Products and Resources Catalog

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Stigma the Gift that Keeps on Giving: Residual Effects of Stress During the Recovery Process from Active Substance Use Part 1 Demetrie Garner, CPRS, and Shawn Colvin, CPRS, RPS, RCPF June 11, 2024, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION While many intricate parts develop a positive outcome to recovery, identifying triggers that cause stress is the first step to a continuous, healthy recovery. Stigma can often become the conduit for environmental and emotional triggers. It is crucial to challenge and dismantle the stigmatizing attitudes and beliefs surrounding addiction and the recovery process. As we unpack the association of stress and triggers, we will close the loop on the missing link of dismantling the negative attitude of doubt facing the newcomer in recovery. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the importance of identifying triggers that cause stress during recovery. Recognize the role of stigma as a potential trigger for stress in individuals in recovery. Investigate the various ways in which stigma can act as environmental and emotional triggers. Consider how dismantling stigma can contribute to a healthier and more successful recovery. PRESENTERS Demetrie Garner, CPRS, as a Peer Recovery Specialist, has been presented with the unique opportunity of working in the largest Emergency Department in the state of Maryland. This has given him the vantage point to encounter minority disparities. A lack of health communication targeted to African-Americans and other minorities help further this disparity. As a Peer Recovery Specialist, the visible cracks of systemic inadequacies in health care and its access garners attention and policy changes in patients with substance use disorders. Having the experience in active addiction abusing opiates, cocaine, and alcohol for 26 years with countless relapses fostered the experience needed to help others in active addiction. Finding recovery over the last 2 and 1/2 years while working in the recovery field has given Demetrie a unique perspective in recidivism and retention throughout the process of recovery. With the help of the God of his understanding (Jesus Christ), Narcotics Anonymous, and healthy relationships, the pathway of a daily reprieve from active addiction is now possible. Continuous work through pastoral licensed counseling has unlocked the acceptance of childhood molestation and recovery from trauma. After 21 years since Demetrie decided to drop out of high school in the 11th grade, education seemed to become more important to obtain. If he wants to help individuals who look like himself and suffer from trauma and active addiction, then higher education has to be pursued. While at the University of Maryland at Baltimore County, currently a sophomore, Demetrie’s interest in studies is in the social science of public health. Future involvement with research is being pursued with patients that have wait times in emergency rooms with substance use disorders. Previous research this past semester has examined minorities hesitancy to receive Covid vaccinations. Shawn Colvin, CPRS, RPS, RCPF, has been working in the field of recovery professionally for 10 1/2 years at the Helping Up Mission in Baltimore City. He has been clean and sober for 13 years. Shawn loves being a Treatment Manager, Peer Specialist, Facilitator, and Treatment Coordinator! Shawn has a passion for assisting others toward a life of positive transformation out of the darkness of addiction!
Published: June 11, 2024
Stigma and Substance Use Prevention Part 2: What Prevention Professionals and Others Can Do Josh Esrick, MPP, and Demetrie Garner, CPRS May 16, 2024, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will review strategies for addressing and preventing stigma against people at risk for substance misuse, substance use disorders, and consequences of substance use. It will discuss strategies at multiple levels: 1) peers and individuals; 2) within prevention organizations; 3) among collaborative partners and across the behavioral health continuum; 4) throughout the community at-large; and 5) in society as a whole. Each of these strategy levels will be examined from the perspectives of both academic research and lived experiences. Additionally, the webinar will include a facilitated small group exercise on identifying potential strategies for addressing stigma. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe strategies for overcoming stigma when working with clients who use substances Identify strategies to avoid stigma within prevention organizations Recognize how prevention can work with collaborative partners and across the behavioral health continuum to address stigma Assess opportunities to address stigma in the community and across society PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is the Chief of Training and Technical Assistance at Carnevale Associates, LLC. Mr. Esrick has over ten years of experience researching, writing, evaluating, and presenting on substance use prevention and other behavioral health topics. He is an expert in providing training and technical assistance (T/TA) in substance use, having overseen the development of hundreds of T/TA products for numerous clients, including six of SAMHSA’s ten regional Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTCs), the PTTC Network Coordinating Office, the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) and Mental Health Technology Transfer Centers (MHTTC), and SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT). These trainings and products have covered a wide range of topics, including strategic planning, data collection and analysis, and identifying evidence-based prevention interventions for youth. In addition to T/TA, Mr. Esrick has directly provided many of these services to behavioral health agencies and other entities. He has published several academic journal articles. