Coalition Basics


Coalition Basics

What is it?

Community-based coalitions have been a primary focus of effective prevention efforts. Research shows there are key elements and best practices for building and maintaining community-based prevention coalitions. The resources below will help you learn more about effective, community-based prevention coalitions.


Video: What is Prevention - The Role of the Community
This video by the Addiction Policy Forum and CADCA walks through the very basics of community coalition efforts.


Learn about it.

Webinar: A Focus on Coalition Best Practices
This Great Lakes PTTC webinar focuses on research-based best practices for coalition functioning, structure, membership, and leadership.

Tool: Six Elements of Effective Coalitions
This tool from the PTTC network provides information on key elements that research suggests are critical for coalitions to operate effectively and increase their impact on substance misuse and its consequences for individuals and communities.
Webinar: Building Strong Prevention Coalitions
This Great Lakes PTTC webinar describes key characteristics of effective coalitions, best practices for building strong community coalitions, and identifies approaches for applying coalition best practices in your community.
Webinar: Community Activated Prevention
The Northwest PTTC hosted webinar of a review of what has worked and not worked for prevention coalitions based on research trials.
Handbook: Handbook for Community Anti-Drug Coalitions
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America developed this handbook providing an overview of resources to assist community prevention coalitions in becoming more effective and viable.
Brief: Evidence-based Community Coalition Prevention Models
This is an excerpt from Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health (2016, pages 3-14 to 3-17).

Take action.

Tool Box: Starting a Coalition
This tool box created by the University of Kansas provides guidance on how to organize a group of individuals and professionals around a common cause, working together to achieve a unified goal.
Brief: Eight Steps to Effective Coalition Building
The Eight Steps to Effective Coalition Building by the Prevention Institute is a framework for engaging individuals, organizations and governmental partners in addressing community concerns.
Handbook: Coalition Guide Resource
The Society for Public Health created this guide to assist communities and leaders through the process of building a coalition.



Resources for Coalitions in the Great Lakes Region


- Illinois Bureau of Prevention - Coalition Resources: The resources on this website page are a collection of informational pages and worksheets that have been found indispensable in the formation, maintenance, and overall management of coalitions/councils in the prevention field.


- Indiana Coalition Network: Indiana Coalition Network is a collaboration among Local Coordinating Councils throughout the state to work together toward a common goal of building safe, healthy and drug free communities.

- Prevention Insights: Resources for coalitions, including self-paced online learning modules


Prevention Network's Coalition Support: Links to a resource library, chat forum, coalition list, training events and more available to substance misuse prevention community coalitions in Michigan.






- Alliance for Wisconsin Youth: The Alliance for Wisconsin Youth brings together coalitions, individuals, and resources to promote positive youth development, including the prevention of substance use and behavioral health concerns. This work is supported by over 100 member coalitions.



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