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  Prevention Meets Harm Reduction: How Community Collaborations Work Across the Continuum- Part One from PTTC Network on Vimeo. How can prevention coalitions work across the continuum of care to maximize impact and sustain systems-level changes that promote wellness for everyone? This virtual series will provide a framework for understanding harm reduction strategies by sharing the history and pillars of harm reduction as a social movement and examples of various types of harm reduction strategies. Participants will explore how the goals and values of prevention intersect with harm reduction and how we can work together through community collaborations to address overlapping goals. Finally, we will explore how the knowledge brought from those with lived experience can enhance our implementation strategies across the continuum of care.  
Published: June 28, 2022
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue:   The Prevention Epidemiologist   Epi Corner: Creating Logic Models to Support Epidemiology and Evaluations   What's Happening Around the Region?             Building a Youth Prevention System Series, June 23 and July 21  Don't Miss This             A new toolkit: "Tobacco-Free Toolkit for Behavioral Health Agencies"             National Latino Behavioral Health Conference
Published: June 27, 2022
Peter Komendowski is one of Iowa’s leading advocates for healthy, drug-free communities and is a sought-after speaker as an expert in substance abuse prevention and high-risk behavior management. In 2013 he was invited by Mediacom to host the TV series, Children & Drugs: Secrets for Parents, which aired eight episodes.  Building on that success he was invited back to host the TV show Surviving Bad, now in its 6th year. He is co-founder of the Internationally renowned Iowa Digital Literacy & Wellness Conference, and as a writer and a speaker, has been entertaining audiences of all ages with his observations on “living in the digital world – life at the speed of human.” Website: Email: [email protected]  
Published: June 27, 2022
Recording: Risk Factors for Youth Substance Misuse   How can we prevent substance misuse unless we understand what places kids at greater risk of misusing drugs? During this webinar, we will explore the risk factors that place youth at greater risk of substance misuse, as identified by the Social Development Research Group through systematic reviews of the research literature. Time will be spent exploring each risk factor to ensure that preventionists understand the meaning of each factor in order to address them effectively. This training will build on the information shared during the Great Lakes PTTC webinar on the importance of protective factors (May 24, 2022).   LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to: Describe the importance of focusing on both increasing protective factors and decreasing protective factors List the criteria used to identify factors that place youth at greater risk of substance misuse Understand the nuances that exist for each risk factor Put the risk factor framework into action in their communities   PRESENTER:  Kris Gabrielsen, MPH Kris Gabrielsen is the co-director of the Great Lakes Prevention Technology Transfer Center. She has worked in the substance misuse prevention field for over 30 years. Kris was the Associate Director of the Western Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT), co-authored the first Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training curriculum, and co-authored the textbook, Substance Abuse Prevention: The Intersection of Science and Practice. As a consultant, she has worked with states and communities across the nation to bridge the gap between research and practice, assisting prevention professionals in maximizing their effectiveness.
Published: June 23, 2022
COURSE DESCRIPTION What does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) mean when it comes to youth substance misuse prevention efforts? To adequately support youth prevention work, prevention professionals must be inclusive of people from all backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. It also means including these principles when planning. This webinar discusses the 3-pronged term, DEI, and how each of its principles can holistically enhance prevention efforts, and how to operationalize these principles using the strategic prevention framework. Select the View Resource button above to watch the recording. Below is the PowerPoint for this webinar. PowerPoint   PRESENTERS Chieftess Olufemi Yeshua EL is a consultant, diversity, equity, inclusion, and  belonging strategist, and educator. She serves as the chair of the NY Association for the Education of Young Children Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee. In this role, she is helping the organization become an anti-racist organization. She reviews the organization's strategic plan, works with various committees to analyze their work from a DEI lens and helps educators across New York state be more impactful within their work with Black Indigenous People Of Color (BIPOC) children, and families with a focus on DEI. She holds a Masters degree in Early Childhood Education and Teaching and she is the founder and co-chair of the Parents of Children of Color Affinity Group.       
Published: June 23, 2022
Print Media
The process of selecting prevention strategies that best fit the needs and assets, readiness, and capacity of a community begins with identifying evidence-based interventions, as catalogued in registries or databases of evidence-based programs, policies, and interventions. To support the efforts of Prevention Professionals to identify and select best-fitting strategies, the Northeast & Caribbean PTTC has developed this guide to using Evidence-based resource registries.  Click here to download the resource.
