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Webinar Description Tailored for early career practitioners looking to elevate their prevention practice, this session explored the foundational prevention competencies that every prevention professional should build toward, where to find professional development opportunities to support growing those capacities, and best practices for planning your personal approach to professional development. Appropriate for individuals intending to pursue prevention certification, are seeking career advancement or simply want to improve their skills and abilities. Our presenters shared practical insights and valuable resources to support the professional development journey. Session Learning Objectives included: Defining key foundational competencies important for early prevention practitioners to develop Listing sources (e.g., organizations, websites) providing professional development opportunities for prevention professionals Describing the process for developing a personal approach to professional development   Presenter Information Sandra Puerini Del Sesto, M.Ed, ACPS is a consultant and master trainer in behavioral health and strategic planning for states and non profits. For over thirty five years, Ms. Del Sesto has provided training throughout the United States in all areas of prevention practice. She is a member of the advisory boards of the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC), the National Latino PTTC and the New England School of Addiction Studies. Sandra serves as the RI delegate to the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC). Jessica Goldberg is a Training and Technical Assistance Specialist with Education Development Center. For over a decade, Jess has specialized in building capacity to improve behavioral health at the national, state, regional and local levels. Her areas of expertise include preventing youth substance use; promoting cross sector collaborations; addressing health disparities; strategic planning, logic model development, and sustainability planning. Jess is a Certified Prevention Specialist and holds an MSW and an MPH from Boston University.   Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer Personal Professional Development Action Plan Starter
Published: February 23, 2024
Webinar Description This 1.5 hour interactive session looked at cultivating community support for prevention coalitions and explored how to transform local leaders to prevention champions. As managing a coalition effectively is an art, it requires excellent communication skills and the ability to build both individual and organizational prevention capacity. It also involves establishing and maintaining close working relationships with community members and collaborating with them to select and implement community and culturally appropriate substance misuse prevention interventions. In a post-Covid world, the ways in which we work and communicate have shifted in meaningful ways, but the fundamental principles informing that work remain the same. Learning Objectives: Identify key organizational functions and resources necessary to support effective coalitions Discuss strategies to build organizational capacity Describe key strategies for a plan to continually monitor organizational capacity   Presenter Information Charlotte Carlton brings over 30 years of experience leading and implementing substance use prevention programs at the community, state, regional, and national levels. She is currently working with multiple Education Development Center (EDC) teams to provide support for prevention efforts in Health & Human Services Regions 1 and 2. Previously, she served as the Director of the Southeast Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) and as a Senior Program Director for the Pacific Institute of Research and Evaluation (PIRE). She has done extensive research on the subject of program sustainability, most recently applying that research to the sustainability of community coalitions. She is the co-recipient of the 2002 Science to Practice award presented by the Society for Prevention Research and the 2001 Award of Excellence for outstanding contributions to the prevention field from the National Prevention Network.   Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer Extra Resource - NeC-PTTC Resources Coalitions Post Covid Extra Resource - NeC-PTTC Coalitions Post Covid - Tips for Engagement
Published: February 23, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Northeast and Caribbean Winter 2023 Newsletter (English | Spanish) is here. This issue highlights resources for strategic communication, as well as, our upcoming trainings. 
Published: February 23, 2024
The Ethics of Authentic Connections and Healing Boundaries Laura Hinds, MSW, LCSW February 21, 2024, 1:00pm-3:00pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION For many of us, Ethics and Boundaries have been taught, or interpreted, as walls of disconnection between providers and those they serve. However, we know that authentic connections and unconditional positive regard are both Trauma Informed and powerful offerings to people struggling with Substance Use Disorder. This conversation supports us in clarifying the definitions and applications of ethics and boundaries that can protect AND promote the health and well-being of those we serve. LEARNING OBJECTIVES List the examples of how ethics inform appropriate and strong boundaries in our work relationships with clients who experience Substance Use Disorder. Identify how the historic instruction on ethics and boundaries and how that teaching threatens clinical engagement and client outcomes. Name 5 ways a provider can hold appropriate and ethical boundaries. PRESENTERS Laura Hinds, MSW, LCSW, is a clinical social worker with experience in medical, behavioral and mental health settings.  Laura has had the pleasure of working with high acuity special needs populations and their providers for over 22 years.  An alumna and instructor at Penn’s School of Social Policy and Practice for 13 years, and Bryn Mawr’s School of Social Work and Social Research’s for the past 4 years, Laura has supported the learning and education of new social workers, veterans in the field, and their interdisciplinary partners.  With a focus on trauma, human and gender development, racial equity, and crisis intervention Laura supports special needs populations and those who serve them.  
