The Great Lakes PTTC is offering this training for individuals working in HHS Region 5: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI. This training is being provided in response to a need identified by Region 5 stakeholders.
March 30 , 2022, 9:00–11:00AM CT
April 6, 2022, 9:00–11:00AM CT
In this interactive two-part training, participants will become grounded in the current research on the impacts of stigma and the evidence for preventing and reducing it. The focus will be on recruiting partners and creating an action plan. Participants can expect opportunities for discussion, self-examination, and real-world application of practices to address and prevent stigma.
Part 1: Developing your stigma literacy
This webinar will serve as a foundation for becoming literate on stigma. The presenter will define stigma for prevention practitioners and the various levels at which it can occur. The focus will be on changes in terminology and attitude that emphasize "person-first" rather than the de-humanization of people with substance use disorders. Homework will be assigned to participants to complete before Part 2, including assessing their local landscape for stigma and forming a team to create and implement an action plan.
Objectives for Part 1:
- Define stigma and describe common components of stigma
- Discuss the multidimensional, multi-level concept of stigma
- Understand the impact of stigma and the barriers it can create for individuals
- Describe the importance of non-stigmatizing language
- Homework: Strategies for assessing the current landscape and recruiting partners
Part 2: Moving to Action: Creating a Plan to Prevent and Reduce Stigma
Part 2 of this training series will focus on effective strategies and cross-cutting practices to prevent and reduce stigma. Participants will learn what the critical elements are of a comprehensive plan to address stigma and how to create a cross-sector action plan. Participants will have opportunities for intensive technical assistance through participation in office hours following the training. Participants will also receive resources that can be downloaded and customized for their own use, i.e., to train their local community members.
Objectives for Part 2
- List evidence-based strategies and cross-cutting practices for preventing or reducing stigma
- Identify strategies for working across community sectors to increase awareness and build ownership
- List the steps for creating a cross-sector plan
- List the elements of a comprehensive community plan
- Participate in at least one Office Hours session to present progress
Chuck Klevgaard serves as a prevention manager for the Great Lakes Prevention Technology Transfer Center. He delivers training and technical assistance to support substance misuse prevention throughout the Midwest. Chuck has supported communities and health agencies as they adopt evidence-based alcohol, opioid, and other substance misuse programs or policies.
Chuck earned his BSW from Minnesota State University Moorhead. He is a Certified Senior Prevention Specialist through the Illinois Certification Board, Inc
Registrants who fully attend this event or training will receive a certificate of attendance. Certificates are disseminated via email to all qualifying individuals approximately one week after the conclusion of the event or training.