Published: June 23, 2022
  Description: This interactive discussion explored how coalitions should be structured so that they are better poised for policy work. We asked participants to consider how the prevention work they are doing now is amenable to future policy efforts. The session explored the importance of policy identification based on community need and of coalition readiness to engage in a policy campaign. The discussion closed with an overview of our 10-step policy adoption model. In preparation for this session, participants were asked to register for, and complete, the brief online course, “An Introduction to the Power of Policy Change,” found at Learning Objectives: Identify coalition strengths and challenges related to policy development and adoption Understand the process to ensure the policy selection addresses a local condition Learn the ten steps of the Policy Adoption Model Access additional resources to support their policy work   About the Presenters Kristin Kidd is a technical assistance provider for the Southeast Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Kristin manages the Center’s training delivery and policy technical assistance. She has developed and delivered trainings focused on the policy process across the country. Kristin is also Principle Investigator for the North Carolina Behavioral Health Equity Initiative that collaborates with community agencies to reduce health disparities and promote equity. Prior to joining the Southeast PTTC, Kristin led the Tobacco Control Training and Technical Assistant Team at the Colorado School of Public Health. Her team provided statewide advocacy and policy guidance to local health agencies focused on eliminating tobacco disparities. Michael Sparks is an Alcohol Policy Specialist and the President of SparksInitiatives. His primary interest is working with communities to use policy to reduce alcohol-related problems. Michael currently serves as a consultant and trainer to communities across the country and is a trainer for Community Anti-drug Coalitions of America. He also works in a consulting role with Wake Forest University and Johns Hopkins University on alcohol policy issues. He has expertise in the alcohol policy field as well as in the areas of community building, using local control strategies to manage problematic alcohol and drug environments, the legislative process, and neighborhood revitalization.
Published: June 17, 2022
Marcia Baker has a PhD in Psychology with a specialty in Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine. She is currently owner of Third Coast Counseling and Wellness where she is a practicing therapist. She has developed programs and worked as a therapist in the substance abuse treatment, prevention, and behavioral health field for over 30 years.  She utilizes her education and experience to provide a holistic approach when treating emotional/physical health issues for all ages. She is a Registered Yoga Teacher and has been a Yoga practitioner for over 25 years. Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory    
Published: June 16, 2022
Racial Disparities In Substance Use Prevention Laura Hinds, MSW, LCSW June 15, 2022, 1:00pm-3:00pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This training will explore the difference in how drug use, misuse, and penalty has fallen along racial lines and examine how efforts to engage and prevent substance misuse has been affected by implicit bias, partiality, and judgment. This training will present opportunities to learn strategies to address racial disparities while working with persons in care. From whom gets offered supportive treatment to how record keeping prevents or disrupts sobriety, this training will explore ethical responsibilities regarding equity and justice in the field of addiction management. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Identify how bias and partiality affects the substance use prevention services offered to and accessed by minority populations Identify opportunities for safeguarding processes in outreach, programming, and treatment that can be affected by racial bias Explain steps and strategies to address racial disparities and increase racial equity of treatment access and engagement Describe strategies to increase the efficacy of prevention initiatives and to facilitate positive outcomes and experiences for minority clients living with substance use and misuse issues PRESENTERS Laura Hinds is a clinical social worker with experience in medical, behavioral and mental health settings.  Laura has had the pleasure of working with high acuity special needs populations and their providers for over 22 years.  An alumna and instructor at Penn’s School of Social Policy and Practice for 13 years, and Bryn Mawr’s School of Social Work and Social Research’s for the past 4 years, Laura has supported the learning and education of new social workers, veterans in the field, and their interdisciplinary partners.  With a focus on trauma, human and gender development, racial equity, and crisis intervention Laura supports special needs populations and those who serve them.    
