methamphetamine. Included in her presentation will be a brief overview of the epidemiology of stimulant-use disorder. She will also review sex and gender differences in methamphetamine use and the development of stimulant-use disorder.  PDF Slides Presenter: Marcela Smid, MD, MA, MS 
Published: September 10, 2019
Scope of Prevention 5-Part Webinar Series Part 3 of 5 Preventing Relapse by Providing Comprehensive Oral Health Care with Substance Use Disorder Treatment The University of Utah, School of Dentistry has demonstrated an important role for oral health in managing substance-use disorder patients by identifying dramatic increases in treatment length of stay, their ability to obtain employment, as well as a decrease in their homelessness and drug-use, by providing comprehensive dental care as an integrated part of their substance-use management. This webinar will highlight the School of Dentistry's program and provide discussion of research, findings, and implications.  PDF Slides Presenter: Glen Hanson, PhD, DDS
Published: August 28, 2019
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