HHS Region: Region 3 - Central East
Title: Prevention Specialist I (PSI)
Examination: Competence in the performance knowledge areas demonstrated by obtaining a passing score on the IC&RC CBT (Computer Based Test) Prevention examination.
Educational / Training Requirements:
A minimum of 2 years qualifying experience that includes:
- Formal Education
- A minimum of a 2-year degree from an accredited university or college in community health, health, education or related field approved by WVCBAPP.
- At least 300 contact hours must be documented (one college credit hour represents 15 contact hours). At least 180 contact hours must be prevention specific as indicated in the course/training title or documented supportive materials. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide written documentation/verification of all education listed in this section. Contact or credit hours listed without such accompanying verification will not be considered. No more than 12 hours of CEUs will be credited for any 24-hour period.
- A minimum of 2 years qualifying experience that includes: At least 2000 hours (1 year) of paid or volunteer work experience in which an average of 8 hours per week is devoted to planning or delivering prevention services across the 6 Domains and not just in substance abuse prevention. Volunteer work experience will not count for more than 2 years of qualifying experience.
Supervised Prevention Experience:
- A minimum of 2 years qualifying experience that includes: 120 completed hours of supervised practical experience with a minimum of 12 hours in each of the 6 performance domains. A PS II must provide supervision.
- West Virginia Applicant must subscribe to the WVCBAPP’s adopted Prevention Code of Ethics (see section XI.) Prevention Specialist II (PS II)
Advanced Requirements:
- Requirements — a minimum of 4 years of qualifying experience, which includes:
- Work Experience
- At least 4000 hours (2 years) of paid work experience specific to prevention.
- Formal Education
- A minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university or college in community, health, education or related field approved by WVCBAPP.
- Education/Training
- A minimum of 360 documented clock hours of prevention education and/or training with a minimum of 240 hours specific to the 6 performance domains identified by WVCBAPP. These hours may include accredited degree work. 300 contact hours of prevention training are required, of which must be specific to addiction. of the 240 hours of addiction specific training, 6 must be in the area of addiction/prevention ethics.
- One 3 credit college course equals 45 contact hours. One college credit equals 15 contact hours.
- Supervised Practical Experience
- 120 hours of supervision must be completed during the Supervised Practical Experience with a minimum of 20 hours in each of the 6 performance domains. Supervision must be provided by a PS II.
- Knowledge and Skill Base
- Competence in the Prevention knowledge areas demonstrated by obtaining a passing score on the IC&RC CBT (Computer Based Test) written examination.
- Professional Code of Ethics
- Applicants must subscribe to the WVCBAPP’s adopted Prevention Code of Ethics
Certification & Licensing Board: West Virginia Certification Board for Addiction & Prevention Professionals (WVCBAPP) https://www.wvcbapp.org