Session Descriptions
Through this training program, school-based professionals, parents, and students will receive the core message that depression and mental health disorder are treatable medical illnesses and that concerned individuals should seek help. This presentation aims to increase awareness and decrease stigma about mood disorders in young people while stressing the need for evaluation and treatment.
Depression affects approximately 5% of today’s teenagers. Of these, a mere 30% receive any sort of intervention or treatment, even though studies show depression can be effectively treated in adolescents. The impact of adolescent depression in teenagers has been found to significantly increase the risk of:
Major depression and anxiety disorders
Nicotine dependence, alcohol dependence and abuse
Educational underachievement, unemployment, early parenthood
Suicide attempts and completed suicideSuicide, the most serious risk of depression, is the third leading cause of death among young people ages 15 to 24. It is imperative that high school students, parents, and teachers understand the clear link between depression and suicide. Since depression is the primary cause of suicide, depression education can be effective suicide prevention.
Unfortunately, many high schools do not have a formal curriculum to address depression. Among schools that address depression and other disorders in health classes, very few discuss depression as a medical illness. With an estimated 5% of adolescents having depression, this is one of the most common illnesses teenagers face. The high rate of suicide in depressed teenagers underscores the importance of all high school students receiving quality education about depression and learning that depression is a treatable medical illness.
Who Should Attend?
This event is open to youth and adults involved in Operation Snowball Chapters and outside mental health clinicians and healthcare professionals interested in learning more about teen mental health awareness.
Time and Location:
Friday, May 3
Elk Grove High School
500 W Elk Grove Blvd
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
ENTRANCE: Athletic Door (Door 24)
This training is offered through Operation Snowball, Inc. Operation Snowball, Inc. is funded in whole or in part by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery through a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Heath Services Administration.