eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.
The March 2024 issue spotlights content celebrating Women's History Month and National Social Work Month. It also features updated versions of the Sustainability Planning in Prevention Guidebook and Sustainability Planning in Prevention Toolkit, as well as upcoming trainings focused on provider well-being and culturally responsive services for Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) clients. As always, you will also find links to all scheduled events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!
Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: March 18, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.
The January 2024 issue features the third installment of the Counselor's Corner blog series: Integrating Spirituality and Counseling with African American Clients, information on the Opioid Response Network's 2022-2023 regional summits, and a call for applications for the upcoming HEART (Healing Ethno And Racial Trauma) Training for Behavioral Health Providers Serving Hispanic & Latinx Communities intensive training series. As always, you will also find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!
Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: January 11, 2024
Women & Alcohol: When Equal is Not Better
December 6, 2023
Webinar Description
More than 40,000 women die of alcohol use each year, and nearly 1 in 5 women report binge drinking in the past month. Alcohol use affects women differently. Additionally, the immediate effects of alcohol occur more quickly and last longer in women than men, leading women to be more susceptible to alcohol-related harm including breast cancer, liver cirrhosis and disease, cognitive decline, and violence and assault. While there are individual factors associated with these consumption patterns and related harms, this presentation will focus on environmental factors and opportunities for population-level responses to the specific issues facing women.
Webinar Objectives
In this webinar, participants will:
Understand the trends in alcohol consumption among women, including related harms
Discuss how the 4p’s (product, promotion, place, and price) directly affect women
Explore opportunities and actions that individuals, coalitions, health departments, policy makers, and other stakeholders can take to prevent and reduce excessive drinking among women
Webinar Recording and Slides
Women & Alcohol: When Equal is Not Better Recording
Women & Alcohol: When Equal is Not Better Slide Deck (PDF)
Additional Resources
Rethink the Drink
CDC: Drink Less, Be Your Best
Alcohol Policy 20 Conference 2024
Swiping Right: Alcohol, Online Dating, and Sexual Hookups in Post-College Women
Alicia Sparks, PhD, MPH, is the Chair of the U.S. Alcohol Policy Alliance and a Senior Principal at Synergy Enterprises, where she serves as the Project Director for NIAAA’s APIS contract, as well as SAMHSA’s STOP Act contract. Dr. Sparks served as Project Director for CDC’s alcohol advertising monitoring project, for which she directed a team of researchers in conducting analyses of Nielsen data to determine alcohol industry compliance with self-governed rules on advertising alcohol to youth audiences. She has more than 12 years of experience in alcohol policy research, including designing, implementing, and evaluating studies, programs, and policies. Dr. Sparks has led the development of numerous publications on alcohol policy, including the 2022 Implementing Community-Level Policies to Prevent Alcohol Misuse evidence-based resource guide and the 2016 Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health. She has published more than 20 peer-reviewed manuscripts and has presented at more than a dozen conferences. She is co-chair of the Alcohol Policy conference series and serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Global Alcohol Policy Conference.
Contact Kathy Gardner (
[email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this webinar.
Published: December 12, 2023
The Central East Prevention Technology Transfer Center is excited to announce the 17th episode of our weekly podcast: Walking in Wellness. This series is dedicated to empowering prevention professionals like you with the mindset and skill set necessary to prioritize wellness...every day.
This weekly podcast can be accessed via Soundcloud or Spotify. Be sure to follow or subscribe to have episodes delivered weekly!
Published: November 15, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue:
September is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Month
Additional FASD Resources
Epi Corner: Reducing the Incidence of FASD: What Have We Learned?
What's Happening Around the Region?
What Else?
Published: September 21, 2023
After attending this webinar from Dr. Sheryl Ryan, viewers should be able to:
1. Describe the biology of cannabis products and the endocannabinoid system.
2. Explain the adverse short and long-term health effects of cannabis products especially during pregnancy and breast-feeding on fetal and neonatal development.
3. Discuss prevention strategies including multi-sector approaches and recommendations for people who are pregnant, planning pregnancy, or breastfeeding.
