Products and Resources Catalog

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eNewsletter or Blog
December was a busy time of year for everyone. That includes prevention specialists! Did you know December was 3D Prevention Month? 3D stands for “drunk and drugged driving.” With so much happening during the holidays, December was a prime opportunity to make a difference in educating people about the dangers of drugged and drunk driving. In our December newsletter, we shared promotional materials and other items to help people prepare to deal with this issue. Regardless of the month, this is a topic to be prepared to combat all year long. Check out the December newsletter for materials to help you in 2020 and beyond. 
Published: January 10, 2020
eNewsletter or Blog
Prevention Science 101 - Back to the Basics
Published: January 9, 2020
Young adults are an important population for substance use prevention efforts. This webinar will review the process of developing an evidence- based guide on substance use prevention for young adults, including: reviewing the literature and science examining emerging and best practices determining key components of peer-reviewed models that effect policies and programs, and identifying challenges and gaps in implementation. Presenter Kim Dash, Ph.D., is a senior research scientist with Education Development Center. Her work focuses on translating research and practice on disease and risk prevention into evidence-informed interventions that improve public health. 
Published: January 7, 2020
The PTTCs launched our first services in January 2019. In the past year, we have experienced significant growth in terms of participation in our services and sign-ups for our mailing list. Since we are still new and have many new contacts, we developed this 15-minute prerecorded webinar to tell you a little about who we serve and how we deliver our services. Our annual training and technical assistance work plan is developed based on the results of our regional needs assessment and advice from our regionally represented Advisory Board. Once the work plan is developed and approved by our SAMHSA government project officer, anyone can access the trainings and technical assistance services that we offer. Please check out this webinar here to learn more!
Published: December 23, 2019
Print Media
The National American Indian and Alaska Native Prevention Technology Transfer Center would like to share with you Volume 1, Issue 2 of our newsletter, Prevention in our Native American Communities for Winter 2019. Please take a few moments to explore this issue.
Published: December 20, 2019
Print Media
Section 508 was made part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in 1998. Its purpose is to require agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities. This fact sheet provides further information, along with links, to introduce all professionals to Section 508 and considerations for accessible online materials.  
Published: December 20, 2019
Print Media
The New England PTTC is pleased to release the final report of its 2019 prevention workforce needs assessment. Beginning in September 2018, New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center conducted a prevention workforce needs assessment in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. This needs assessment was conducted by the New England PTTC's evaluation sub-contractor, Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG).  The needs assessment had the following five objectives:   1. Define substance use prevention, concretely and operationally, in a way that is meaningful for professionals in the field and can be used across state lines to discuss prevention on a larger scale; 2. Identify the current landscape of the New England prevention workforce; 3. Identify strengths and needs among New England states in the prevention workforce; 4. Evaluate current prevention workforce recruitment strategies; and, 5. Offer recommendations for training and technical assistance for new and advanced prevention professionals in the field.   The attached report outlines current service availability, gaps, and needs for substance use prevention professional education and accreditation. Specifically, it highlights state-level prevention workforce recruitment strategies, the utilization and promotion of prevention certification and training needs for the New England prevention workforce. The New England PTTC will use this report as a major basis for the development of training and technical assistance services offered and provided to the field in the New England states.     The New England PTTC will soon schedule a live webinar providing an overview of the report.  Stay tuned!
Published: December 19, 2019
Print Media
The Mountain Plains - Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) conducted a training and technical assistance (T&TA) needs survey distributed to each of the six states (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming) in our region.  The goal of this survey was to understand the T&TA needs of the prevention professionals in our states.  We developed the survey during December 2018 through April 2019 and it was administered from April through May of 2019.  A total of 267 prevention professionals in Region 8 started the survey; 21 of these individuals did not complete the survey.  After removing the incomplete responses, data collected from 246 participants were reviewed.  Respondents were predominantly: Female (87.40%), White (92.43%) and not of Hispanic origin (97.10%) Between the ages of 35 and 44 (30.86%) Residing in rural communities (67.77%) Working at a community coalition (24.69%), and Working as a substance use prevention specialist (50.22%)   Participants were asked to indicate the priority/need for training and/or technical assistance (TA) on a variety of topics. Each topic was rated on a 5-point scale. The top five training needs based on the percentage of respondents indicating it as a “Very Interested” included: Adolescent substance use prevention Alcohol prevention Marijuana prevention Changing social norms Connecting adolescent development with prevention programming  
Published: December 18, 2019
Print Media
The MP-PTTC collaborated with the other TTCs (MP-ATTC and MP-MHTTC) in HHS Region 8 to create a one-page print/electronic handout describing services each TTC provides.  In addition; the handout includes the actual website as well as a direct QR code link to the website, a map of the region and the SAMHSA logo.  The handout is for distribution to professionals in the prevention, treatment and mental health fields as a way to endorse all TTCs in Region 8 and promote the collaboration between all of the centers. 