Published: June 15, 2022
The Ongoing Opioid Epidemic Part 2: Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead Josh Esrick, MPP, and Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip June 14, 2022, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will discuss evidence-based prevention interventions for opioids and review the lessons learned thus far from the epidemic. It will summarize use and overdose prevention best practices, including the role of harm reduction beyond naloxone distribution. The webinar will also discuss strategies for polysubstance use prevention and the need for further studies. Lastly, the webinar will overview the importance of collaboration and the ways key stakeholders can support opioid prevention efforts. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Review evidence-based and promising practices for preventing opioid use and overdoses Discuss opportunities for improving polysubstance use prevention Overview strategies for expanding opioid prevention collaborative activities Explore other lessons learned from the opioid epidemic PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is a Senior Policy Analyst with Carnevale Associates. Josh has extensive experience in substance use prevention; researching, writing, and presenting on best practice and knowledge development publications, briefs, and reference guides; and developing and providing T/TA to numerous organizations. He developed numerous SAMHSA Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies’ (CAPT) products on strategies to prevent opioid misuse and overdose, risk and protective factors for substance use, youth substance use prevention strategies, youth substance use trends, emerging substance use trends, the potential regulations surrounding marijuana legalization, as well as numerous other topics. Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip holds a Masters of Science in Abnormal and Clinical Psychology from Swansea University and a Postgraduate Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Edinburgh. She offers significant professional experience in the fields of public policy development and analysis, criminal justice research, data collection and analysis, program development, and performance management.  
Published: June 14, 2022
Print Media
Developed by the Central East PTTC, in partnership with Chase Brexton's Center for LGBTQ Health Equity, this fact sheet is intended to provide an overview of the unique unmet needs of Youth of Color. Included are recent trends in the data as well as effective therapeutic approaches for prevention and mental health professionals.                
Published: June 14, 2022
Three-Part Cannabis Webinar Series Prevention Professionals located in HHS Region 8 - Mountain Plains PTTC (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY), are invited to attend this no-cost, three-part training series on cannabis. Hear from experts about lessons learned with regards to cannabis legalization in their states; Gain a better understanding of the changing marketing messages created by the cannabis industry and what to do about it; As well as learn about various strategies to prevent cannabis use among youth. Part 3: Recent Science on Cannabis and a Changing Legal Climate: Opportunities for Prevention and Public Health Messaging June 14, 2022  Presented by: Dr. Jason Kilmer, Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington (UW) As states consider medical cannabis or outright legalization of cannabis for non-medical purposes, it is important to also consider prevention and public health needs. In this web-based presentation, we will consider changes in potency/concentration seen in states with medical or non-medical cannabis, what the science says about these products, and what this means (particularly for prevention with youth). We will consider environmental, public health, and prevention efforts that can be part of a mix of strategies to prevent cannabis use among youth. Participants will: Identify a screening measure for Cannabis Use Disorder. Describe at least two (2) risks/outcome associated with cannabis use. Identify at least one prevention or public health approach/opportunity for use in their community.   Webinar Recording & Resources: Recording Presentation Slides Resources  
Published: June 14, 2022
Exploring the Science of Connection Behind Promoting First Relationships   May 25, 2022   Description Promoting First Relationships ® (PFR: Kelly et al., 2008) is a brief 10-week home visiting intervention designed for caregivers with infants or young children. PFR is a program that focuses on the quality of the caregiver-child relationship as a source of protection from toxic stress. Providers who learn to use PFR are trained to use strength-based strategies including positive feedback and reflective observation. Together these strategies help caregivers develop a deeper understanding of their child’s behavior which in turn increases their sensitivity to their child’s social and emotional needs. PFR uses video feedback to facilitate reflective observation and discussion. PFR has been evaluated in five randomized clinical trials: two trials in the child welfare system in Washington State; two trials within American Indian tribes; and one trial in a perinatal mental health setting. In this presentation, we will first describe the underlying conceptual model that leverages positive relationships as a source of resilience and then describe the PFR model of intervention. We will also show some videotaped examples of PFR in practice and conclude with a brief overview of the evidence base.    Objectives By the end of the webinar participants will be able to: Identify key elements why focusing on children birth-five promotes overall well-being across the life course. Articulate two strategies that Promoting First Relationships® uses to elevate resilience and caregiver’s strengths to support the Caregiver-Child relationship. Describe PFR home-visiting program and have a basic understanding of relationship-based models of promotion and prevention.   Presenter Monica Oxford, MSW, PhD, is a Research Professor in Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing at the University of Washington and the Executive Director of the Barnard Center for Infant Mental Health and Development. Her research focuses on early parenting and child developmental outcomes for families living in challenging environments. Dr. Oxford’s interest is in how context, parenting, and child characteristics combine to inform particular patterns of child outcomes and how intervention services promote both caregiver and child well-being. Dr. Oxford is also involved in training social service providers throughout Washington on infant mental health, strengths-based practice, and how providers can support caregiver-child dyadic interaction from an attachment-based perspective. Dr. Oxford is the principal investigator of four NIH grants; the first three are randomized control trials aimed at examining the impact of Promoting First Relationships® (PFR: Kelly et al, 2008). Dr. Oxford is also co-principal investigator on four NIH-funded RCT testing the effectiveness of PFR in three additional populations (foster care, perinatal mental health setting, and American Indian rural setting).     Program Spotlight Recording and Slides Program Spotlight Recording Download Program Spotlight Slide-Deck *This presentation and the information contained in it is proprietary information of Monica Oxford and the University of Washington and may not be adapted, modified, or disseminated without the prior written permission of Monica Oxford. For more information, contact Monica Oxford ([email protected]). This presentation is intended to be used by prevention professionals for learning purposes only. This presentation is not 508 compliant.   Additional Resource Link Learn More About Promoting First Relationships   Questions? Contact Clarissa Lam Yuen ([email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this program spotlight.
