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2024 Region 6 Training and Technical Assistance Needs Assessment Results By Nicole Schoenborn, SSW PTTC Evaluator Each year, the South Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (SSWPTTC) conducts a training and technical assistance (T/TA) needs assessment to help us capture the training needs of the field and inform our overall process for creating the work plan for the region. Our first needs assessment was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic as we saw emerging T/TA needs in the workforce. After 6 years, it has expanded into a comprehensive assessment of needs across the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), with additional sections around onboarding, health equity, and data literacy. In the past year, the needs assessment informed live events such as the Unraveling Connections: Social Determinants of Health and Substance Misuse Prevention  and the Alcohol, Equity, and Social Justice: Breaking the Silence. Services in the South Southwest region had a stronger emphasis last year on building the capacity of substance misuse prevention professionals to address gaps in prevention with services for underserved communities. Themes that have strongly surfaced for next year’s services continue to address Social Determinants of Health, underserved communities, and cultural humility and responsiveness. In addition, evaluating programs and communicating data using visualization methods will be a focus area for data-related services in this next year of the SSW PTTC. To view the data and findings, select the links below. Read more about the SSW PTTC Needs Assessment Needs Assessment 2024 PowerPoint        
Published: December 12, 2025
The New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center created this document as part of a Technical Assistance Request to support the Maine Recovery Council's Prevention Ad Hoc Subcommittee in their strategic planning process to identify gaps in prevention funding and opioid use prevention services and create strategy funding recommendations. This document shows how the subcommittee identified substance misuse prevention funding priorities for the Opioid Settlement Dollars through that strategic planning process. This document shows the workplan and outcomes of this process for the workgroup itself to reflect back on in future planning and also offers a process guide for other entities (municipalities, states, regions, etc.) who want an example of a robust process to examine the prevention landscape in other places, demonstrate service gaps, and prioritize funding for opioid use/misuse prevention using opioid settlement dollars.   The Maine Recovery Council: The Maine Recovery Council was established pursuant to the Maine State Subdivision Memorandum of Understanding (PDF) and Agreement Regarding Use of Settlement Funds and 5 M.R.S.A. §203-C. The purpose of the Council is to direct the disbursement of funds within the Maine Recovery Fund for specific uses throughout the state to address the opioid crisis in Maine. Examples of approved uses are reversing overdoses through naloxone or other FDA-approved drugs, expanding the availability of medication-assisted treatment for Mainers struggling with opioid use disorder, helping Mainers avoid opioid use through evidence-based prevention programs, and providing additional special education resources to Maine school administrative units. The Council comprises 15 members appointed by the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, the Attorney General, and certain counties, cities, and towns in Maine.   All council meetings are held in person unless otherwise specified on the notice and agenda. Council meetings are open to the public, and members of the public are permitted to attend to observe but not participate unless otherwise specified on the notice and agenda. Members of the public may also observe by a remote video link provided in each agenda.   Process for Prevention Workgroup prioritizing: The New England PTTC worked with the Maine Recovery Council (MRC) to help process the priorities for funding prevention strategies in Maine for the 2024-2025 fiscal years. The New England PTTC proposed supporting a strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) planning process, which was accepted by the Maine Recovery Council and spearheaded by the MRC Prevention Seat, Liz Blackwell-Moore. The MRC had identified Prevention as a priority in their MOU with the Maine Office of the Attorney General, responsible for the stewardship of the money from the state to communities. These strategy recommendations were presented to the Council in October 2024,  and were accepted by the Council in November 2024.