Slide Deck Available: Here
Published: September 19, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue:
Data Gap Spurs Development of Collegiate Survey in Arkansas
Additional College Intervention Resources
Epi Corner: Substance Use, ACEs, and Mental Health Disorders as Contributors to Maternal Mortality
What's Happening Around the Region?
SAMHSA Releases New Data on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Behavioral Health
Published: July 12, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue:
National Alcohol Awareness Month
Resources for the Prevention Professional
National Women's Health Week, May 14-20
How to Find Help
Epi Corner: Substance Use Disorders in People with Disabilities
What's Happening Around the Region?
Webinar: Substance Misuse Among Students with Disabilities, A 2-part series, April 26 and May 18
Free Online Courses through HealtheKnowledge
SAMHSA's National Prevention Week, May 7-13
Published: April 20, 2023
Print Media
This issue will bring a reflection by our Program Director, celebrating Women’s History Month. The National Hispanic Latino Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program's project manager recently had a training that provided a brief presentation about the leadership program, shared some of the highlights of the program and its outcomes regarding strengthening the Hispanic and Latino behavioral health workforce and growing our own. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, our upcoming events and projects, and more.
In This Issue
01 Dicho of the Quarter
02 A Reflection by Our Director
03 Quarterly Highlights, and Celebrations
04 NHL Executive Leadership and Fellowship Program
05 Media Corner
06 Staff Contact Information
Esta edición traerá una reflexión de nuestra Directora de Programas, celebrando el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer. El gerente de proyecto del Programa Nacional de Becas y Liderazgo Ejecutivo Hispano Latino recientemente brindó una breve presentación sobre el programa de liderazgo, compartió algunos de los aspectos más destacados del programa y sus resultados con respecto al fortalecimiento de la fuerza laboral de salud mental hispana y latina y el crecimiento de la nuestra. Lea para obtener más información sobre los recursos que destacamos este trimestre, nuestros próximos eventos y proyectos, y más.
01 El Dicho del Trimestre
02 Reflexion de Nuestra Directora
03 Hechos destacados del Trimestre y Celebraciones
04 Programa Nacional de Liderazgo y Becas para Ejecutivos Hispanos y Latinos
05 Rincón de los Medios
06 Información de Contacto del Personal
Published: April 7, 2023
Print Media
Women’s use and misuse of substances create unique challenges, especially in treatment and recovery from opioids. Medical research on substance use by women, along with other health-related concerns, is largely lacking, especially research specific to women and their physiological differences and tolerance of substances to that of men.
Published: April 1, 2023
Print Media
Women and Alcohol: Drinking to Cope in a Pandemic World
While alcohol drinking rates and alcohol-related deaths have been on the rise for women over the past couple of decades, the COVID-19 pandemic created a perfect storm for increased alcohol availability and drinking to cope. The Women and Alcohol: Drinking to Cope in a Pandemic World data brief, provides context for why problem drinking is increasing in prevalence among women. It also compares national data to HHS Region 6 states' data (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas), and explores strategies for addressing the problem.
Select the download button above to access the Women and Alcohol: Drinking to Cope in a Pandemic World data brief.
Watch the Women and Alcohol Lunch and Learn to hear a discussion about the brief.
Published: March 20, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.
The March 2023 issue honors National Women's History Month by sharing resources from the Mental Health Technology Transfer (MHTTC) Network that focus on an array of behavioral health issues affecting women and girls. This issue also features an exciting, new intensive technical assistance training series sponsored by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.
As always, The Great Lakes Current provides links to all the upcoming events and trainings for the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.
