De-escalating the Opioid Crisis: An Overview of Promising Prevention Strategies

**Please note that participants must register SEPARATELY for the two days of the events. Links to both days are at the end.**

Course Description: In 2017, there were an estimated 70,200 overdose deaths in the United States, more
than two-thirds (68%) of which involved an opioid, which translates to an average of 130 Americans dying
daily from an opioid overdose. Numerous strategies have been identified to prevent opioid overdose deaths
in the areas of primary (e.g., prescribing practices, use of PDMPs, reduce marketing, alternatives to pain
management, etc.), tertiary (e.g., Naloxone, Good Samaritan Laws, fentanyl alerts, etc.), and secondary
prevention (e.g., screening and early identification, SBIRT services, Medication Assisted Treatment, and safe
storage/safe disposal).

Although the prevention of opioid overdose death requires multi-sector collaboration with action taken
along the drug pathway from manufacturing, marketing, prescribing, dispensing, using, disposing,
treatment, and recovery, it is incumbent among providers to identify how they can contribute to prevention
efforts within the context of their discipline and service setting.
The Northeast & Caribbean Prevention Technology Transfer Center (NeC-PTTC) will be offering a series of
workshops that expand upon effective strategies for preventing the further escalation of the opioid crisis.
This 3-hour introductory workshop will provide an overview of the prevention landscape as it relates to: (a)
Tertiary Prevention— emergency response strategies to reduce the “acute” risk of opioid overdose deaths;
and (b) Secondary Prevention–interventions and treatments for individuals who exhibit signs of opioid
misuse and/or opioid use disorders.

Trainer: Mary McCarty-Arias

Cost: Free

Credits: This training meets the requirements for three renewal hours (CASAC, CPP, CPS) and three initial
hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). The NJ
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services offers reciprocity for CADC, LCADC, and LPC.
Participants must attend both sessions in their entirety in order to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Click here to register for Wednesday, January 15th:

Click here to register for Thursday, January 16th:


Starts: Jan. 15, 2020 12:00 pm
Ends: Jan. 15, 2020 1:30 pm
Event Type
Webinar/Virtual Training
Hosted by
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