Published: January 2, 2025
Interactive Resource
Against the Odds - Problem Gambling Graphic Medicine, is a new tool to help foster prevention-focused conversations with young people about problem gambling. Tips for talking & lesson plans are included. Technical assistance is available. A graphic medicine uses the format of a graphic novel to communicate health information. Evidence shows that the visuals combined with the information can help with memory of important information, as well as understanding and comprehension. We worked with SOPO Unite in South Portland, Maine, to create this student-lead story about five friends, while struggling with the normal ups and downs of life as a teenager in small-town New England, now find themselves with a bigger problem on their claws...I mean, hands! The plastics factory on the outskirts of town had a chemical leak, and it's really killed the vibes. Now these friends have to launch an epic grass-roots community clean up, before the vibes kill them! Throughout the story, we see one friend, Luke, struggle with his gambling habits, and another friend, Bishop, struggle with the impacts of the environmental crisis on his well-being. Still, those obvious struggles aren't the only ones. Stay until the end to catch how the students find a connection as medicine, and check out the accompanying Implementation guide to see all the ways the story can be a tool for you to talk to young people about problem gambling. Preview and download (PDF) Preview (in English) - available in January Preview (in Portuguese) -  coming in the Spring 2025 Preview (in Spanish) - coming in the Spring 2025   Printed copy or electronic copy (PDF format) for download, available in January 2025. Please complete the Request Form.   *The New England PTTC is only able to mail printed copies to those working/living in HHS Region 1 (ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI). If you request a copy working/living outside of HHS Region 1, we'll send you an electronic copy (PDF format) to download. Please complete the Request Form.   For Facilitators    Download the Facilitators Implementation Guide. Download the Guide (full color) - available in January Download the Guide (grayscale) - available in January   Through our cooperative agreement with SAMHSA and our Agility Grant through the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), all our resources are free to the public.   Questions? Contact Sarah Harlow, Co-Director, New England PTTC: [email protected]   About this resource: This resource was developed to address a need identified in HHS Region 1 (ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI) to provide substance misuse prevention professionals with tools for substance misuse prevention and gambling prevention. This resource is developed through the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center, funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA), SAMHSA Cooperative Agreement #5H79SP081020-03.  This resource was made possible through a partnership with the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) through the-award-of a one-year Agility Grant. For more information on the Agility Grant through NCPG, please visit:    
Published: December 18, 2024
Explore a comprehensive collection of resources aimed at understanding and addressing the diverse needs of various populations through data-driven insights. Each resource provides practical strategies for prevention and support across different communities. A Closer Look at Opioid-Related Mortality: A Focus on American Indians and Alaskan Natives Charting Paths to Prevention: Mapping Social Vulnerability and Alcohol-Related Deaths Lunch and Learn Emerging Drug Trends in the South Southwest  Fostering the Resilience of Children  Identifying Opioid Misuse Risk and Protective Factors for Hispanic/Latino Populations  Measuring Community Level Trauma  Swimming Upstream with Data, Prevention Data Sources Series, for Military, Rural, and LGBTQ+ Interest Groups  The Syndemic Framework: Enhancing Understanding of the Root Causes of Disease  Women and Alcohol: Drinking to Cope  Youth in the Juvenile Justice System   
Published: December 17, 2024
Explore resources dedicated to fostering leadership and partnerships in prevention efforts. Each resource is designed to build leaders and strong partnerships, enhancing prevention services across diverse communities. A Focus on Tribal Behavioral Health Providers: The Need to Advocate for the Wellbeing of Generations  Apps for Veterans and Those Working With Veterans Addressing Trauma  Culture is Community  Humility, Respect, Understanding, and Inclusion: Working with Indigenous Peoples  Mental Health Care For All: Let's Make It A Reality  Mobilizing Marginalized Communities to Prevent Substance Misuse  Part 2 of 3 Supporting Youth and Building Leadership in Prevention: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion  Part 3 of 3 Youth and Prevention: Building Authentic Youth and Adult Partnerships     
Published: December 17, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue Enhancing the Collaborative Efforts of Communities to Address Homelessness Epi Corner:Adolescent Health Literacy and Substance Use What's Happening Around the Region? What's New at SAMHSA?