Published: June 14, 2022
Print Media
Developed by the Central East PTTC, this fact sheet serves as a resource for prevention professionals to understand stigma, it's effects on persons who misuse substances, the causes of stigma, ways to address stigma, and what prevention professionals can do. Linked in this digital fact sheet are a number of additional resources.                  
Published: June 13, 2022
eNewsletter or Blog
The latest edition of our bi-monthly newsletter is available. This month’s edition features growing prevention careers together, a focus on cannabis prevention, stories of substance misuse prevention and resilience, the application is open for the next Project ECHO, awareness campaigns for the month of June, and regionally and nationally developed events and tools to support and grow the prevention workforce in New England. View the newsletter.
Published: June 13, 2022
  Presented by: Dr. Peter Gamache Description: June is Pride Month. The month recognizes the sweeping impact that LGBTQ+ individuals, advocates and their allies have had on history in the United States. The Southeast PTTC honors Pride Month with this important webinar focused on health disparities experienced by LGBTQQI2-S youth and adults. This session will focus on preventing and addressing behavioral health disparities among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and two-spirit (LGBTQI2-S) youth and adult populations in southeast (HHS Region 4) communities (KY, TN, NC, SC, MS, AL, GA, FL). Learning Objectives: This session discussed the need and rationale to address Social Determinants of Health and changing demographic trends. This session discussed key advantages for implementing this approach. This session discussed practical examples of how organizations can develop inclusive policies and procedures.   About the Presenter Dr. Peter Gamache Dr. Gamache is an interdisciplinary program evaluator for initiatives that focus on underserved populations with behavioral health, primary care, and social support needs. He has also served on national workgroups for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, reviews federal funding applications, and provides technical assistance and capacity building on Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), federal policy modeling, fidelity to evidence-based service models, and disparities and outcomes reporting.
Published: June 10, 2022
Strategic Alliance: Prevention Across the Continuum of Care Yvonne L Stroman, MA, CRS June 8, 2022, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Substance misuse prevention efforts educate and support individuals and communities to prevent the use and misuse of drugs, yet there remains a portion of our communities who use substances. Harm reduction includes strategies and ideas that aim to reduce the negative consequences related to substance misuse. Harm reduction can be considered as an approach to secondary prevention of risky behavior among youth with the intent to save lives, reduce consequences and build support. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define harm reduction and locate strategy within the continuum of care for prevention Provide an overview of harm reduction and positive youth development philosophy Evaluate community readiness to embrace and implement harm reduction practices as part of its prevention efforts Develop one actionable item for training their own staff in harm reduction PRESENTER Yvonne L Stroman, MA, CRS, for more than 25 years, has worked in the field of social services providing leadership, direction, support, education, advocacy, training and empowerment to individuals, families and communities. She has served in various capacities, including executive director of a non-profit as well as senior management. Her current position, includes working as an administrator for the county drug and alcohol agency. Her duties include working with local organizations to assure that quality drug and alcohol services are provided, providing community education and awareness regarding alcohol and other drug use disorders; providing support and referrals to individuals seeking assistance for a drug and alcohol problem; and working with community organizations and agencies to advocate and promote recovery from addiction. Through other related initiatives, Yvonne collaborates with individuals and social agencies to promote environmental strategies and educates the public about the dangers and consequences associated with youth’s use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and other social issues affecting youth and the community. Yvonne’s community activism includes service on local boards including, Reading, PA School Board, Reading Police Diversity Board, Berks County Children and Youth Advisory Board, Berks County Suicide Prevention Task Force, and the Pennsylvania Statewide Disproportionate Minority Contact Sub-Committee –an advisory committee under the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Yvonne is a national consultant for the CADCA and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Programs providing training to youth and adults on issues and initiatives that promote cultural diversity and awareness and ultimately create community level change. Additionally, Yvonne is a part-time Adjunct Professor at Alvernia University in Reading, Pennsylvania. Yvonne holds a Master’s Degree in Human Services Counseling for Addictions and Recovery and is a Certified Recovery Specialist.  