Published: December 18, 2019
Central East Webinar Series: Building the Prevention Workforce Skill-Base Part 2: How to Conduct a Needs Assessment⎯Step 1 of the Strategic Prevention Framework Josh Esrick, MPP, and Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip December 17, 2019, 1-2 PM EST  |  View all Central East series This is part two of a six-part webinar series hosted by the Central East PTTC that focuses on the Strategic Prevention Framework and related topics. SERIES DESCRIPTION This six-part webinar series developed by the Central East PTTC will support and build the capacity of the prevention workforce. The series is a skill building training that will detail the steps to implementing a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to prevention using the five stages of SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework: 1) Needs Assessment, 2) Building Capacity, 3) Planning, 4) Implementation, and 5) Evaluation. The series will explain the importance of each stage and what aspects of the strategic planning process they cover, techniques for completing each stage, and strategies for overcoming obstacles. This series will also discuss other relevant topics, such as: ethical approaches to prevention, how to prioritize data, and how to modify programs, among others. COURSE DESCRIPTION The first step to implementing a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to prevention is to understand, to the fullest extent possible, the surrounding substance use landscape. This requires collecting, analyzing, understanding, and prioritizing data from multiple sources to develop a complete picture of the issues that need to be addressed. This webinar will describe how to conduct a substance use needs assessment, discuss potential data sources and how to access them, and explain techniques for analyzing and prioritizing needs assessment results. It will also walk through ways that technology can be used to support the needs assessment process. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Discuss the importance of conducting a needs assessment Describe the key steps of a needs assessment Discuss strategies for overcoming needs assessment challenges Explain techniques for prioritizing results PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is a Senior Policy Analyst with Carnevale Associates. Josh has extensive experience in substance use prevention; researching, writing, and presenting on best practice and knowledge development publications, briefs, and reference guides; and developing and providing T/TA to numerous organizations. He developed numerous SAMHSA Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies’ (CAPT) products on strategies to prevent opioid misuse and overdose, risk and protective factors for substance use, youth substance use prevention strategies, youth substance use trends, emerging substance use trends, the potential regulations surrounding marijuana legalization, as well as numerous other topics. Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip holds a Masters of Science in Abnormal and Clinical Psychology from Swansea University and a Postgraduate Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Edinburgh. She offers significant professional experience in the fields of public policy development and analysis, criminal justice research, data collection and analysis, program development, and performance management.               
Published: December 17, 2019
Today we will be talking with Nicole Augustine. Nicole is the Project Coordinator for the Southeast Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. She has been working in the field of prevention since 2001. Nicole has a Master of Public Health degree from The George Washington University School of Public Health. Nicole is a passionate prevention provider, committed to supporting initiatives designed to address the complex substance use issues affecting our society. Nicole is going to share her expertise on the Prevention Specialist certification, the six domains under the credential, and outline the benefits of becoming credentialed.  
Published: December 17, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
Monthly electronic newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   
Published: December 16, 2019
Print Media
Most states and territories, as well as many communities andtribes, use SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) to guide theirprevention work. The SPF is a cyclical, collaborative, data-driven strategicplanning and implementation process that increases the likelihood of achievingthe intended substance-related outcomes (for example, to reduce underagedrinking or to reduce opioid overdoses). The first step of the SPF isAssessment, which begins with collecting and prioritizing substance-relatedconsumption patterns and consequences data. Data prioritization in SPF Step 1is essential in identifying the most important substance-related problem(s)that a state, territory, tribe, or community is facing.  This handout provides an overview of one basicmethod for prioritizing needs assessment data, using the method described in Episode1 of the PTTC's podcast, the Data Dive.      
Published: December 12, 2019
Today we will be talking with Lisse Regehr. Lisse is the President and CEO of Thrive Allen County. She oversees Thrive’s efforts to build a statewide rural health advocacy network in Kansas and coordinates engagement with state and local policymakers. And just a little bit about Thrive Allen County. They are the largest and most prominent rural health advocacy organization in Kansas. They work relentlessly to make Allen County the healthiest rural community in the state. In 2017, Thrive’s vision was recognized nationally, as Allen County won the prestigious Culture of Health Prize from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, for pursuing innovative ideas and bringing partners together to rally around a shared vision of health. The things that Thrive has put into motion have laid the foundation for a sustainable Culture of Health in Allen County.   Visit: for more info.