Published: November 21, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue Navigating the Green Wave and Protecting Youth in the South Southwest Region Additional Resources on Youth Substance Use Prevention Epi Corner: Implicit Bias and Algorithms Generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) What's Happening Around the Region? Webinar: Reducing Youth Substance Misuse by Implementing Mental Health initiatives New from SAMHSA Substance Use Prevention Month: Telling the Prevention Story October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Published: October 17, 2024
COURSE DESCRIPTION As cannabis laws continue to evolve across the country, prevention professionals and community stakeholders are faced with new challenges and opportunities in addressing youth substance use and promoting public health. In this recording, we explore practical strategies and best practices for responding to cannabis legalization at the grassroots level. From community education and policy advocacy to youth prevention programs and enforcement efforts, this training provides valuable insights and actionable steps for effectively addressing the impact of cannabis legalization on their communities.  Select View Resource to watch the recording. Below are the training materials. Navigating the Green Wave Presentation_PPT Navigating the Green Wave Resources PRESENTERS Mariah Flynn is a Certified Prevention Specialist who has worked in the substance misuse field in Vermont for 23+ years as a counselor, a case manager, and for the last 16 years as the Director of the Burlington Partnership for a Healthy Community, a substance misuse prevention coalition serving Burlington, Vermont. She is a founding member of Prevention Works! Vermont, the Chittenden Prevention Network, and the Northwest Regional Prevention Network; statewide and regional efforts to coordinate substance use prevention resources and strategies for the areas, and she serves on the Steering Committee of Prevention Works! VT. Mariah also previously served as the Coordinator of the Tobacco Free College Campus Initiative for the state of Vermont and the Co-Chair of Smart Approaches to Marijuana-Vermont. She completed two Fellowships with the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center to develop a toolkit for Vermont prevention professionals and communities working on cannabis related policy improvement to use to help support prevention and public health at a community level. In addition to spending as much time with her two teenagers as they will let her, Mariah is also passionate about building communities that provide youth and families with the skills and environment that supports healthy choices.    
Published: October 4, 2024
Webinar Series Description The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Strategic Prevention Technical Assistance Center (SPTAC) Team (HHS Regions IX & X) in collaboration with the Pacific Southwest and Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTC) cordially invite you to join our Regional Webinar Series, Tools for the Trade: Layering the Six CSAP Strategies for Impact. This series is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to enhance your prevention programs. Participation in both webinars is highly recommended but not required. Part 1:  Mastering the Six CSAP Strategies to Address Community Prevention Needs As the saying goes, "If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is easy to treat everything as if it were a nail.” Understanding the purpose and function of CSAP’s six strategies enables prevention practitioners to select the right tool or set of tools to be more effective in their work. This webinar will explore the purpose and function of each of the six CSAP strategies in building a comprehensive prevention plan tailored to specific community needs. Participants will also learn about common misunderstandings of CSAP strategies and gain practical examples for aligning strategies with community needs and reporting requirements.   Post Webinar Materials Mastering the Six CSAP Strategies Part 1 Recording Mastering the Six CSAP Strategies Part 1 Slide Deck   Additional Resources Focus on Prevention Six CSAP Strategies with Examples Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE) Website Prevention Research Center's Policy Studies Fact Sheet: Translating Research Into Information for Policy Makers, Public Health Officials, and the Public MayaTech Corporation Website   Presenter Susannah Burt has been working in substance abuse and mental illness prevention since 2001.  She has implemented the Strategic Prevention Framework since 2003 and has trained on the model since 2006. Professionally, it has been part of her responsibility to work with the evaluators and review data for state and local communities for assessments. She has worked to develop an evaluation plan for environmental strategies, including policies and campaigns. Ms. Burt is currently working on securing ongoing private and public funding for coalitions in her local area. Ms. Burt currently sits on her local Communities That Care coalition in Utah. She received her bachelor's degree from Weber State University and works for Weber Human Services.   Certificates of Attendance Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance for 1.5 hours for each session of this 2-part live webinar series. The total possible certificate hours is 3 hours.   Questions? Please email Michelle Frye-Spray at ([email protected]) for any questions.
