Course Description: Working effectively with adolescents with substance use issues
warrants an understanding of stages of development, and how factors of family,
biology, peer, mental health problems influences youth behavior. Along with reviewing
these aspects of the adolescent’s ‘world’, this interactive training will also review
current substance use trends with a major focus on vaping and impact. Content will
further inform on recommended best practices for addressing problematic adolescent
behavior, as well as strategies to engage and support healthy youth development.
Trainer: Diana Padilla
Cost: Free
Credits: This training meets the requirements for six renewal hours (CASAC, CPP,
CPS) and six initial hours (CPP, CPS) through New York State’s Office of
Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS). The NJ Department of Mental
Health and Addiction Services offers reciprocity for CADC, LCADC, and LPC.