Published: June 8, 2022
Print Media
The Great Lakes PTTC created this brief to address a need identified for evidence-based information on how to successfully use naloxone vending machines (NVMs). NVMs are intended to complement, rather than duplicate, existing points of access such as syringe service programs, pharmacies, and mobile outreach units. Important considerations for implementing a NVM include readiness, stakeholder engagement, strategic placement, data collection, promotion, monitoring, and sustainability.   Click the attachment box to the right for Naloxone Vending Machines: Considerations for Implementation brief. 
Published: June 7, 2022
The Ongoing Opioid Epidemic Part 1: The Current Landscape Josh Esrick, MPP, and Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip June 7, 2022, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will provide a broad overview of opioid trends in the Central East region and nationwide, including what is known about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It will review changes in use and consequences, and ongoing shifts in substance preferences. As part of this, the webinar will discuss the increasing frequency of polysubstance use and its impact on prevention. Lastly, the webinar will review the latest research on the social determinants of health and other risk and protective factors. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Summarize the latest opioid use and consequence data Explore the known impacts of COVID-19 on opioid trends Highlight the latest information on polysubstance use Review research on opioid risk and protective factors PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is a Senior Policy Analyst with Carnevale Associates. Josh has extensive experience in substance use prevention; researching, writing, and presenting on best practice and knowledge development publications, briefs, and reference guides; and developing and providing T/TA to numerous organizations. He developed numerous SAMHSA Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies’ (CAPT) products on strategies to prevent opioid misuse and overdose, risk and protective factors for substance use, youth substance use prevention strategies, youth substance use trends, emerging substance use trends, the potential regulations surrounding marijuana legalization, as well as numerous other topics. Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip holds a Masters of Science in Abnormal and Clinical Psychology from Swansea University and a Postgraduate Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Edinburgh. She offers significant professional experience in the fields of public policy development and analysis, criminal justice research, data collection and analysis, program development, and performance management.  
Published: June 7, 2022
Recording: Alcohol is STILL a Drug: The Impact of Alcohol Use on Individuals with Mental Illness    This presentation will review the comprehensive impact alcohol use has on people who have a co-occurring psychiatric conditions, including depression, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, PTSD and schizophrenia. Special consideration will be given to the impact of COVID-19 and factors that promote initiating and sustaining recovery. 