Published: September 18, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue National Strategy for Suicide Prevention Additional Resources on Suicide and Substance Use Disorder Epi Corner: Gone Too Soon: Suicide Among Adolescents and Young Adults What's Happening Around the Region? Webinar: Navigating the Green Wave: Strategies for a Local Response to Cannabis Legalization Webinar: Strategies to Disrupt the Proliferation of Emerging Drugs: A Community Approach New from SAMHSA Preventing Substance Use Among Young Adults with Disabilities National Recovery Month
Published: September 18, 2024
Webinar Series Description The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Strategic Prevention Technical Assistance Center (SPTAC) Team (HHS Regions IX & X) in collaboration with the Pacific Southwest and Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTC) cordially invite you to join our Regional Webinar Series, Tools for the Trade: Layering the Six CSAP Strategies for Impact. This series is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to enhance your prevention programs. Participation in both webinars is highly recommended but not required. Part 2:  Layering Evidence-Based Interventions with CSAP Strategies: Building Impactful Prevention Plans Building upon the foundation laid in Part 1, the second webinar will demonstrate how various interventions, from practices to policies, align with the CSAP six strategies to create a layered approach. Participants will receive tips for developing comprehensive prevention plans that thoughtfully incorporate CSAP’s six strategies to address identified needs and achieve desired prevention outcomes.   Post Webinar Materials Mastering the Six CSAP Strategies Part 2 Recording Mastering the Six CSAP Strategies Part 2 Slide Deck   Additional Resources Guide to Online Registries for Substance Misuse: Evidence-Based Programs and Practices Evidence-Based Practices to Promote Agency in Middle School Students: Simple Practices to Activate the Social Development Strategy in a School Setting Six Elements of Effective Coalitions Resource Toolkit   Presenter Susannah Burt has been working in substance abuse and mental illness prevention since 2001.  She has implemented the Strategic Prevention Framework since 2003 and has trained on the model since 2006. Professionally, it has been part of her responsibility to work with the evaluators and review data for state and local communities for assessments. She has worked to develop an evaluation plan for environmental strategies, including policies and campaigns. Ms. Burt is currently working on securing ongoing private and public funding for coalitions in her local area. Ms. Burt currently sits on her local Communities That Care coalition in Utah. She received her bachelor's degree from Weber State University and works for Weber Human Services.   Certificates of Attendance Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance for 1.5 hours for each session of this 2-part live webinar series. The total possible certificate hours is 3 hours.   Questions? Please email Michelle Frye-Spray at ([email protected]) for any questions.
Published: September 12, 2024
Webinar Series Description The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Strategic Prevention Technical Assistance Center (SPTAC) Team (HHS Regions IX & X) in collaboration with the Pacific Southwest and Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTC) cordially invite you to join our Regional Webinar Series, Tools for the Trade: Layering the Six CSAP Strategies for Impact. This series is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to enhance your prevention programs. Participation in both webinars is highly recommended but not required. Part 2:  Layering Evidence-Based Interventions with CSAP Strategies: Building Impactful Prevention Plans Building upon the foundation laid in Part 1, the second webinar will demonstrate how various interventions, from practices to policies, align with the CSAP six strategies to create a layered approach. Participants will receive tips for developing comprehensive prevention plans that thoughtfully incorporate CSAP’s six strategies to address identified needs and achieve desired prevention outcomes.   Post Webinar Materials Mastering the Six CSAP Strategies Part 2 Recording Mastering the Six CSAP Strategies Part 2 Slide Deck   Additional Resources Guide to Online Registries for Substance Misuse: Evidence-Based Programs and Practices Evidence-Based Practices to Promote Agency in Middle School Students: Simple Practices to Activate the Social Development Strategy in a School Setting Six Elements of Effective Coalitions Resource Toolkit   Presenter Susannah Burt has been working in substance abuse and mental illness prevention since 2001.  She has implemented the Strategic Prevention Framework since 2003 and has trained on the model since 2006. Professionally, it has been part of her responsibility to work with the evaluators and review data for state and local communities for assessments. She has worked to develop an evaluation plan for environmental strategies, including policies and campaigns. Ms. Burt is currently working on securing ongoing private and public funding for coalitions in her local area. Ms. Burt currently sits on her local Communities That Care coalition in Utah. She received her bachelor's degree from Weber State University and works for Weber Human Services.   Certificates of Attendance Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance for 1.5 hours for each session of this 2-part live webinar series. The total possible certificate hours is 3 hours.   Questions? Please email Michelle Frye-Spray at ([email protected]) for any questions.
