What LGBTQIA2S+ BIPOC want Prevention Professionals to Know? Resources for the Latinx/Hispanic/Afro-Latinx communities

These resources are part of the learning series titled ‘What LGBTQIA2S+ BIPOC want Prevention Professionals to Know?’ presented by the Central East PTTCCentral East ATTCNational American Indian & Alaska Natives PTTC, and the National Hispanic and Latino PTTC . 

To view the 4-part virtual learning series and additional resources, CLICK HERE


Intersectionality in Psychotherapy: The Experiences of an AfroLatinx Queer Immigrant

Intersectionality in Psychotherapy: The Experiences of an AfroLatinx Queer ImmigrantWebsite: https://psycnet.apa.org/fulltext/2018-11631-009.pdf



Talking About LGBT Equality with Latinos & Hispanics (English)

Talking About LGBT Equality with Latinos & Hispanics (English)Website: https://www.lgbtmap.org/file/talking-about-lgbt-equality-with-latinos-and-hispanics.pdf



Talking About LGBT Equality with Latinos & Hispanics (Spanish)

Talking About LGBT Equality with Latinos & Hispanics (Spanish)Website: https://www.lgbtmap.org/file/conversando-con-latinos-sobre-temas-y-personas-gays.pdf



Talking About Nondiscrimination Protections for LGBT People (Spanish)

Talking About Nondiscrimination Protections for LGBT People (Spanish)Website: https://www.lgbtmap.org/file/c%C3%B3mo-hablar-sobre-las-protecciones-antidiscriminatorias-para-personas-lgbt.pdf



The TransLatin@ Coalition (TLC)

The TransLatin@ Coalition (TLC)Website: https://www.translatinacoalition.org/

Description: was founded in 2009 by a group of Transgender and Gender nonconforming and Intersex (TGI) immigrant women in Los Angeles, California, as a grassroots response to address the specific needs of TGI Latin@ immigrants who live in the United States.

Talking About Suicide & LGBT Populations (Spanish)

Talking About Suicide & LGBT Populations (Spanish)Website: https://www.lgbtmap.org/file/como-hablar-sobre-el-suicidio-y-las-poblaciones-lgbt-segunda-edicion.pdf



Rural Community Flyer (Spanish)

Rural Community Flyer (Spanish)Website: https://www.lgbtmap.org/file/Rural-Community-Flyer-Spanish.pdf



Latino LGBT People & the Criminal Justice System (English)

Latino LGBT People & the Criminal Justice System (English)Website: https://www.lgbtmap.org/file/lgbt-criminal-justice-latino-english.pdf



Latino LGBT People & the Criminal Justice System (Spanish)

Latino LGBT People & the Criminal Justice System (Spanish)Website: https://www.lgbtmap.org/file/lgbt-criminal-justice-latino-espanol.pdf



Infographic: LGBT Seniors and Social Isolation (Spanish)

Infographic: LGBT Seniors and Social Isolation (Spanish)Website: https://www.lgbtmap.org/file/Infographic-Social-Isolation-Elders-Spanish.pdf




September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: LGBT

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: LGBTWebsite: https://pttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-latino-pttc/product/september-national-suicide-prevention-awareness-month

Description: Short video message developed by the National Hispanic and Latino PTTC available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

IC-RACE - Immigration, Critical Race, And Cultural Equity Lab

IC-RACE - Immigration, Critical Race, And Cultural Equity LabWebsite: https://icrace.org/

Description: Founded and co-directed by Dr. Hector Y. Adames and Dr. Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas, the Immigration, Critical Race, And Cultural Equity (IC-RACE) Lab investigates topics related to immigration, culture, and race in psychology and develops models, programs, and interventions that are designed to promote and support psychological wellness within different Communities of Color.

Our Collective Healing: A Toolkit for Queer and Trans People of Color (QTPOC)

Our Collective Healing:A Toolkit for Queer and Trans People of Color (QTPOC)Website: https://icrace.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/final-qtpoc-toolkit-1-1.pdf



Psychosocial therapy

Psychosocial therapyWebsite: https://psychosocialtherapy.com/

Description: They specialize in working with the Latinx community, LGBTQ+ community, and BIPOC folx. We provide therapy in both English and Spanish. Their approach is simple: create a space that allows for manifesting, healing, and growth. Through various perspectives, philosophies, social justice, and theoretical orientations we provide individuals with the tools they need to embrace themselves unapologetically and radically.