Published: February 21, 2024
The Seven Vital Conditions for Health and Well-Being: A Framework for Community Action in Skagit County February 7, 2024   Webinar Description What does it take for communities to thrive? This webinar will provide an overview of the seven vital conditions for well-being and illustrate how it can be a useful framework for conceptualizing holistic individual and community well-being. The presenters will demonstrate how the framework can help address issues related to a community response to mental health and well-being, substance use disorder, and substance misuse prevention in Skagit County, WA, with North Star Project. The framework is used by multiple state and federal agencies, including The Federal Plan for Equitable Long-Term Recovery and Resilience as a guiding framework to organize and take action on social determinants of health. The framework can support efforts to achieve the transformative change needed to build a strengths-based and community-driven response to creating conditions that promote well-being. This webinar is jointly brought to you by the Northwest PTTC, ATTC, and MHTTC.   Webinar Objectives In this webinar, participants will: Identify the seven vital conditions (thriving natural world, basic needs for health and safety, humane housing, meaningful work and wealth, lifelong learning, reliable transportation, and belonging and civic muscle).  Develop a basic understanding of each of the seven vital conditions. Learn about how a community is organizing their response to the mental health and opioid crisis using the vital conditions as a framework for promoting community well-being.   Webinar Recording and Slides The Seven Vital Conditions for Health and Well-Being: A Framework for Community Action in Skagit County Recording & Additional Resources The Seven Vital Conditions for Health and Well-Being: A Framework for Community Action in Skagit County slide deck (PDF)   Additional Resources The Institute for People Place and Possibility (IP3) Social Vulnerability Index Social Vulnerability Index Interactive Map The Water of System Change-John Kania, Mark Kramer, Peter Senge Area Deprivation Index Index of Deep Disadvantage   Presenters Chris Kelleher Chris Kelleher is a Portland, Oregon, consultant who works at the intersection of strategy, management, and language. He has held positions with Kaiser Permanente, Oregon Health and Science University, and the University of North Carolina. His client engagements focus on achieving meaningful progress by increasing coherence in thought and action. A frequent collaborator with ReThink Health, he is dedicated to developing cases and practices that drive equitable system change.   Jennifer Johnson Jennifer Johnson serves as Deputy County Administrator for Skagit County.  Ms. Johnson has worked for Skagit County since 2003 and her background spans the fields of public health, nutrition, and organizational management.  Ms. Johnson has over 28 years leadership experience, with specific interest and experience in advancing organizational and community systems to advance the development of public policy that addresses community-level health and social problems.   As the prior Public Health Director for Skagit County, Ms. Johnson was committed to creating a culture of health and wellness for all of Skagit County, with an expanded focus on social determinants of health, strengthening public-private partnerships, increasing connection between public health and clinical health, and implementing an outcomes driven approach to program and policy development.  She earned a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Management from Oregon State University in 1996, and then completed the Mid-Willamette Dietetics Residency Program, becoming a registered Dietitian in 1998.   Questions Contact Kathy Gardner ([email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this webinar.  