Published: March 10, 2023
Supplemental Resources:
Field Trial of Alcohol-Server Training for Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - Dresser, J., Starling, R., Woodall, W. G., Stanghetta, P., & May, P. A. (2011). Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 72(3), 490–496. - Download Here
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in a Southeastern County of the United States: Child Characteristics and Maternal Risk Traits - May, P. A., Hasken, J. M., Stegall, J. M., Mastro, H. A., Kalberg, W. O., Buckley, D., Brooks, M., Hedrick, D. M., Ortega, M. A., Elliott, A. J., Tabachnick, B. G., Abdul-Rahman, O., Adam, M. P., Robinson, L.K., Manning, M. A., Jewett, T., & Hoyme, H. E. (2020). Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44(4), 939–959. - Download Here
Visit FASDUnited.org below to learn more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders:
We highlighted National Birth Defects Prevention Month in January. Dr. May has been, and is currently, the principal investigator of clinical and epidemiologic studies funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to research the characteristics of the continuum of FASD in the general populations of South Africa, United States, and Italy. He and his colleagues have focused on refining the diagnostic criteria for the FASD continuum, defining maternal risk and protective factors for FASD, and uncovering and quantifying the wide variation of outcomes and phenotypic traits of children who have been exposed to alcohol in the prenatal period. He presented data on studies of first grade children in the United States overall, South Africa, and focus on findings on FASD among children and their mothers in a county in the Southeastern region of the USA. FASD are prevalent today in the United States and are pernicious health disparities that no individual should have to endure.
Learning Objectives:
Describe the common characteristics and traits of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
Identify the maternal risk factors associated with FASD in the Southeastern USA and other regions and countries.
Describe the prevalence of FASD in four regions of the United States including the Southeast.
Understand the range of opportunities for prevention of, intervention upon, and mitigation of the most severe impacts of prenatal alcohol exposure on children.
About the Presenters:
Dr. Philip A. May is a Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the Gillings School of Global Public Health where he works from the UNC Nutrition Institute as an epidemiologist. His research over the past 25 years has been primarily on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD): prevalence, child characteristics, maternal risk factors, prevention and intervention. He served as a member of the groundbreaking Institute of Medicine Study Committee on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (1994-1996). In 2018 he received one of the two highest awards from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) when he delivered the Mark Keller Honorary Lecture at NIH. Also, he has been honored with the Henry Rosett Research Award from the FASD Study Group of the Research Society on Alcoholism, an Excellence Award from the National Organization Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and he has twice delivered the Geoffrey Robinson Memorial Keynote Presentation at the International Conference on FASD.
Dr. Julia Hasken is a postdoctoral research associate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has worked for the past 10 years to carry out epidemiological studies on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). She has co-authored over 25 publications focusing on the prevalence, child characteristics, and maternal risk factors of FASD in the United States and South Africa.
Published: January 12, 2023
Maternal Health and Substance Use: Uncovering the Stigma and Shame of Mothers Struggling With Substance Use
Favour Dimelu, BSc, MPH Candidate, Grace Johnson, and Madison Myles
December 7, 2022, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST
Substance use among pregnant women is an urgent public health concern in the United States. This webinar will examine the history and risk factors of substance use among pregnant women. Women face unique barriers that bring shame, stigma, and social disgrace leading to under-representation in addiction prevention and treatment. Substance use has a disproportionate impact on the maternal health outcomes of various populations that are marginalized already experiencing health disparities that perpetuate unequal health outcomes. Examples of such are racial and ethnic minorities and communities with lower socioeconomic status. Substance use during pregnancy has adverse effects impacting maternal and fetal outcomes. In addition, the webinar will provide strategies and tools to combat substance use disorders in pregnant women.
Discuss the prevalence and importance of addressing substance use and maternal health
Examine the complexity of substance use disorder (SUD)
Identify the risks for infants with mothers who use substances
Review preventive and treatment options available for maternal substance use
Favour Dimelu, BSc, MPH Candidate, is a 2nd year MPH student at the University of Maryland, College Park. She graduated with her Bachelor's in Public Health in May 2021 from the University of Maryland, College Park. Her research interest includes maternal health, risk factors that perpetuate maternal mortality, and health disparities.
Grace Johnson, is finishing her last semester at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County where she is majoring in Public Health and Psychology with a concentration in health education and communication. Her interest in health education and communication stemmed from her personal mission to give back to the community. Grace is interested in field work such as patient education, health communication, healthcare policy and advocacy, and environmental health.