Published: December 11, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
The December 2019 Dialogue contains articles on: Addiction: Recovery During the Holiday Season | Mental Health: Supporting Student Mental Health | Prevention: Prevention During the Holiday Season | ORN: Family Peer Recovery Specialist certification.  Additional sections include upcoming training and webinar events, behavioral health observances, new resources, Region 3 news, and New Resources. The Dialogue is designed to inform behavioral and mental health professionals of news and upcoming events in the Central East states. This electronic newsletter is disseminated on the first Tuesday of each month. You are encouraged to provide us with any feedback or submit articles and topics for discussion in future issues of the newsletter. If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive the Dialogue, news, and training announcements, sign up here.        
Published: December 10, 2019
Print Media
This handout provides an overview of one basic method for prioritizing needs assessment data, using the method described in Epidsode 1 of the PTTC's podcast, the Data Dive.  
Published: December 6, 2019
Today we will be talking with Margo Leitschuh. Margo is the Communications Coordinator for Partners in Prevention. She is responsible for the coordination of several statewide programs around safe, sober driving and MoSafeRx. Margo graduated from the University of Missouri with a Bachelor’s of Health Science and is passionate about her work in prevention. Margo will share some tips and suggestions for a new prevention professional or someone interested in joining the field. We’ll also unpack some bits of wisdom that are applicable to even the most seasoned prevention professional.   Learn more about Missouri's Partners in Prevention here: Register for their Meeting of The Minds here:    
Published: December 4, 2019
eNewsletter or Blog
December Newsletter: Mental Health and the Holidays
Published: December 4, 2019
Central East Webinar Series: Building the Prevention Workforce Skill-Base Part 1: Overview of the Strategic Prevention Framework and the Importance of Ethics in Prevention Josh Esrick, MPP, and Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip December 3, 2019, 1-2 PM EST  |  View all Central East series This is part one of a six-part webinar series hosted by the Central East PTTC that focuses on the Strategic Prevention Framework and related topics. SERIES DESCRIPTION This six-part webinar series developed by the Central East PTTC will support and build the capacity of the prevention workforce. The series is a skill building training that will detail the steps to implementing a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to prevention using the five stages of SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework: 1) Needs Assessment, 2) Building Capacity, 3) Planning, 4) Implementation, and 5) Evaluation. The series will explain the importance of each stage and what aspects of the strategic planning process they cover, techniques for completing each stage, and strategies for overcoming obstacles. This series will also discuss other relevant topics, such as: ethical approaches to prevention, how to prioritize data, and how to modify programs, among others. COURSE DESCRIPTION With the many substance use challenges facing the U.S. today, it is more important than ever for there to a well-developed and educated prevention workforce to address the causes behind substance use. This webinar is the first in a six-part series developed by the Central East PTTC to support the prevention workforce by detailing in-depth the steps to implementing a comprehensive, evidence-based approach. This webinar will overview the five steps of SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework, as well as discuss the importance of following ethical guidelines to prevention. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explain the goals and structure of this webinar series Discuss the importance of using evidence in prevention Overview the five steps of the Strategic Prevention Framework Describe what ethics in prevention means and why it is important PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is a Senior Policy Analyst with Carnevale Associates. Josh has extensive experience in substance use prevention; researching, writing, and presenting on best practice and knowledge development publications, briefs, and reference guides; and developing and providing T/TA to numerous organizations. He developed numerous SAMHSA Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies’ (CAPT) products on strategies to prevent opioid misuse and overdose, risk and protective factors for substance use, youth substance use prevention strategies, youth substance use trends, emerging substance use trends, the potential regulations surrounding marijuana legalization, as well as numerous other topics. Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip holds a Masters of Science in Abnormal and Clinical Psychology from Swansea University and a Postgraduate Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Edinburgh. She offers significant professional experience in the fields of public policy development and analysis, criminal justice research, data collection and analysis, program development, and performance management.           