Published: June 7, 2022
Three-Part Cannabis Webinar Series Prevention Professionals located in HHS Region 8 - Mountain Plains PTTC (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY), are invited to attend this no-cost, three-part training series on cannabis. Hear from experts about lessons learned with regards to cannabis legalization in their states; Gain a better understanding of the changing marketing messages created by the cannabis industry and what to do about it; As well as learn about various strategies to prevent cannabis use among youth.   Part 2: Cannabis: New Conversations for Changing Times June 7, 2022 Presented by Jamie Comstock & Robin Carr, Info Inspired, LLC During this training, preventionists will be called to shift their approach in response to the changing cannabis policy and industry landscape. The times have changed, and so must our conversations in the community. An overview of marketing trends will be provided, which have moved far beyond selling a “high”, to selling a lifestyle, a path to natural health and wellness, and any mood/experience/delivery method of the consumer’s choosing. Further, the importance of staying informed about marketing trends and some strategies for doing so, will be highlighted. Additionally, a framework for selecting messages/materials available for the prevention field will be offered. Preventionists have moved from the need to be content creators, and now must be expert curators. Lastly, an emphasis will be placed on audience analysis and editing, too! The goal is for participants to build confidence and skills for more effective conversations about cannabis. Participants will: Describe the current cannabis landscape and industry marketing trends. Identify prevention strategies for a variety of cannabis regulatory frameworks. Formulate messages that resonate with a range of audiences. Formulate content from available tools and resources for the prevention field.     Webinar Recording & Resources: Recording Presentation Slides Resources  
Published: June 6, 2022
Print Media
This Issue: Planting Seeds of Love, Light and Respect to Harvest Equity This issue celebrates Pride month and we are celebrating the diversity, beauty, resilience of and contributions by our LGBTQAI2S+ community members. Please read to learn more about the resources we are highlighting this quarter, NLBHA’s upcoming events and projects, and more.   In This Issue Our Mission Dicho of the Quarter Page 1 A reflection by our Program Director Page 2 Story time: meet our team member, Christina Page 3 Highlighting the experts Quarterly Highlights Celebrations Page 4 NLBHA Highlights Page 5 Article by Luis Cornejo MS, LMFT Page 6 Media Corner Page 8 Staff Contact information Page 9   Español: Esta Publicación: Plantando Semillas de Amor, Luz y Respeto Para Cosechar Equidad   Português: Esta Edição: Plantando Sementes de Amor, Luz e Respeito Para Colher Equidade
Published: June 3, 2022
Prioritizing Equity in Prevention Series Two Years In: Reflections on Best Practices to Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Misuse Among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Communities Since COVID-19   May 23, 2022   Learning Session Overview and Objectives Asian Americans (AA) and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders (NHPI) are the least likely ethnic groups in the US to seek behavioral health services. While AA and NHPI communities represent a large number of diverse ethnic groups, they share some cultural factors that can impact how they seek behavioral health services and how they respond to strategies in promoting mental health and preventing substance misuse. This Learning Session will explore best practices and cultural responsiveness in addressing mental health and substance misuse among AA and NHPI communities.    This Learning Session was created in partnership with the Asian & Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health* (APIC). APIC represents the unique health issues and needs of the multi-lingual, multi-ethnic Asian and Pacific Islander populations. The Caucus has been instrumental in addressing various health equity and social justice issues affecting Asian and Pacific Islander communities, such as improving access to health care, recognizing Asian Americans as under-represented minorities in health research, advocating for immigration reforms and increasing recognition of complementary and alternative medicine among North American physicians, among several other efforts. *APIC operates under cooperative agreement CDC-RFA-IP21-2106 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this program are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC/HHS   Objectives By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to: Identify cultural factors that can act as barriers to seeking behavioral health services Compare strategies that promote mental health and reduce substance misuse among AAs and NHPIs Analyze trends in mental health and substance use among AA and NHPI communities since the onset of COVID-19   Presenter Dr. Marielle A. Reataza, MD, MS serves as the Executive Director of the National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse (NAPAFASA), based in Alhambra, California. Dr. Reataza has a broad professional experience as a high school teacher, physician, community advocate, and in health policy and law. Paired with her lived experience as a Filipino-Chinese immigrant, Dr. Reataza strives to amplify the experiences of AA and NHPI communities in advocacy for robust culturally responsive resources, diminished barriers to care, and substance use disorder prevention across AA and NHPI communities       NAPAFASA is a private, non-profit, 501(c)(3) membership organization dedicated to mental health advocacy through research, efforts at public health and policy reform, and community empowerment.         Learning Session Materials Learning Session Recording Learning Session Slide deck   Questions? Contact Britany Wiele ([email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this learning session.
Published: June 2, 2022
Dr. Ira J. Chasnoff, M.D., an award-winning author, researcher, and lecturer, who is president of NTI Upstream and a Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago. He is one of the nation's leading researchers in the field of child development and the effects of environmental factors on the developmental trajectory of children and adolescents. He also has worked with a wide range of States across the nation and internationally in developing universal outreach and early intervention programs for children and families affected by trauma or substance abuse. For more information about Dr. Chasnoff visit:  
Published: June 2, 2022
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