Madison Myles, is a senior honors Maternal & Child Health Education major and Biology minor at Howard University. Madison is a passionate advocate for health equity and black maternal health care with a desire to improve the health of vulnerable, underserved communities.
Published: December 7, 2022
2022 Maternal and Child Health and Substance Exposed Infant Conference
Maine’s Maternal and Child Health and Substance Exposed Infant Virtual Conference 2022 offers two days of inspiring presentations along with educational and networking opportunities related to maternal and child health, with focused attention on substance exposed infants and families living with substance use disorder.
Participants will gain knowledge about current national and local maternal and child health trends along with strategies and ideas about how to optimize maternal and child health engagement, promote education and cultivate connections and resources within your community. National, regional, and local keynote speakers and presenters will share evidence-based information and guide us to new thinking about how to best support healthy pregnancies (prenatal and postpartum) which lead to healthier outcomes for infants, young children, and families.
With filmed and live recovery stories, your understanding of the disease of substance use disorder will deepen while learning about innovative programs and resources for families, including for those living with substance use disorder and those who support them.
Topics Featured Include:
National and Regional Maternal and Child Health Trends
Why Healthy Brain Development Matters: Infancy through Young Adulthood
The Oral Health Circle of Life: Childhood through Adulthood
Cannabis Use During Pregnancy and Beyond: What it means for Infants and Parenting Individuals
Recovery stories will be shared throughout both days of the Conference
Link to view the recorded webinar (recorded on September 28 & 29, 2022).
No continuing education is available.
Published: December 6, 2022
Recording: Girls and Women: Substance Misuse Trends and Prevention Strategies
Data now show that girls and young women, ages 12 to 20, are drinking more alcohol than their male counterparts. There are some key considerations that prevention specialists should know as they design strategies to curb harmful drinking behaviors among girls, such as the association between underage drinking and mental health conditions including depression and anxiety. This webinar highlights strategies for coupling prevention approaches with mental health support.
Identify trends in misuse among women including related consequences
Describe factors that place women at risk for harmful consequences
List prevention strategies shown to be effective with this population
Erin Ficker, MPAff, CSPS
Erin serves as a prevention manager for the Great Lakes PTTC. For more than 14 years, Erin has worked in substance abuse prevention supporting communities to use evidence-based strategies and data-driven processes in substance abuse prevention planning and implementation. She works with community level prevention practitioners and schools in the development, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability of prevention interventions.
Stephanie Asteriadis Pyle, PhD, CPS
Stephanie Asteriadis Pyle, PhD, CPS, Emeritus is a former Project Manager for the Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT). Dr. Asteriadis Pyle established Nevada’s first substance use disorder library and clearinghouse at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) campus and during her tenure at UNR/CASAT served as the C0-I or PI for 36 grants and contracts for substance use prevention for students at UNR and Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) and problem gambling prevention for aging populations in Nevada. Dr. Asteriadis Pyle most recently managed and wrote for the CASAT OnDemand website and blog for five years, synthesizing research for professionals in SUD prevention, treatment, and recovery and related behavioral health fields.
She continues to teach CAS 255, an introductory course in substance misuse prevention she has taught face to face or online since 2007
Published: August 31, 2022
RECORDING: Older Adults: Substance Misuse Trends and Prevention Strategies
A recent study designed to project the number of people aged 50 years or older with substance use disorder predicted that by 2020 the total would be 5.7 million. Increases are projected for all examined gender, race, and ethnicity groups. As the population of older adults has risen, so has the rate of SUD and the diseases and injuries associated with misuse and disorders. This webinar will provide critical information for prevention professionals to allocate resources and develop prevention approaches to address future needs of the US older adult population and this rapidly emerging public health issue.