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Master of Public Policy from George Washington University. Demetrie Garner, CPRS, as a Peer Recovery Specialist, has been presented with the unique opportunity of working in the largest Emergency Department in the state of Maryland. This has given him the vantage point to encounter minority disparities. A lack of health communication targeted to African-Americans and other minorities help further this disparity. As a Peer Recovery Specialist, the visible cracks of systemic inadequacies in health care and its access garners attention and policy changes in patients with substance use disorders. Having the experience in active addiction abusing opiates, cocaine, and alcohol for 26 years with countless relapses fostered the experience needed to help others in active addiction. Finding recovery over the last 2 and 1/2 years while working in the recovery field has given Demetrie a unique perspective in recidivism and retention throughout the process of recovery. With the help of the God of his understanding (Jesus Christ), Narcotics Anonymous, and healthy relationships, the pathway of a daily reprieve from active addiction is now possible. Continuous work through pastoral licensed counseling has unlocked the acceptance of childhood molestation and recovery from trauma. After 21 years since Demetrie decided to drop out of high school in the 11th grade, education seemed to become more important to obtain. If he wants to help individuals who look like himself and suffer from trauma and active addiction, then higher education has to be pursued. While at the University of Maryland at Baltimore County, currently a sophomore, Demetrie’s interest in studies is in the social science of public health. Future involvement with research is being pursued with patients that have wait times in emergency rooms with substance use disorders. Previous research this past semester has examined minorities  hesitancy to receive Covid vaccinations. Demetrie is currently a Pre-McNair Scholar with ambitions to attend UMBC School of Public Policy M.P.P Program Spring of 2022.
Published: May 16, 2024
Stigma and Substance Use Prevention Part 1: The Impacts of Stigma Josh Esrick, MPP, and Demetrie Garner, CPRS May 14, 2024, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will provide a broad overview of stigma and the importance of addressing it through what the research says and what is known through lived experience. The webinar will define stigma and explain how it can manifest in various substance use prevention settings and on the road to recovery. It will address the similarities and differences between public-, self-, and institutional-stigma and the role of both intentional and inadvertent stigma. The webinar will also discuss how stigma impacts substance use prevention outcomes and people’s ability to recovery. Additionally, it will explain why prevention professionals, other stakeholders, and the community-at-large need to address stigma. The webinar will also include a facilitated small group discussion opportunity for participants to share their experiences finding and addressing stigma. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define stigma conceptually and from a recovered person’s perspective Identify the various forms of stigma and their effects on our ability to recover Recognize the impact of stigma on prevention outcomes Describe stigma’s ongoing impact on the road to recovery PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is the Chief of Training and Technical Assistance at Carnevale Associates, LLC. Mr. Esrick has over ten years of experience researching, writing, evaluating, and presenting on substance use prevention and other behavioral health topics. He is an expert in providing training and technical assistance (T/TA) in substance use, having overseen the development of hundreds of T/TA products for numerous clients, including six of SAMHSA’s ten regional Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTCs), the PTTC Network Coordinating Office, the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) and Mental Health Technology Transfer Centers (MHTTC), and SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT). These trainings and products have covered a wide range of topics, including strategic planning, data collection and analysis, and identifying evidence-based prevention interventions for youth. In addition to T/TA, Mr. Esrick has directly provided many of these services to behavioral health agencies and other entities. He has published several academic journal articles. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Master of Public Policy from George Washington University. Demetrie Garner, CPRS, as a Peer Recovery Specialist, has been presented with the unique opportunity of working in the largest Emergency Department in the state of Maryland. This has given him the vantage point to encounter minority disparities. A lack of health communication targeted to African-Americans and other minorities help further this disparity. As a Peer Recovery Specialist, the visible cracks of systemic inadequacies in health care and its access garners attention and policy changes in patients with substance use disorders. Having the experience in active addiction abusing opiates, cocaine, and alcohol for 26 years with countless relapses fostered the experience needed to help others in active addiction. Finding recovery over the last 2 and 1/2 years while working in the recovery field has given Demetrie a unique perspective in recidivism and retention throughout the process of recovery. With the help of the God of his understanding (Jesus Christ), Narcotics Anonymous, and healthy relationships, the pathway of a daily reprieve from active addiction is now possible. Continuous work through pastoral licensed counseling has unlocked the acceptance of childhood molestation and recovery from trauma. After 21 years since Demetrie decided to drop out of high school in the 11th grade, education seemed to become more important to obtain. If he wants to help individuals who look like himself and suffer from trauma and active addiction, then higher education has to be pursued. While at the University of Maryland at Baltimore County, currently a sophomore, Demetrie’s interest in studies is in the social science of public health. Future involvement with research is being pursued with patients that have wait times in emergency rooms with substance use disorders. Previous research this past semester has examined minorities  hesitancy to receive Covid vaccinations. Demetrie is currently a Pre-McNair Scholar with ambitions to attend UMBC School of Public Policy M.P.P Program Spring of 2022.
