How Can We Better Serve the Mental Health Needs of Women Veterans?
Creating health services that respond to the unique needs of women veterans is of critical importance.
The United States has 2 million women veterans, women who are united by their service and often by the trauma they have experienced. According to the Veterans Administration, one in four women veterans experienced military sexual trauma while in the service. Back at home, female veterans are more likely to be homeless than male veterans, and they are six times more likely to die by suicide than women who did not serve. This workshop will present a case example of a hybrid digital and face to face program targeting women veterans in the greater Los Angeles area, offering key design considerations and examples of adaptation to a virtual-only model during COVID-19.
Amy Street, Deputy Director, Women's Health Sciences Division, National Center for PTSD, US Department of Veterans Affairs
Eric Helmuth, Project Director, Women Vets On Point & VetChange, Education Development Center