Published: December 3, 2019
Print Media
Produced in partnership with Chase Brexton's LGBT Resource Center, these three fact sheets serve as a resource for Prevention Professionals working with LGBTQ Communities. They highlight risk and protective factors unique to these communities.    Please download the Youth and Vaping, LGBTQ Suicide Prevention, and LGBTQ Substance Misuse Prevention Strategies Fact Sheets using the download link above. Check out our recorded webinars for additional information on these topics! Vaping and LGBTQ Youth Suicide Prevention and LGBTQ Communities Prevention Strategies to Engage the LGBTQ Community
Published: December 2, 2019
Presentation Slides
The Pacific Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) is offering a new product line for prevention practitioners and other key stakeholders called Best Science Slide Decks for Prevention Professionals, or slideDecks4U for short. These slide decks are intended to highlight a topic in 10 slides or less. The purpose of this slide deck is to provide prevention practitioners with researched and vetted tools they can feel confident in using in their prevention presentations. All slide decks include presenter notes and full references.   The slide deck presented here highlights and defines the key changes to the Spectrum of Behavioral Health Services (formerly called, and still often referred to as, the "Continuum of Care") published in the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2019 report "Fostering Healthy Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral development in Children and Youth: A National Agenda." USE: These slides can be used as a stand-alone overview of the updated “Spectrum of Behavioral Health Services” or incorporated into other presentations or materials. Citing the Pacific Southwest PTTC as the author of these slides is greatly appreciated, noting that the majority of the content is derived from the various Institute of Medicine/National Research Council/National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine reports on this topic and other key publications.    Each slide deck includes presenter notes to guide the speaker on presenting the information contained in the slides. The slide deck also include the references to all of the literature used to source the information presented. NOTE: Please do not alter any of the slides. If you need additional information, please contact the Pacific Southwest PTTC, email [email protected]  or call toll-free: 1-833-9SW-PTTC. 
Published: December 2, 2019
This course is one of the New England PTTC's free self-paced prevention courses that have been posted to the PTTC Network's learning portal.  This is one of the strategies of the New England PTTC to increase and expand access to prevention training for the New England workforce. We know it sometimes can be challenging to access a variety of prevention training due to distance and just finding the time in your schedule to attend trainings. With these on-demand courses, you can register and take the course on your schedule, and get continuing education credits towards your prevention certification!  NOTE:  All New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center webinars and online courses are hosted at the PTTC Network Learning Management Center, HealtheKnowledge.  You will need to create an account to register and participate in the webinar.  If you need to create an account, click here and follow the instructions.  Once you have a user account you will be able to register for this, and all future New England PTTC webinars and courses.  Contact us if you have any questions.   Today’s Cannabis: Stronger, More Edibles, Confusing Information about Driving   Presenter: Dr. Karen Simone, Director Northern New England Poison Center Course Summary:  Dr. Karen Simone will provide an overview of factual information about today’s cannabis products. They are stronger, often times contain no or less CBD in relationship to THC, and are vastly available in edible and other forms. Information is plentiful, while facts are difficult to extract with confidence. People using cannabis are confused regarding the safety of driving. CBD is promoted as a cure for everything and anything. Learn what is known and unknown.   Continuing Education Credits Available: 1.0 Hour Certificate of Completion Available IC & RC Prevention Domains: Domain 6 - Professional Growth & Responsibility   Link to Register and Begin Course:   Presenter Bio: Dr. Karen Simone is the director of the NNEPC. She is a doctor of pharmacy, a Diplomate of the American Board of Applied Toxicology and a Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology. Dr. Simone oversees the day-to-day operations of the poison center, including management of calls, emergency preparedness activities, staff education, educational outreach, research and funding.
Published: November 27, 2019
Print Media
This resource is the first installment in a series, Key Elements of Effective Coalitions, which has been developed for prevention practitioners and community coalition members by the Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network. The goal of this series is to provide information on key elements that research suggests are critical for coalitions to operate effectively and increase their impact on substance misuse and its consequences for individuals and communities. Collaborating TTCs: SAMSHA’s Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network's Community Coalitions and Collaborations Workgroup created this document. Contributing Network workgroup members represented the Northwest, Central East, Southeast, Northeast & Caribbean, New England and the National American Indian & Alaska Native Prevention Technology Transfer Centers.
Published: November 25, 2019
Online Course
Dr. Karen Simone, Director of the Northern New England Poison Center, will provide an overview of factual information about today’s marijuana products. They are stronger, often times contain no or less CBD in relationship to THC, and are vastly available in edible and other forms. Information is plentiful, while facts are difficult to extract with confidence. People using marijuana are confused regarding the safety of driving. CBD is promoted as a cure for everything and anything. Learn what is known and unknown. Certificate of Completion Available
Published: November 22, 2019
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