Published: May 14, 2024
Stigma and Bias in Behavioral Health Laura Hinds, MSW, LCSW January 31, 2024, 1:00pm-3:00pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Racial and use bias has been demonstrated in the research related to Behavioral Health and Medically Assisted Therapy. The conclusion that has been drawn is that even well-meaning providers and staff hold biases that impact how and to whom they offer care and medicinal support for Substance Use Disorder (SUD). This lecture explores this research and supports participants in reflecting on, identifying, and mitigating this reality so as to offer equitable respect and support for everyone living with SUD. A LEARNING OBJECTIVES List the ways in which bias affects Behavioral Health Treatment and intervention for people living with Substance Use Disorder. Define the difference between implicit and explicit bias, and how to identify them. Recite at least three ways to identify and address their implicit bias in relation to their work in Behavioral Health. PRESENTERS Laura Hinds, MSW, LCSW, is a clinical social worker with experience in medical, behavioral and mental health settings.  Laura has had the pleasure of working with high acuity special needs populations and their providers for over 22 years.  An alumna and instructor at Penn’s School of Social Policy and Practice for 13 years, and Bryn Mawr’s School of Social Work and Social Research’s for the past 4 years, Laura has supported the learning and education of new social workers, veterans in the field, and their interdisciplinary partners.  With a focus on trauma, human and gender development, racial equity, and crisis intervention Laura supports special needs populations and those who serve them.  
Published: January 31, 2024
  Webinar Description This interactive four-hour workshop reviewed how mitigating factors such as stress, discrimination, microaggressions and societal attributions influence racial stigma and differential prevention services. The intersecting challenges of social drivers of health and development of racial trauma in communities of color will also be explored. The content will offer bias reducing strategies that help mitigate stigma and benefits of integrating culturally responsive care to help attain and retain highest levels of person-centered care for people of color and other marginalized communities.     Presenter Information Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T, is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC), and a member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry. As a cultural agent, Ms. Padilla promotes an equity lens in trainings for engaging diverse communities in need, aligning with evidence and strength-based strategies within behavioral health, addiction, prevention, and recovery supports fields and professional capacities.     Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer  
Published: January 2, 2024
Dr. Fred Rottnek is a Professor and the Director of Community Medicine at Saint Louis University School of Medicine and the Program Director of the Saint Louis University Addiction Medicine Fellowship. His clinical practices currently include addiction medicine and correctional healthcare. He teaches in the School of Medicine, the Physician Assistant Program, and the School of Law. Board-Certified in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine, he is the Medical Director for the Assisted Recovery Centers of American (ARCA) and Juvenile Detention in Family Court for the City of St. Louis. He serves on the boards of the Saint Louis Regional Health Commission and Alive and Well Communities.  Email: [email protected] The funder of this project, along with all other products of the Mid-America PTTC is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Although funded by SAMHSA, the content of this recording does not necessarily reflect the views of SAMHSA. The human brain is the most complex organ in the body. Drugs can alter important brain areas that are necessary for life-sustaining functions and can drive the compulsive drug use that marks addiction. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has a great recourse available titled Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction. For more information visit - It is reported that only 25% of parents speak with their children about the dangers of drugs. How can we educate parents on the dangers of drugs and alcohol, and provide them with the tools needed to guide and engage children through this very rough and sensitive terrain? Addiction is Real can help answer this simple question – to learn more visit  We’d like to hear from you, please send your comment, topic or guest suggestion to [email protected]
Published: December 21, 2023