Published: September 12, 2024
Print Media
  Developing innovative and proactive steps to establish best practices for online data collection is essential given that our environment is in a constant state of change. This resource provides prevention practitioners with links to resources that will strengthen online data collection, build trust, and maintain a solid reputation for organizations in an ever-changing environment. Resources for Online Data Collection The Pacific Southwest PTTC is dedicated to providing training and technical assistance services to the substance misuse prevention field. For more information about our services, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Published: September 12, 2024
Webinar Series Description The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Strategic Prevention Technical Assistance Center (SPTAC) Team (HHS Regions IX & X) in collaboration with the Pacific Southwest and Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTC) cordially invite you to join our Regional Webinar Series, Tools for the Trade: Layering the Six CSAP Strategies for Impact. This series is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to enhance your prevention programs. Participation in both webinars is highly recommended but not required. Part 1:  Mastering the Six CSAP Strategies to Address Community Prevention Needs As the saying goes, "If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is easy to treat everything as if it were a nail.” Understanding the purpose and function of CSAP’s six strategies enables prevention practitioners to select the right tool or set of tools to be more effective in their work. This webinar will explore the purpose and function of each of the six CSAP strategies in building a comprehensive prevention plan tailored to specific community needs. Participants will also learn about common misunderstandings of CSAP strategies and gain practical examples for aligning strategies with community needs and reporting requirements.   Post Webinar Materials Mastering the Six CSAP Strategies Part 1 Recording Mastering the Six CSAP Strategies Part 1 Slide Deck   Additional Resources Focus on Prevention Six CSAP Strategies with Examples Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE) Website Prevention Research Center's Policy Studies Fact Sheet: Translating Research Into Information for Policy Makers, Public Health Officials, and the Public MayaTech Corporation Website   Presenter Susannah Burt has been working in substance abuse and mental illness prevention since 2001.  She has implemented the Strategic Prevention Framework since 2003 and has trained on the model since 2006. Professionally, it has been part of her responsibility to work with the evaluators and review data for state and local communities for assessments. She has worked to develop an evaluation plan for environmental strategies, including policies and campaigns. Ms. Burt is currently working on securing ongoing private and public funding for coalitions in her local area. Ms. Burt currently sits on her local Communities That Care coalition in Utah. She received her bachelor's degree from Weber State University and works for Weber Human Services.   Certificates of Attendance Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance for 1.5 hours for each session of this 2-part live webinar series. The total possible certificate hours is 3 hours.   Questions? Please email Michelle Frye-Spray at ([email protected]) for any questions.
Published: September 12, 2024
This webinar focuses a roundtable discussion on sustaining collaborator relationships for preventionists, followed by a question and answer portion.  Featured speakers are Capetra Parker, Dan Fitzgerald, Bethanie Rado, and Amy Mellick-Wetzel.
Published: August 28, 2024
Increase your health equity impact in prevention by elevating your objectives from “SMART” to “SMARTIE!” In this brief, high-impact Prevention PowerByte session, participants will learn how to develop Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound, Inclusive, and Equitable (SMARTIE) objectives to drive impactful prevention strategies. This micro-training offers practical tips along with a worksheet to help professionals craft clear and actionable objectives. Perfect for busy practitioners, this micro-training delivers all the SMARTIE essentials in under 10 minutes!   Worksheet: SMARTIE Objectives Creating SMARTIE Objectives to Achieve Big Goals Recording   The Pacific Southwest PTTC is dedicated to providing training and technical assistance services to the substance misuse prevention field. For more information about our services, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Published: August 27, 2024