Published: February 13, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The February 2024 issue features content from the Great Lakes ATTC celebrating Black History Month, including our upcoming 2024 Black History Month Panel Presentation. It also features a new educational brief on health equity in crisis systems, upcoming prevention trainings on drug trends in the region, and updates to the Classroom WISE curriculum for 2024. As always, you will also find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!   Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: February 12, 2024
Advancing Health Equity through the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF): A Lunch & Learn Series   The Southeast & Central East PTTCs are pleased to present this week-long Lunch & Learn Series in collaboration with the Southeast Regional SPTAC Team. This interactive webinar series offers new and experienced prevention professionals an opportunity to explore comprehensive prevention planning with a Health Equity lens. Sessions include dynamic breakout room discussions, resource sharing, and networking opportunities between prevention professionals from regions 3 and 4.   Supplemental Resources: SPF and Health Equity: Lunch & Learn Series Workbook   Learning Objectives: Describe the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) and its key components Explain the importance incorporating health equity into the SPF process Identify strategies for assessing community needs and health disparities Develop a plan to build capacity for implementing the SPF with a focus on health equity Apply the SPF to develop and implement a comprehensive prevention plan that addresses health disparities Evaluate the effectiveness of prevention efforts and their impact on health equity Identify strategies for sustaining prevention efforts that prioritize health equity   Presenter: Nicole M Augustine, MPH, MCHES, PS Region 3 and 4 SPTAC Director   Watch Sessions On-Demand Session 1 – Assessment & Health Equity Download Session 1 Presentation Slides This session provided an overview of the SPF and its key components, with a particular focus on the assessment phase. Participants learned how to conduct a community needs assessment that identifies health disparities and inequities that need to be addressed in prevention planning.   Session 2 – Capacity & Health Equity Download Session 2 Presentation Slides In this session, participants learned how to build capacity for implementing the SPF with a focus on health equity. Topics covered included developing partnerships, engaging diverse stakeholders, and building a culture of health equity within organizations.   Session 3 – Planning & Health Equity Download Session 3 Presentation Slides This session focused on the planning phase of the SPF and how to incorporate health equity considerations into prevention planning. Participants learned how to prioritize prevention strategies that address health disparities and involve diverse communities in prevention planning.   Session 4 – Implementation & Health Equity Download Session 4 Presentation Slides In this session, participants will learn how to implement prevention strategies that prioritize health equity. Topics covered will include adapting evidence-based interventions to meet the needs of diverse communities, addressing social determinants of health, and building community capacity for prevention. Session 5 – Evaluation and Health Equity Download Session 5 Presentation Slides This session will cover the evaluation phase of the SPF and how to assess the impact of prevention efforts on health equity. Participants will also learn how to assess the cultural appropriateness of evaluation tools, use data to monitor progress, evaluate outcomes, and adjust prevention efforts as needed.
Published: February 7, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The latest edition of our bi-monthly newsletter is available. This month’s edition features our latest product a harm reduction guide for prevention professionals, prevention success videos, resources for awareness campaigns for the month of February, and regionally and nationally developed events and tools to support and grow the prevention workforce in New England. View the newsletter.
Published: February 6, 2024
Stigma and Bias in Behavioral Health Laura Hinds, MSW, LCSW January 31, 2024, 1:00pm-3:00pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Racial and use bias has been demonstrated in the research related to Behavioral Health and Medically Assisted Therapy. The conclusion that has been drawn is that even well-meaning providers and staff hold biases that impact how and to whom they offer care and medicinal support for Substance Use Disorder (SUD). This lecture explores this research and supports participants in reflecting on, identifying, and mitigating this reality so as to offer equitable respect and support for everyone living with SUD. A LEARNING OBJECTIVES List the ways in which bias affects Behavioral Health Treatment and intervention for people living with Substance Use Disorder. Define the difference between implicit and explicit bias, and how to identify them. Recite at least three ways to identify and address their implicit bias in relation to their work in Behavioral Health. PRESENTERS Laura Hinds, MSW, LCSW, is a clinical social worker with experience in medical, behavioral and mental health settings.  Laura has had the pleasure of working with high acuity special needs populations and their providers for over 22 years.  An alumna and instructor at Penn’s School of Social Policy and Practice for 13 years, and Bryn Mawr’s School of Social Work and Social Research’s for the past 4 years, Laura has supported the learning and education of new social workers, veterans in the field, and their interdisciplinary partners.  With a focus on trauma, human and gender development, racial equity, and crisis intervention Laura supports special needs populations and those who serve them.  