Webinar Description Using equitable language is a skill that can be learned and applied in the work we do as prevention professionals, paving the way to greater successes at achieving our outcomes,   This interactive event included the following learning objectives:  • Defining “equitable language” to support prevention professionals’ efforts to reach their intended audience  • Learning about the benefits of using equitable language in communication tools and events  • Identifying strategies for using equitable language as part of a community engagement approach when building partnerships and sharing information with communities of focus    Presenter Information Sarah Gabriella Hernandez is an evaluator and researcher specializing in community-engaged and participatory approaches. She has collaborated with diverse organizations and community partners across Chicago to conduct mixed-methods research, culturally responsive and developmental evaluations, program development and coordination, community health assessments, and dissemination. Dr. Hernandez leads evaluation projects that focus on evaluation capacity building and improving equity in health and education. Her recent areas of work include substance use services and recovery, trauma-informed work, and health equity in education.    Ivy Jones Turner, MPA, CPS is an expert in behavioral and mental health promotion and prevention, as well as an experienced program leader, technical assistance (TA) specialist, applied researcher, and evaluator. Her expertise includes building the capacity of schools and organizations to research, implement, evaluate, and sustain interventions to prevent substance misuse, suicide, youth violence, and bullying, and to promote social-emotional and mental health. Ivy holds an MA in Public Administration from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and is a certified specialist in prevention and conflict mediation in Massachusetts.    Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer
Published: September 14, 2023
  Webinar Description This training will reviewed how Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is diagnosed and its associated effects on the body and long-term impacts on opioid users. Discussion included a review of cognitive impairment, compulsivity factors, risk factors, and physical dependence for OUD, which may have implications for screening and treatment. The stigma associated with opioid use and prevention strategies were also covered.   Presenter Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T, is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC), and a member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry. As a cultural agent, Ms. Padilla promotes an equity lens in trainings for engaging diverse communities in need, aligning with evidence and strength-based strategies within behavioral health, addiction, prevention, and recovery supports fields and professional capacities.    Additional Resources  Flyer  PowerPoint Supplemental Resource 
Published: August 6, 2023
The five-part series Structural Inequities Affecting Prevention Practice w/ Nicole M Augustine is available on rewind from the Mid-America PTTC. Nicole's experience will bring to life a balance of topics during each episode of the series. Session 1: Foundational concepts - Why equity matters in our work? This session will set the stage for understanding basic concepts related to behavioral health equity, the connection to adverse childhood experiences, and how environmental strategies create systemic change. Session 2: Equity in data - How we collect, analyze, and share data affect our work on many levels. How can we strategically focus our services if we don’t accurately identify the structural inequities in our communities? Session 3: Equity in people - Capacity is twofold and should be evaluated as such; The diversity and inclusion of a variety of experiences at the “table", and The diversity of resources in the community to address the substance misuse need. Session 4: Equity in the planning - Developing cultural adaptations while using evidence-based interventions can be a challenge. We will discuss how to embed equity into program planning to ensure the co-creation of projects with community members. Session 5: Equity in action - Knowledge without action is like a car with no gas or a phone with no battery! We will end the week by creating a personal action plan designed to help us commit to putting our knowledge into action. Nicole Augustine has been working in the field of prevention since 2001 and is the creator and founder of RIZE Consultants, LLC. She connects to her audience in a unique way, utilizing Zoom and other social media apps. Nicole's experience will bring to life a balance of topics during each day of the series, including why equity matters, and equity in data, building capacity, planning and action. 