In this concise, high-impact micro-training, you will uncover the key criteria for selecting evidence-based interventions and learn how to conduct a side-by-side analysis using the Pacific Southwest PTTC’s Prevention Intervention Comparison Checklist to identify the best fit for your community. This Prevention PowerByte offers practical guidance as we walk you through the checklist, demonstrating how to use it with your planning team to choose the most effective interventions for supporting your community's substance misuse prevention efforts.   Tools for Selecting Best-Fit Interventions: A Checklist for Prevention Practitioners Recording Prevention Intervention Comparison Checklist The Pacific Southwest PTTC is dedicated to providing training and technical assistance services to the substance misuse prevention field. For more information about our services, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Published: August 27, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue North Texas Tackles the Fentanyl Crisis with New Documentary National Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Day is August 21 Harm Reduction Resources Epi Corner: Opioid Overdoses in Children and Adolescents What's Happening Around the Region? Webinar: Reducing Youth Substance Misuse by Implementing Mental Health Initiatives Webinar: Navigating the Green Wave: Strategies for a Local Response to Cannabis Legalization Webinar: Strategies to Disrupt the Proliferation of Emerging Drugs: A Community Approach New From SAMHSA SAMHSA Releases the 2023 National Survey on Drug use and Health (NSDUH) National Mental Wellness Month
Published: August 15, 2024
Webinar Description: As prevention professionals, facilitation in both virtual and face-to-face spaces is an integral part of our work. The ability to convene partners -- whether in meetings, trainings or events – and lead them through collaborative decision-making and other processes is essential to the success of community-based change efforts. This session looked at the art and science of facilitation, the skills needed for successful facilitation and discussed real-world tips and techniques for consensus-building with groups and managing group dynamics. Session Learning Objectives included: Describing the facilitation skills prevention practitioners need Identifying techniques for managing group processes and dynamics Identifying strategies for handling challenging situations as a facilitation   Presenter Info: Sandra Puerini Del Sesto, M.Ed, ACPS is a consultant and master trainer in behavioral health and strategic planning for states and non-profits. For over thirty-five years, Ms. Del Sesto has provided training throughout the United States in all areas of prevention practice.   Jess Goldberg, MSW, MPH, CPS, is a Training and Technical Assistance Specialist with Education Development Center. She specializes in building capacity to improve behavioral health at the national, state, regional and local levels.
Published: August 5, 2024
Multimedia, Toolkit
New research-based substance misuse prevention tools supporting Workforce Development: Recruiting, Training, Retaining Diverse Professionals across the Career Lattice. Prevention Product Development for the New England Region. Link to view the recorded webinar (recorded on August 6, 2024).   CENTERING CULTURAL AND LINGUISTIC EQUITY IN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: A GUIDE TO INCREASING HISPANIC AND LATINO REPRESENTATION IN COMMUNITY-BASED PREVENTION This is a guide for behavioral health leaders and organizations looking to diversify their staff and/or programs by increasing Hispanic and Latino representation in community-based prevention. For some communities, this may mean increasing Hispanic and Latino hiring, while for others this may mean increasing the reach of current programming to include Hispanic and Latino populations. Christina Mancebo-Torres, MPH, Senior Fellow, Massachusetts Christina Mancebo-Torres, MPH is the Assistant Director and Co-Founder of the Centro de Ayuda y Esperanza Latina, Inc. (Latin Center for Help and Hope), located in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Christina is a bilingual prevention professional with experience in program delivery in the United States and the Dominican Republic. She is located in Southeastern Massachusetts where she previously worked on a number of prevention initiatives, including one of the only Hispanic and Latino-led opioid prevention programs in the state of Massachusetts. Christina is a current doctoral student in Health Sciences with a concentration in Trauma Informed Care, and also holds a Master’s degree in Public Health and Graduate Certificates in Epidemiology and Global Health. DOWNLOAD THE PRODUCT.   MY FIRST YEAR IN PREVENTION: A GUIDE TO LEARNING THE FIELD A guide for new professionals working in the field of prevention to support learning of key concepts proven to help preventionists improve policies, practices, programs, and environments that make it easier for people to thrive. The guide includes a timeline for the first year of training, common acronyms, and links to resources and newsletters for additional learning. The appendix includes supporting materials as well as a section for supervisors to engage the new employee in thoughtful reflection related to their learning. In addition to a printable version of the guide, Mariah has also included links to editable templates in both Canva and Google documents to allow supervisors to create their own versions that add in additional learning and resources to fit the needs of their organization or the individual employee. Mariah Flynn, Senior Fellow, Vermont Mariah Flynn is a Certified Prevention Specialist who has worked in the substance misuse field in Vermont for 20+ years as a counselor, a case