Published: January 31, 2024
Promoting Prevention by Understanding the Who, What, and Why of Psychostimulant Use   The rise of psychostimulant use over the past several years has contributed to significant negative consequences in mental health, medical, and social outcomes among communities. These outcomes are further exacerbated by the structural and systemic drivers of social determinants of health. Addressing stimulant use disorder must take into consideration the interaction of these factors in a comprehensive, public health approach to treatment. Ultimately, prevention efforts may be enhanced through understanding of the specific nuances of stimulant users and their particular vulnerabilities. Thank you to the Opioid Response Network for their collaboration on this webinar.   Supplemental Resources: Presentation Slides   Learning Objectives: Summarize the types of psychostimulants, common routes of use, and epidemiology of stimulant users. Describe the intersection of social determinants of mental health with stimulant use in the creation of health disparities among vulnerable populations. Identify outreach strategies for engaging communities and promoting prevention efforts among stimulant users.   Presenter: Dr. Daryl Shorter is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and is Board Certified in both General and Addiction Psychiatry. A graduate of Rice University (BA Sociology) and Baylor College of Medicine (MD), Dr. Shorter completed General Psychiatry residency at The Ohio State University Medical Center and Addiction Psychiatry fellowship at New York University/Langone Medical Center. Dr. Shorter is an Associate Professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine. He also serves as the Medical Director of Addictions and Recovery Services at the Menninger Clinic as well as the Program Director of the BCM Addiction Psychiatry fellowship. Dr. Shorter is the author of numerous peer-reviewed publications and book chapters focusing on medication treatment of substance use disorders and addictions training in graduate medical education. Along with former NFL quarterback Ryan Leaf, Dr. Shorter is the co-host of The Recovery Playbook, a video podcast which tackles current issues in addictions treatment, breaks down the science behind addiction medicine, and challenges stigma. In addition to his work at Menninger, Dr. Shorter is the psychiatrist of record at The Montrose Center, Houston’s LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health and Community Center, where he supervises Addiction Psychiatry fellows who provide mental health and substance use disorder treatment services. He speaks widely, both in person and virtually, on topics related to mental health, the LGBTQ+ community, and addictions treatment. His monthly column in the Outsmart Magazine is widely read and serves as a platform to discuss the promotion of mental well-being among members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Published: January 30, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The January 2024 issue features the third installment of the Counselor's Corner blog series: Integrating Spirituality and Counseling with African American Clients, information on the Opioid Response Network's 2022-2023 regional summits, and a call for applications for the upcoming HEART (Healing Ethno And Racial Trauma) Training for Behavioral Health Providers Serving Hispanic & Latinx Communities intensive training series. As always, you will also find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!   Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: January 11, 2024
        Prevention in Pictures: Using Prevention Graphic Novels to Facilitate Conversations with Youth Sarah Johnson, MA, PS-C, and Scott Gagnon, MPP, PS-C January 10, 2024, 1:00pm-2:00pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Join us to learn about a unique prevention tool: Graphic Medicine. Graphic Medicine are evidence-based ways of accessibly communicating health information. In the Air is a graphic medicine built to foster conversations with and among young people around vaping, choices about substance use, and social factors. This graphic novel-styled story of five teens going through high school incorporates the behavioral science of substance misuse prevention with the stories, interests, and ideas of members of the Tobacco Free Rhode Island Youth Ambassadors. The novel has questions to help guide the discussion, a strong research base, and roots in risk and protective factors. During this session, participants will become familiar with the resource, how to use it to facilitate conversations with young people, and how to use the accompanying facilitator guide. Participants will learn how to request copies and learn about an upcoming resource in the same style that addresses youth problem gambling. The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions and explore how this and future products can work to support their prevention work. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learn what a graphic medicine is and how you can use this format in prevention efforts with young people. Understand the process of creating a graphic medicine through a prevention lens with cultural responsiveness and youth voice as driving factors. Learn about an upcoming resource being designed with this format specifically to foster conversations around youth gambling prevention. Practice facilitating conversations with the tool. PRESENTERS Scott Gagnon, MPP, PS-C New England PTTC Director - Associate Executive Director, AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc.     Sarah Johnson, MA, PS-C Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator, AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc.        
Published: January 10, 2024
Print Media
This brief compares and contrasts the mission, services and audiences of the PTTC Network and SPTAC, and describes how to take advantage of their excellent free prevention resources.
Published: January 10, 2024
Print Media
Mountain Plains PTTC is pleased to offer a new infographic based on new research on risk and protective factors for the three most commonly used substances among adolescents.