Published: July 5, 2023
Stigma and Substance Use Disorder Prevention Part 2 Josh Esrick, MPP, and Demetrie Garner, CPRS May 11, 2023, 10:00am-11:30am EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will review strategies for addressing and preventing stigma against people at risk for substance misuse, substance use disorders, and consequences of substance use. It will discuss strategies at multiple levels: 1) peers and individuals; 2) within prevention organizations; 3) among collaborative partners and across the behavioral health continuum; 4) throughout the community at-large; and 5) in society as a whole. Each of these strategy levels will be examined from the perspectives of both academic research and lived experiences. Additionally, the webinar will include a facilitated small group exercise on identifying potential strategies for addressing stigma. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe strategies for overcoming stigma when working with clients who use substances Identify strategies to avoid stigma within prevention organizations Recognize how prevention can work with collaborative partners and across the behavioral health continuum to address stigma Assess opportunities to address stigma in the community and across society PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is the Chief of Training and Technical Assistance at Carnevale Associates, LLC. Mr. Esrick has over ten years of experience researching, writing, evaluating, and presenting on substance use prevention and other behavioral health topics. He is an expert in providing training and technical assistance (TTA) in substance use, having overseen the development of hundreds of TTA products for numerous clients, including six of SAMHSA’s ten regional Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTCs), the PTTC Network Coordinating Office, the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) and Mental Health Technology Transfer Centers (MHTTC), and SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT). These trainings and products have covered a wide range of topics, including strategic planning, data collection and analysis, and identifying evidence-based prevention interventions for youth. In addition to TTA, Mr. Esrick has directly provided many of these services to behavioral health agencies and other entities. He has published several academic journal articles. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Master of Public Policy from George Washington University.     Demetrie Garner, CPRS, as a Peer Recovery Specialist, has been presented with the unique opportunity of working in the largest Emergency Department in the state of Maryland. This has given him the vantage point to encounter minority disparities. A lack of health communication targeted to African-Americans and other minorities help further this disparity. As a Peer Recovery Specialist, the visible cracks of systemic inadequacies in health care and its access garners attention and policy changes in patients with substance use disorders. Having the experience in active addiction abusing opiates, cocaine, and alcohol for 26 years with countless relapses fostered the experience needed to help others in active addiction. Finding recovery over the last 2 and 1/2 years while working in the recovery field has given Demetrie a unique perspective in recidivism and retention throughout the process of recovery. With the help of the God of his understanding (Jesus Christ), Narcotics Anonymous, and healthy relationships, the pathway of a daily reprieve from active addiction is now possible. Continuous work through pastoral licensed counseling has unlocked the acceptance of childhood molestation and recovery from trauma. After 21 years since Demetrie decided to drop out of high school in the 11th grade, education seemed to become more important to obtain. If he wants to help individuals who look like himself and suffer from trauma and active addiction, then higher education has to be pursued. While at the University of Maryland at Baltimore County, currently a sophomore, Demetrie’s interest in studies is in the social science of public health. Future involvement with research is being pursued with patients that have wait times in emergency rooms with substance use disorders. Previous research this past semester has examined minorities  hesitancy to receive Covid vaccinations. Demetrie is currently a Pre-McNair Scholar with ambitions to attend UMBC School of Public Policy M.P.P Program Spring of 2022.  