manager, and for the last 16 years as the Director of the Burlington Partnership for a Healthy Community, a substance misuse prevention coalition serving Burlington, Vermont. She is a founding member of Prevention Works! VT, the Chittenden Prevention Network, and the Northwest Regional Prevention Network; statewide and regional efforts to coordinate substance use prevention resources and strategies for the areas, and she serves on the Steering Committee of Prevention Works! VT. Mariah previously served as the Coordinator of the Tobacco Free College Campus Initiative for the state of Vermont, and has completed two Fellowships with the New England PTTC. In her personal time she supports local initiatives that help youth thrive, including her own two teenagers, in her hometown of Essex Junction. Mariah is passionate about building communities that provide youth and families with the skills and environment that supports healthy choices. DOWNLOAD THE PRODUCT My First Year in Prevention: A Learning Guide My First Year in Prevention: A Learning Guide for the Vermont Prevention Professional Make this resource work for you:  General Canva TEMPLATE Vermont Specific Canva TEMPLATE Google Drive documents from this guide are available to edit   PUTTING THE HUMAN BACK INTO HUMAN SERVICES: EMBRACING A MORE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF PREVENTION A dialogue guide for organizations – particularly in the field of health and human services (with a focus on substance use prevention) – that offers a more holistic and dignified approach to workforce development. Through a dynamic and relational process that emphasizes self-examination, reflection, curiosity, and creativity, this guide centers the humanity of personnel. The ideas and practices suggested in this guide offer a potential pathway to a healthier workplace – and more effective workforce – by emphasizing relationships, practice, and personal growth. FJ Perfas, B.S.B.A., CPS, Senior Fellow, Massachusetts FJ Perfas is a dedicated prevention professional with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, where he leads community-based youth substance misuse prevention initiatives for the Department of Public Health. With a deep conviction that prevention is a vital component in fostering health and enhancing quality of life, FJ integrates restorative and strength-based approaches into his work. He believes that cultivating meaningful relationships is essential for building resilient individuals and thriving communities. Outside of his professional life, FJ is an enthusiastic outdoorsman who finds joy in exploring the mountains and oceans of New England, reflecting his passion for the region’s natural beauty. DOWNLOAD THE PRODUCT.   TOOLS: FOR A WORKING MEETING This resource is a cooperative card game designed to teach the mechanics of working meetings where everyone participates and everyone’s participation is valued. Through this experiential learning experience, players understand for themselves what it is like to participate in an equitable and inclusive meeting. It is intended for use in workshops, team-building exercises, and other small group settings. Em Delaney, CPS, Fellow, Vermont Em Delaney serves as the Communications Coordinator for Healthy Lamoille Valley, a coalition and program of the Lamoille Family Center in Vermont. She has worked in Vermont nonprofits as a technical communicator, information designer, and project coordinator for over a decade as well as spending several years in collective management. She believes the presence of equity in the workplace leads to a sense of belonging and provides an environment where expression and thought are encouraged. Em is a certified prevention specialist and currently serves on the Vermont CPS Board. She holds an MA in education and an MFA in interdisciplinary art and is working on a certificate in technical communication. DOWNLOAD THE PRODUCT Tools for a Working Meeting - A Cooperative Card Game for Two or More Players (PRINT VERSION) Tools for a Working Meeting - A Cooperative Card Game for Two or More Players (WEB FRIENDLY)   LGBTQIA+ HIRING PRACTICES FOR THE PREVENTION WORKFORCE This guide is intended to provide employers with the hiring experiences and challenges of, and guidelines for important considerations when recruiting and hiring, LGBTQIA+ folx. Resources for training and deeper conversations are also included. Alissa Cannon, CPS, Senior Fellow, New Hampshire Alissa Cannon is a Certified Prevention Specialist working in the field of Juvenile Justice and Prevention for the New Hampshire Juvenile Court Diversion Network, a statewide Nonprofit Organization coordinating screening for substance use and mental health in juvenile court diversion programs. She has worked in the areas of prevention and community/school-based health education for nearly 15 years and has enjoyed every moment of it. She also proudly serves on the Prevention Taskforce of the NH Governor’s Commission on Prevention, Treatment & Recovery, the Alcohol & Other Drug Policy Advisory Committee for New Futures and is actively working with the NH Service to Science Expert Panel to designate the NH Juvenile Court Diversion Model as Evidence-Based. Alissa is originally from south Louisiana, but now resides in New Hampshire with her wife and their two rescue dogs, Conrad and Gronk. DOWNLOAD THE PRODUCT.   