Published: January 5, 2024
  Webinar Description SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) is a preventive public health approach used to identify and intervene with persons whose pattern of use put them at risk for, or who are experiencing, substance-related health and other psychosocial problems, such as HIV and HCV, or exacerbated mental health issues. Prevention with Latinx communities includes a culturally responsive, trauma-informed, and inclusive framework conducive to screening and early intervention. The content will inform on how taking a few minutes to conduct a person-centered brief intervention can help motivate reduction of substance use with Hispanic, Latino and Latinx communities. The approach further identifies those with high potential for a substance use disorder and opportunities for accessing culturally relevant resources.     Presenter Information Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T, is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC), and a member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry. As a cultural agent, Ms. Padilla promotes an equity lens in trainings for engaging diverse communities in need, aligning with evidence and strength-based strategies within behavioral health, addiction, prevention, and recovery supports fields and professional capacities.     Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer
Published: January 3, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The January 2024 Dialogue contains articles on: Addiction: COVID-19 Impact on Substance Use Disorder and Recovery | Mental Health: Heart Disease and Mental Health Disparities in Black America | Prevention: Celebrating 20 Years of Prevention Excellence | ORN: ORN Consultant's guidance on Recovery Houses  Additional sections include behavioral health observances, virtual training and webinar events, Region 3 news, and new resources. The Dialogue is designed to inform behavioral and mental health professionals of news and upcoming events in the Central East states. This electronic newsletter is disseminated on the first Tuesday of each month. You are encouraged to provide us with any feedback or submit articles and topics for discussion in future issues of the newsletter.  Sign up to receive the Dialogue in your mailbox. 
Published: January 3, 2024
  Webinar Description This interactive four-hour workshop reviewed how mitigating factors such as stress, discrimination, microaggressions and societal attributions influence racial stigma and differential prevention services. The intersecting challenges of social drivers of health and development of racial trauma in communities of color will also be explored. The content will offer bias reducing strategies that help mitigate stigma and benefits of integrating culturally responsive care to help attain and retain highest levels of person-centered care for people of color and other marginalized communities.     Presenter Information Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T, is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC), and a member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry. As a cultural agent, Ms. Padilla promotes an equity lens in trainings for engaging diverse communities in need, aligning with evidence and strength-based strategies within behavioral health, addiction, prevention, and recovery supports fields and professional capacities.     Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer  
Published: January 2, 2024
Dr. Fred Rottnek is a Professor and the Director of Community Medicine at Saint Louis University School of Medicine and the Program Director of the Saint Louis University Addiction Medicine Fellowship. His clinical practices currently include addiction medicine and correctional healthcare. He teaches in the School of Medicine, the Physician Assistant Program, and the School of Law. Board-Certified in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine, he is the Medical Director for the Assisted Recovery Centers of American (ARCA) and Juvenile Detention in Family Court for the City of St. Louis. He serves on the boards of the Saint Louis Regional Health Commission and Alive and Well Communities.  Email: [email protected] The funder of this project, along with all other products of the Mid-America PTTC is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Although funded by SAMHSA, the content of this recording does not necessarily reflect the views of SAMHSA. The human brain is the most complex organ in the body. Drugs can alter important brain areas that are necessary for life-sustaining functions and can drive the compulsive drug use that marks addiction. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has a great recourse available titled Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction. For more information visit - It is reported that only 25% of parents speak with their children about the dangers of drugs. How can we educate parents on the dangers of drugs and alcohol, and provide them with the tools needed to guide and engage children through this very rough and sensitive terrain? Addiction is Real can help answer this simple question – to learn more visit  We’d like to hear from you, please send your comment, topic or guest suggestion to [email protected]
Published: December 21, 2023
Session 3 – Equity, Inclusion, & Prevention: A Rural & Appalachian Conversation   A facilitated panel discussion featuring three subject matter experts from our region. This session will provide a focus on understanding the culture of Appalachia and similar rural communities and how that culture informs the lens through which prevention efforts should be focused.   Learning Objectives: Define cultural humility. Identify the difference between cultural humility vs. cultural competence.  Discuss the importance of these topics within the context of current SUD prevention priorities, and prevention leadership.  Discuss potential resources for prevention leaders.   Access the supplemental resources associated with this virtual training opportunity via the download button above.