Published: May 11, 2023
Stigma and Substance Use Disorder Prevention Part 1 Josh Esrick, MPP, and Demetrie Garner, CPRS May 9, 2023, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will provide a broad overview of stigma and the importance of addressing it through what the research says and what is known through lived experience. The webinar will define stigma and explain how it can manifest in various substance use prevention settings and on the road to recovery. It will address the similarities and differences between public, self, and institutional-stigma and the role of both intentional and inadvertent stigma. The webinar will also discuss how stigma impacts substance use prevention outcomes and people’s ability to recovery. Additionally, it will explain why prevention professionals, other stakeholders, and the community-at-large need to address stigma. The webinar will also include a facilitated small group discussion opportunity for participants to share their experiences finding and addressing stigma. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define stigma conceptually and from a recovered person’s perspective Identify the various forms of stigma and their effects on our ability to recover Recognize the impact of stigma on prevention outcomes Describe stigma’s ongoing impact on the road to recovery PRESENTERS Josh Esrick, MPP is the Chief of Training and Technical Assistance at Carnevale Associates, LLC. Mr. Esrick has over ten years of experience researching, writing, evaluating, and presenting on substance use prevention and other behavioral health topics. He is an expert in providing training and technical assistance (TTA) in substance use, having overseen the development of hundreds of TTA products for numerous clients, including six of SAMHSA’s ten regional Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTCs), the PTTC Network Coordinating Office, the Central East Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) and Mental Health Technology Transfer Centers (MHTTC), and SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT). These trainings and products have covered a wide range of topics, including strategic planning, data collection and analysis, and identifying evidence-based prevention interventions for youth. In addition to TTA, Mr. Esrick has directly provided many of these services to behavioral health agencies and other entities. He has published several academic journal articles. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Master of Public Policy from George Washington University.     Demetrie Garner, CPRS, as a Peer Recovery Specialist, has been presented with the unique opportunity of working in the largest Emergency Department in the state of Maryland. This has given him the vantage point to encounter minority disparities. A lack of health communication targeted to African-Americans and other minorities help further this disparity. As a Peer Recovery Specialist, the visible cracks of systemic inadequacies in health care and its access garners attention and policy changes in patients with substance use disorders. Having the experience in active addiction abusing opiates, cocaine, and alcohol for 26 years with countless relapses fostered the experience needed to help others in active addiction. Finding recovery over the last 2 and 1/2 years while working in the recovery field has given Demetrie a unique perspective in recidivism and retention throughout the process of recovery. With the help of the God of his understanding (Jesus Christ), Narcotics Anonymous, and healthy relationships, the pathway of a daily reprieve from active addiction is now possible. Continuous work through pastoral licensed counseling has unlocked the acceptance of childhood molestation and recovery from trauma. After 21 years since Demetrie decided to drop out of high school in the 11th grade, education seemed to become more important to obtain. If he wants to help individuals who look like himself and suffer from trauma and active addiction, then higher education has to be pursued. While at the University of Maryland at Baltimore County, currently a sophomore, Demetrie’s interest in studies is in the social science of public health. Future involvement with research is being pursued with patients that have wait times in emergency rooms with substance use disorders. Previous research this past semester has examined minorities  hesitancy to receive Covid vaccinations. Demetrie is currently a Pre-McNair Scholar with ambitions to attend UMBC School of Public Policy M.P.P Program Spring of 2022.  
Published: May 9, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue:   National Alcohol Awareness Month Resources for the Prevention Professional National Women's Health Week, May 14-20 How to Find Help Epi Corner: Substance Use Disorders in People with Disabilities What's Happening Around the Region? Webinar: Substance Misuse Among Students with Disabilities, A 2-part series, April 26 and May 18 Free Online Courses through HealtheKnowledge SAMHSA's National Prevention Week, May 7-13
Published: April 20, 2023
Prevention Spotlight: Investigative Reporting on Excessive Alcohol Use   Webinar Description Join the Northwest PTTC for this Spotlight Presentation, during which Independent journalist Ted Alcorn will present top-line findings of his ongoing, multipart investigation of alcohol’s impact on the state of New Mexico, where drinking kills at a faster clip than anywhere else in the country. He has also reported for the New York Times on alcohol mortality nationwide and policy changes pursued in Oregon. He will also provide insight into his reporting process and his views about the respective roles that journalists, advocates, and government officials play in advancing measures that improve population health and wellbeing.   Objectives Describe the outsize impact alcohol has on the state of New Mexico, some of the factors driving it, and evidence-based measures to reduce its toll Explain the role that investigative journalism has played in focusing public attention and galvanizing legislative action  Identify potential obstacles and remaining gaps to achieving progress in reducing alcohol-related harms   Webinar Recording Prevention Spotlight: Investigative Reporting on Excessive Alcohol Use Recording   Additional Resources Alcohol Awareness Toolkit, Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center Blind Drunk Series Main Page, New Mexico In Depth Blind Drunk Resources for Reporters, New Mexico In Depth Rethink the Drink, Oregon Health Authority   Presenter Ted Alcorn,  is an independent journalist whose reporting on health and justice has appeared in numerous publications. An adjunct at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service, he was previously the founding research director of Everytown For Gun Safety and a policy analyst in the New York City mayor’s office. He earned graduate degrees at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and their School for Advanced International Studies, and lived in Beijing, China as a Henry Luce scholar.   Questions Contact Kathy Gardner ([email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this webinar.