DISARMING MICROAGGRESSIONS & MACROAGGRESSIONS TO PROMOTE A DIVERSE AND INCLUSIVE PREVENTION WORKFORCE This guide is meant to assist preventionists with identifying the presence of micro- and macroaggressions in everyday life, their manifestation in the field of prevention, and evidence-informed strategies for addressing them. Guidance is also provided to prevention leaders on promoting equity and inclusion across the prevention career lattice to support a more diverse prevention workforce that can address prevention disparities in communities. Michael Awad, PhD, Senior Fellow, Connecticut Michael Awad, PhD is a licensed psychologist that has worked in the field of mental health for over 10 years focusing on improving access, utilization, and outcomes of prevention and treatment services for youth and families. Michael led the New Haven Prevention Council, a community coalition of youth and parents, healthcare providers, school, civic and government leaders, law enforcement professionals dedicated to preventing and reducing the incidence and impact of substance use on youth in New Haven, Connecticut. He also developed the OneStep Program, a comprehensive school-based prevention and health promotion program that uses social media and positive youth development to address multiple social ecological influences implicated in adolescent substance use. Michael earned his doctorate in counseling psychology from Columbia University and completed a National Institute of Drug Abuse postdoctoral fellowship in substance abuse prevention at the Yale School of Medicine. DOWNLOAD THE PRODUCT.     View the 2021 products.   View the 2022 products.   View the 2023 products.
Published: August 4, 2024
In this engaging 1-hour course, professionals in substance misuse prevention, treatment, and recovery will gain a comprehensive understanding of evaluation practices and their crucial role in planning and success. We will demystify evaluation, making it accessible and encouraging its integration into your work. You’ll learn how planning and evaluation complement each other and discover the importance of monitoring as a distinct yet integral part of evaluation. The course will provide practical ideas on what and how to measure, along with sense-making guidelines. Additionally, you’ll explore the differences and similarities between impact evaluation and contribution analysis, understand the steps involved in contribution analysis, and see real-world examples of its application. Join us to enhance your evaluation skills and ensure your programs achieve their desired impact. This course offers a certificate of completion.
Published: July 23, 2024
Description Peer professionals provide an array of recovery-oriented and person-centered care which include empathetic engagement with survivors of trauma circumstances. Peer professional work at times can increase the peer’s vulnerability to vicarious trauma or secondary stress. This 2-hour workshop reviewed how trauma situations may present when supporting clients to recognize and cues alerting as to when to step away from a trauma-inducing situation. Content also offered practical strategies for peers and other staff on self-care and self-supportive resources to build and maintain resiliency. Presenter Information Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T has worked in the behavioral health field for more than 25 years. Using a culturally informed and inclusive recovery-oriented perspective, Ms. Padilla instructs on how to enhance strategies and interventions to best meet the substance use and related needs of communities of color, LGBTQ+ people, and other traditionally underserved populations. She is also an SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment) Technical Assistance and Implementation Specialist, helping agencies to build their capacity to effectively intervene with communities at risk of substance use and mental health related conditions and behaviors. Related Documents PowerPoint Flyer
Published: July 22, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue The Importance of Accessibility: 5 Simple Steps Resources Highlighting Accessibility and Disabilities Epi Corner: Social Network Analysis: A Helpful Tool in the Prevention Toolbox What's Happening Around the Region? Webinar: Elevate Your Work: Accessibility for Prevention Professionals Webinar: Reducing Youth Substance Misuse by Implementing Mental Health Initiatives New From SAMHSA National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month Get Involved with National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month - A Toolkit
Published: July 17, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue Systems Thinking for Prevention Professionals Epi Corner: Addressing Parental Loss in Children of Overdose Victims What's Happening Around the Region? Webinar: Elevate Your Work: Accessibility for Prevention Professionals Exciting Updates! HealtheKnowledge Online Learning Platform An Important Announcement from the Blueprints Registry New Products and Resources from the South Southwest PTTC New From SAMHSA
Published: June 19, 2024
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