National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC Webinar (in Spanish): La Comunidad Latina LGBT+: Las consecuencias de la Interseccionalidad y el uso del Modelo Afirmativo en el trabajo con poblaciones Latinx

National Hispanic and Latino MHTTCWebinar (in Spanish): La Comunidad Latina LGBT+: Las consecuencias de la Interseccionalidad y el uso del Modelo Afirmativo en el trabajo con poblaciones LatinxWebsite: https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-and-latino-mhttc/product/webinar-la-comunidad-latina-lgbt-las

Description: El estrés es un factor común en nuestra sociedad que nos impacta diariamente. Este factor de estrés es mayor en comunidades marginalizadas. Por décadas, el Estado ha marginalizado y estigmatizado a la comunidad LGBT+. Para comunidades latinx, el ser parte de este grupo minoritario también aumenta los niveles de estrés. Este webinar discutirá el Modelo de Estrés Minoritario el cual aborda el estrés excesivo al cual individuos de categorías sociales estigmatizadas se exponen al ser parte de su posición social y el impacto de estas variables e la salud mental. Además el presentador discutirá cómo los valores sociales pueden formar los mecanismos de manejo que se utilizan para manejar dichos estresores.

National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC Webinar: The Latinx LGBT+ Community: The consequences of Intersectionality and the Use of the Affirmative Model for Latinx Populations

National Hispanic and Latino MHTTCWebinar: The Latinx LGBT+ Community: The consequences of Intersectionality and the Use of the Affirmative Model for Latinx PopulationsWebsite: https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-and-latino-mhttc/product/webinar-latinx-lgbt-community-consequences

Description: Stress is a common factor in our society that affects and impacts us daily. For marginalized communities, the stress factor increases. For decades, the LGBT+ community has been a marginalized and stigmatized by the State. For Latinxs being part of an ethnic minority increases the stress factor. This webinar will discuss the Minority Stress Model as it describes the excessive stress to which individuals of stigmatized social categories are exposed as a result of their social position, and its impact on mental health. Furthermore, the presenter will address how Latinx cultural values can shape the coping mechanisms used to manage these stressors. The presentation will discuss the LGBTQ+ Affirmative Model as a recommended approach to work with Latinx LGBTQ+ communities with mental health challenges. This model works mainly with the acceptance of sexual orientation and gender identity / expression of the person served and requires that mental health professionals have the knowledge and sensitivity necessary to work with the community.

National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC Webinar: Barriers in Mental Health Services for Trans, Queer and Non-binary Latinx Communities

National Hispanic and Latino MHTTCWebinar: Barriers in Mental Health Services for Trans, Queer and Non-binary Latinx CommunitiesWebsite: https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-and-latino-mhttc/product/barriers-mental-health-services-trans-queer-and

Description: This webinar will start defining the basic concepts that comprehend the LGBTQ+ community. These concepts will set the tone to understand how minority groups become vulnerable populations in Latinx communities. Our main objective is to promote sensible, empathic, and effective treatment strategies for the provision of mental health services.

National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC Webinar (in Spanish): Barreras en los Servicios de Salud Mental de la Comunidad Trans, Cuir y No Binarie

National Hispanic and Latino MHTTCWebinar (in Spanish): Barreras en los Servicios de Salud Mental de la Comunidad Trans, Cuir y No BinarieWebsite: https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-and-latino-mhttc/product/barreras-en-los-servicios-de-salud-mental-de-la

Description: En este webinar comenzamos conociendo los conceptos básicos de la comunidad LGBT. Además, nos adentramos al contexto psicosocial de la comunidad trans, cuir y no binarie para poder ser empáticos, sensibles y efectivos en la provisión de servicios de salud a esta población.

National Hispanic and Latino MHTTC 3-part Webinar series: Addressing Our Bias when Working with the LGBT+ Community

Description: LGBTQ communities face health disparities linked to stigma, discrimination, and denial of their civil and human rights. LGBT+ individuals have higher rates of psychiatric disorders, substance use, violence, and suicide and may encounter a lack of acceptance by their family members and society which affects their mental health and personal safety. This webinar series will be served to explore how bias impact our worldview and the work with the LGBT+ population, to identify health disparities among LGTB+ population, and to explore interventions to create a safe space and minimize the impact of implicit bias.

  • Part I: Identifying Our Bias and its Impact on Our Work

Part I: Identifying Our Bias and its Impact on Our WorkWebsite: https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-and-latino-mhttc/product/webinar-addressing-our-bias-when-working-lgbt



  • Part II: Understanding Health Disparities Among the LGBTQ community

Part II: Understanding Health Disparities Among the LGBTQ communityWebsite: https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-and-latino-mhttc/product/webinar-addressing-our-bias-when-working-lgbtq



  • Part III: Interventions when working with LGBTQ+ Community

Part III: Interventions when working with LGBTQ+ CommunityWebsite: https://mhttcnetwork.org/centers/national-hispanic-and-latino-mhttc/product/webinar-addressing-our-bias-when-working-lgbtq-0



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