Published: March 17, 2023
A toolkit for behavioral health prevention and treatment providers, recovery community organizations, and individuals in recovery with practical information and tools to enhance their capacity to engage in effective stigma reduction efforts.
Published: March 3, 2023
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue:   The Value of Collaboration Epi Corner: Addressing Rural Health Disparities Using the Gifts of History to Promote Wellness SAPST 2023 Updates, Curriculum Launch for Trainers, March 14 What's Happening Around the Region? Training Event: Promising Approaches for Reducing Substance Misuse-Related Health Disparities in Rural Contexts, February 23 Free Online Courses through HealtheKnowledge ACE Master Trainer Region 6 Directory New Prevention Specialist Candidate Guide
Published: March 2, 2023
Our guest on this episode is Samantha Sherman, the Prevention Resource Center Director at Community Partnership of the Ozarks. She leads a team that provides substance use prevention TA, and works tirelessly to reduce stigma, suicide, and improve mental health awareness. The funder of this project, along with all other products of the Mid-America PTTC, is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Although funded by SAMHSA, the content of this recording does not necessarily reflect the views of SAMHSA. Did you know nearly 700 publications and digital products are available on the SAMHSA store front. Visit Learn more mental health first aid from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. Visit
Published: February 16, 2023
Language Matters: Challenging Stigmatization Language about Addiction Jessica Hulsey, BA February 14, 2023, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Research has shown that the words we use to describe substance use disorders (SUD) and recovery have a significant impact on those struggling and how they are treated. While evidence shows that SUDs are medical illnesses, it is still too common for SUDs to be characterized as a moral failing or character flaw. Disparaging words are, unfortunately, still used to describe SUDs and the individuals suffering from them. Research suggests that improving our language when we describe addiction, such as using person-first language when talking about the disease, restores and empowers the humanity of individuals, rather than defining them by their illness. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand that addiction is a medical condition, and the words we use to describe it should be non-stigmatizing. Understand the importance of person-first language and how to implement it when talking about substance use disorders (SUD). Understand the role stigma plays in keeping individuals with SUD from seeking help. PRESENTER Jessica Hulsey, BA is the Executive Director of the Addiction Policy Forum, a national nonprofit organization that leads the fight against the deadly consequences of addiction and helps patients, families, and communities affected by the disease. Jessica has more than 25 years of experience in the field of prevention, treatment, and policy solutions to address substance use disorders and has collaborated with our nation’s top scientists to translate the science of addiction into digestible content for patients, families, and other key audiences.  
Published: February 14, 2023
Print Media
Product Description  The following resources define stigma as negative attitudes or discrimination against individuals or groups based on a particular characteristic, associated with substance use disorders (SUDs), as well as other physical, mental, and behavioral health conditions. The information sheets provide tips on how to prevent, understand, and recognize stigma, in addition to highlighting reduction strategies and additional online resources.   For your convenience, one information sheet includes the types of stigma (self-stigma, public stigma, and structural stigma), in addition to the information outline above.   Resources  Stigma Information Sheet Stigma Information Sheet with Type Definitions
Published: February 6, 2023
Webinar Description  This interactive four-hour workshop reviewed mitigating factors that influence differential treatment on stigmatized communities. Content unpacked racial perspectives and discussed factors that impact cross-cultural communications and interactions. Providers reviewed strategies to identify and reduce unconscious bias in care. Further, content informed on cultural humility for practice to help mitigate stigma and increase person-centered culturally appropriate care. The benefit of integrating cultural responsiveness helps to achieve and retain highest levels of prevention and recovery supports for persons of color and other marginalized communities. Presenter  Diana Padilla is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC) and provides training and technical assistance on implementation of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), and Equity & Inclusion capacity building opportunities. Supplemental Material  PowerPoint Flyer 
Published: January 28, 2023
Stigma Series Part 2: Debunking the Myths Around Addiction Jessica Hulsey, BA October 12, 2022, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Substance use disorders (SUD) are some of the most highly stigmatized health conditions worldwide, and stigma creates barriers to early intervention, screening, treatment, and effective recovery. Addressing addiction like a disease instead of a moral failing requires shifts in practice as well as understanding. There is also a significant body of research defining the most effective treatments for substance use disorder (SUD). Yet many myths persist about the nature of addiction and the right ways to treat it. These myths remain due to various factors, most of which are rooted in deep-set cultural notions of addiction that fail to consider the science behind the disorder. These myths are uniquely harmful as they are often “assumed” to be true and thus considered by some to be self-evident. In this two-part presentation, participants will learn about addiction myths and misinformation, including the myth of ”28 days," the myth of replacing one drug for another, and the myth of “rock bottom”. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learn about common myths and misconceptions about addiction and how to dispel them Understand common myths around Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) Understand that addiction is a chronic relapsing disease and how to change the messaging in community. PRESENTER Jessica Hulsey, BA is the Executive Director of the Addiction Policy Forum, a national nonprofit organization that leads the fight against the deadly consequences of addiction and helps patients, families, and communities affected by the disease. Jessica has more than 25 years of experience in the field of prevention, treatment, and policy solutions to address substance use disorders and has collaborated with our nation’s top scientists to translate the science of addiction into digestible content for patients, families, and other key audiences.  