Published: December 18, 2023
Empowering Prevention Professionals: A Deep Dive into Certification, Equity, and Essential Resources   Join the Southeast PTTC for this transformative webinar that unravels the pivotal role of certification for prevention professionals. In this session, we addressed the stark realities of pay equity and the hurdles many face in the path to certification. Dive deep into the state-specific requirements and arm yourself with the tools to make your journey smoother. As a highlight, we were joined by Nicole M Augustine, who shared a comprehensive study guide tailored for aspirants and introduced the Southeast PTTC’s enriching online course available on HealtheKnowledge that encapsulates the foundational performance domains integral to the certification test. This session also included a robust Q&A session where attendees clarified their questions and began a successful career trajectory in prevention.   Supplemental Resources: Webinar Workbook Presentation Slides Community Coalition Alliance Training Worksheet   Learning Objectives: Recognize the significance of certification in shaping a prevention professional’s career and its implications on pay equity. Identify the common challenges faced by professionals in obtaining certification and strategies to overcome them. Gain clarity on the varying certification prerequisites and procedures across different states. Familiarize oneself with the newly released study guide tailored to assist professionals in their certification journey. Understand the structure and content of the HealtheKnowledge online course which provides an overview of the pivotal performance domains essential for the test. Engage in a Q&A session to address individual concerns, doubts, and curiosities regarding the certification process and the resources available.    Presenter: Nicole M. Augustine, Founder & CEO of RIZE Consultants, Inc. Nicole M Augustine is the founder and CEO of RIZE Consultants. With nearly 15 years of experience in the industry, Nicole is a seasoned strategist and advisor who has helped numerous companies across various sectors achieve their goals and grow their businesses. Her expertise includes business planning, strategic management, financial analysis, and organizational development, all while centering health equity and ensuring vulnerable communities have the resources they need to thrive. Nicole is a dedicated and driven leader who is passionate about helping her clients succeed. In addition to managing RIZE Consultants, Nicole serves as an Advanced Implementation Specialist with the Opioid Response Network and a consultant to the Prevention Technology Transfer Center.
Published: December 8, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The December 2023 issue shares recorded content on wound care and xylazine, social media basics for preventionists, an infographic on providing behavioral healthcare to people living with HIV, and SAMHSA's tips for supporting your mental health through the holidays. As always, you will also find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!   Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list, so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter and thank you for reading!
Published: December 7, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
The Northeast and Caribbean Fall 2023 Newsletter (English | Spanish) is here. This issue highlights resources for strategic planning for the New Year, as well as, our upcoming trainings.  
Published: December 1, 2023
COURSE DESCRIPTION This presentation reviews the history of US street drug markets since the early 1990s to explain the emergence of xylazine, fentanyl, and crystal methamphetamine in regional markets formerly dominated by heroin and cocaine. It will examine the relationship between each of these newly prevalent synthetic substances and describe what we know so far about their impact on related comorbidities. Finally, it will assess how the public health impact of recent transformations to the US narcotics supply relates to the experience of drug consumption and the actual way that people use drugs in their everyday lives. It will conclude with lessons learned to help determine what prevention strategies could be used to counteract the impact on communities. Select the View Resource button above to watch the recording and link to the PowerPoint below. PowerPoint PRESENTER Dr. Fernando Montero’s research draws together the methods of medical and economic anthropology to examine the racialized, gendered interface between the opioid overdose epidemic, mass incarceration, ongoing transformations in narcotics supply chains, and public assistance programs for psychiatric disability in the United States. His mixed-methods research studies the changes in the risk environment for HIV, HCV, mental health conditions, and fatal overdose among street-based drug users brought about by the emergence of synthetic sedatives (e.g. fentanyl and xylazine) and stimulants (e.g. methamphetamine) in the 2010s-2020s, and by the concomitant resurgence of punitive drug control targeting petty dealers throughout the US. One of the central questions of his current research is why the opioid overdose epidemic is becoming increasingly black following almost three decades in which it was predominantly white and working class. He is also conducting a long-term ethnographic study of the War on Drugs in the Afro-Indigenous region of Moskitia on the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua and Honduras.      
Published: November 30, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue:   The Power of Community Advocacy Additional Policy and Advocacy Resources Epi Corner: Using "Big Data" and other Digital Methodologies to Monitor Substance use Disorders (SUDs) What's Happening Around the Region
Published: November 20, 2023
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