
Region: Region 1 - New England

Title: Certified Prevention Specialist

Examination: Applicants must receive a passing score on the IC&RC Prevention Specialist Exam.

Education: Applicants are required to hold a high school diploma or a GED or a College Degree. 175 hours of continuing education with a minimum of 6 hours each in each of the domains including 24 hours specific to ATOD and 6 hours of Prevention Ethics. Certificates of Attendance for training and education hours must be included. If needed, complete the undocumented education form.

Prevention Experience: 2000 hours of work experience in all domains (equivalent to one year of full-time work). Include a letter from previous employer(s) verifying your duties and dates employed, if needed to reach experience threshold.

Supervised Prevention Experience: 120 hours of supervision with a minimum of 10 hours each in each of the domains documented with a letter.

Code of Ethics: Signed Code of Ethics verifying that it has been read.

Letter(s) of recommendation: Two letters of recommendation must be sent directly to the Vermont Prevention Certification Board.  One from a supervisor and one from a peer.

Additional Requirements & Documentation: You must live or work at least 51% of the time in Vermont when the application for Certification is submitted.

Submit a copy of current job description with the application.

Submit a narrative experience with detailed examples of experience in the performance domains with application. Please limit it to 2-3 pages.

Applicants must submit certification fees of $300, which includes the cost of the exam and application review. Filing fee must be received by the VPCB for the application to be reviewed.

Recertification Requirements: Certification may be renewed and requires 40 hours of continuing education every two years. This must include a minimum of 3 hours of Prevention-specific Ethics. Recertification fee is $125

Certification & Licensing Board:  Vermont Prevention Certification Board (VPCB) - Prevention Works:



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