Identify trends in misuse among older adults including related consequences
Describe factors that place older adults at risk
List prevention strategies shown to be effective with this population
Chuck Klevgaard, CSPS
Chuck Klevgaard is a nationally recognized expert in substance misuse prevention, public health, and school-based health. Drawing on his experience in collective impact and prevention-focused partnerships, he builds the capacity of states, tribes, schools, communities, and cities to use evidence-based substance misuse prevention and intervention strategies. He specializes in behavioral health support, training and technical assistance, and evidence-based alcohol, opioid, and substance misuse programs and policies. As a consultant to Great Lakes Prevention Technology Transfer Center, Klevgaard provides training and technical assistance to substance misuse prevention entities within the Great Lakes region, which includes Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio. Klevgaard, a Certified Senior Prevention Specialist through the Illinois Certification Board, Inc., holds a BSW from Minnesota State University Moorhead.
Stephanie Asteriadis Pyle, PhD, CPS
Stephanie Asteriadis Pyle, PhD, CPS, Emeritus is a former Project Manager for the Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT). Dr. Asteriadis Pyle established Nevada’s first substance use disorder library and clearinghouse at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) campus and during her tenure at UNR/CASAT served as the C0-I or PI for 36 grants and contracts for substance use prevention for students at UNR and Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) and problem gambling prevention for aging populations in Nevada. Dr. Asteriadis Pyle most recently managed and wrote for the CASAT OnDemand website and blog for five years, synthesizing research for professionals in SUD prevention, treatment, and recovery and related behavioral health fields.
She continues to teach CAS 255, an introductory course in substance misuse prevention she has taught face to face or online since 2007.
Published: July 28, 2022
Women and Weed
April 14, 2022
The Pacific Southwest Addiction and Prevention Technology Transfer Centers are pleased to present a 60-minute webinar entitled Women and Weed. This webinar will outline the rapidly changing culture of cannabis use highlighting potency and routes of administration, perception of risk, and common exchanges regarding substance use and women’s issues. It will share popular products marketed to women and campaigns targeted to individuals who identify as female. It will review public health concerns including child protective services, health concerns of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as the influence on self and family and how to have an intelligent “cannabis conversation.”
By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
Identify at least three (3) new trends in use, potency, products and marketing practices that make women vulnerable to use.
Specify at least two (2) components of the relationship between cannabis and women’s health.
Recall at least two (2) ways that the legalization of recreational cannabis has influenced public health, perception of use, and consumption specifically targeting women.
Explain at least two (2) current research findings pertaining to addiction, intelligence/academic success, and parenting, and specify two (2) effective ways to communicate use deterrence.
Dr. Latisha Bader has worked in the field of mental health and addiction for more than 18 years. She graduated from the University of North Texas in 2007 with a PhD in counseling psychology and specialization in sport psychology, and completed her postdoctoral fellowship in Chemical Dependency at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. She is a Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Addiction Counselor, in addition she is also a Certified Mental Performance Consultant working with elite athletes and teams.
Dr. Bader has worked in a variety of treatment settings including residential, outpatient, private practice, and Native American health care. She spends time in the sport environment in collegiate athletic departments, working with professional teams, and Olympic athletes. She currently compliments the multi-disciplinary team at Women’s Recovery by serving as the Chief Clinical Officer, advancing treatment for women. In addition, she maintains a private practice offering counseling, consultation, educational presentations, and sport psychology services. She authored a chapter in the evidenced based book, Cannabis in Medicine. She serves on the Speakers Bureau for the National Marijuana Initiative as a subject matter expert on emerging research, addiction and treatment.
Webinar Recording
Webinar Recording
Additional Resources
If you're looking for more information on how substance misuse impacts the brain check out this self-paced online course on HealtheKnowledge.org
Substance Use and the Developing Brain
Contact Britany Wiele (
[email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this webinar.
Published: April 22, 2022
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. The March 2022 issue features Women's History Month, the Counselor's Corner blog series, and a complete calendar of events.
Published: April 1, 2022
Print Media
This fact sheet was developed to provide information and resources to parents, prevention professionals, providers, and community members on Human Trafficking in the United States. We would like to take this opportunity to present you with a deeper look into the issues related to Labor and Sex Trafficking.
