There are no more registration slots available for this training.
- This Foundations in Prevention Intensive Training Course requires an application.
- The course is limited to 30 participants due to the highly interactive and intensive curriculum.
- Applicants who meet the required criteria will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Before applying, you will need to complete a free, self-paced online course. Please be prepared to upload your certificate of completion for this course during the application process.
Application Pre-requisite Course: Introduction to Substance Abuse Prevention: Understanding the Basics
- The application deadline is 5:00 PM CT on September 29, 2022.
Complete the pre-requisite online course and then click the “REGISTER” button above to access the application form.
This 8-session intensive training course offers a uniquely interactive online introduction to the foundations of substance misuse prevention. Participants examine the key concepts of substance misuse prevention and the Strategic Prevention Framework. Participants build basic knowledge and skills necessary to identify prevention priorities and develop a plan to implement and evaluate evidence-based interventions. This course offers structured, skill-based learning opportunities, readings, and learning assignments to complete between sessions, along with group activities and discussions to enhance application of the new skills.
By the end of this series, participants will be able to:
- Define prevention
- Explain the continuum of care
- List the criteria for research-based risk factors
- Describe how the Social Development Strategy (SDS) operationalizes protective factors
- Describe the five steps of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), including the key tasks for each
- List three essential keys to sustainability
- Explain the importance of addressing health disparities in the context of substance misuse prevention planning and implementation
- Describe how cultural competency is essential in our work in the prevention field
Oct 6, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, 31, and Nov 3, 2022 from 10:30 AM–12:00 PM CT
- Pre-Training: Complete the self-paced online course, Introduction to Substance Abuse Prevention: Understanding the Basics and submit certificate of completion with your application.
- Participate in all 8 training sessions in full.
- Complete 1 to 2 hours of homework and submit completed work via Google forms at least one hour prior to each session.
- Use a web-camera and have the appropriate technology to join the online video conferencing platform (i.e., internet connection, built-in or USB webcam, laptop/tablet, built-in/USB/Bluetooth speakers & microphone)
- Actively engage and be on camera 90% of the time during each session. This is not a webinar series. Active participation on camera is essential.
A certificate of participation for 21 hours will be given to participants that attend all Zoom sessions and complete all homework assignments. Participants will need to confirm with their certification board to determine if these hours are accepted towards their specific certification requirements.
Scott Waller, MEd, CPP
Scott Waller is recently retired from the State of Washington. He has been involved in substance misuse prevention efforts on a county, state, or national level since 1984. For both the Washington Traffic Safety Commission and Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery he developed programs and partnerships to maximize the benefits of substance misuse prevention, mental health promotion and suicide prevention, and pedestrian and bicycle safety.
This intensive training is being offered for substance misuse prevention practitioners located in HHS Region 5: Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. Professionals working in Region 5 will be given priority in the application process. If you live outside HHS Region 5, you are welcome to complete the application and be placed on the waiting list. Any available space after the application deadline will be offered to those on the waiting list.
The Great Lakes PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.