Un Análisis más profundo al Tráfico Laboral y Sexual en los Estados Unidos
Esta hoja informativa fue desarrollada para proporcionar información y recursos a padres, profesionales de la prevención, proveedores y miembros de la comunidad sobre La Trata de Personas en los Estados Unidos. Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para presentarle una visión más profunda en relación a los temas del tráfico laboral y sexual.
Um olhar aprofundado sobre o tráfico de trabalho e sexo nos Estados Unidos
Esta ficha informativa foi desenvolvida para fornecer informações e recursos a pais, profissionais de prevenção, provedores e membros da comunidade sobre o Tráfico de Pessoas nos Estados Unidos. Gostaríamos de aproveitar esta oportunidade para te apresentar uma visão mais aprofundada sobre as questões relacionadas ao Tráfico de Trabalho e Sexo.
Published: January 31, 2022
Addressing Social Determinants of Health Through Prevention Planning Recording
If you missed the first session of the Great Lakes PTTC's health equity training series, Why Health Equity Matters in Prevention by Nicole Augustine, you can watch the recording and download the training materials using the link above.
Substance misuse prevention planning crosses many disciplines. We are natural collaborators, especially when engaging in environmental strategies. As we continue to plan and work towards improving the overall wellness of the communities we serve, it is important that we understand the social determinants of health (SDOH) and how our work intersects with them. The SDOH are the conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. Join me as we examine the SDOH and how prevention professionals can use this framework in developing innovative prevention strategies.
Define social determinants of health (SDOH)
Describe how prevention planning can be embedded into the 5 domains of SDOH
Identify opportunities for innovative collaboration
Nicole M Augustine is the Founder and CEO of RIZE Consultants, LLC, a strategic consulting firm founded in January 2015. Nicole is an entrepreneur, public health professional, and social justice advocate. Her journey in public health began at Cornell University when after graduating she worked for three years as a BASICS counselor for Cornell's campus harm reduction initiative. From there, Nicole transitioned into the George Washington University School of Public Health before experiencing a rapid career progression from providing prevention education to providing training and technical assistance to communities, professionals, and state agencies.
Nicole has served as the Project Coordinator for the Southeast PTTC, the Project Director of the NC Behavioral Health Equity Initiative, and the Prevention Director for the Addiction Professionals of NC. Nicole currently serves as an Advanced Implementation Specialist with the Opioid Response Network. This network is building trust across justice, corrections, and medical systems to address the opioid and stimulants crisis.
Published: January 27, 2022
eNewsletter or Blog
Monthly e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. March 2021 issue includes The Counselor's Corner, a state spotlight on Indiana, and a calendar of Great Lakes training events.
Published: April 1, 2021
In celebration of the International Women’s day and Women's History Month, join us to celebrate our strong Latinas!
Please join our movement! Let’s lift the women around us.
Tag @ one woman that you are inspired by or share with us one characteristic that makes you very proud about being a woman!
En conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer y el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, ¡únase a nosotros para celebrar a nuestras latinas!
¡Por favor, únanse a nuestro movimiento! Levantemos a las mujeres que nos rodean.
Etiqueta @ una mujer que te inspira o comparte con nosotros una característica la cual te hace sentir orgullosa de ser una mujer!
Em comemoração ao Dia Internacional da Mulher e ao Mês da História da Mulher, junte-se a nós para celebrar nossas Latinas!
Junte-se ao nosso movimento! Vamos elevar as mulheres à nossa volta.
Marque @ uma mulher que te inspira ou compartilhe conosco alguma característica que te deixa muito orgulhosa por ser mulher!
Published: March 8, 2021
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue:
The Pandemic of the Centuries: ACEs, Trauma and Prevention
Additional Resources for Preventing Trauma
What's Happening Around the Region?
Five Session Webinar Series on Trauma Beginning March 25
Data Collection During the Pandemic, Resources and Recordings
Targeting Risks and Vulnerable Populations for Adverse Childhood Experiences
Published: February 18, 2021