Published: October 12, 2022
Stigma Series Part 1: Challenging the Stigma Surrounding Addiction Jessica Hulsey, BA October 5, 2022, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Substance use disorders (SUD) are some of the most highly stigmatized health conditions worldwide, and stigma creates barriers to early intervention, screening, treatment, and effective recovery. Addressing addiction like a disease instead of a moral failing requires shifts in practice as well as understanding. To challenge stigma, we must revise outdated ways of thinking about addiction to better align with the medical discoveries about what addiction does to the brain, and how it is most effectively addressed. In the first part of this two-part presentation, participants will learn about the basic principles of stigma, how stigma manifests and is categorized, how individuals with SUD are disproportionately stigmatized, and evidence-based stigma interventions. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the basic principles of stigma Understand how stigma manifests for people with SUD Understand evidence-based stigma interventions Learn about common myths and misconceptions about addiction and how to dispel them PRESENTER Jessica Hulsey, BA is the Executive Director of the Addiction Policy Forum, a national nonprofit organization that leads the fight against the deadly consequences of addiction and helps patients, families, and communities affected by the disease. Jessica has more than 25 years of experience in the field of prevention, treatment, and policy solutions to address substance use disorders and has collaborated with our nation’s top scientists to translate the science of addiction into digestible content for patients, families, and other key audiences.  
Published: October 5, 2022
In today’s video, we would like to discuss harm reduction and its importance and break down some of the stigma often associated with this topic.     Español  La reducción de daño En el video de hoy, vamos a platicar sobre la reducción de daño y su importancia al igual que desbaratar el estigma que comúnmente acompaña a este tema     Português Redução de danos No vídeo de hoje, gostaríamos de discutir a redução de danos, sua importância e quebrar um pouco do estigma frequentemente associado a esse tópico.
Published: August 16, 2022
Preventing and Disrupting Stigma Associated with Substance Use Disorders July 6, 2022   Webinar Description and Objectives According to the Cambridge Dictionary of the English Language, "stigma" is defined as "A strong feeling of disapproval that most people in a society have about something, especially when this is unfair." Throughout history, vulnerable populations and individuals have often been stigmatized and "othered." Stigma disproportionately influences health outcomes and the mental well-being of individuals who experience a substance use disorder by creating barriers to engaging in early intervention, treatment, and effective recovery. This presentation will explore the root causes and the unjust consequences of stigma. Participants will investigate best practices prevention practitioners can use to identify, critically examine, and overcome personal biases and reduce the stigma associated with SUDs while promoting resilient families, organizations, and communities. By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to: List common components and three levels of stigma Describe the impact of stigma on vulnerable populations and key community sectors Explore strategies for changing attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that can lead to stigma and discrimination Identify best practices for preventing and disrupting stigma within and across relevant community sectors   Presenter Nigel Wrangham, CADC II, CPS has been a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor Level II and a Certified Prevention Specialist since 2000. In addition, he has been a preschool teacher, a group manager in a halfway house for federal prisoners on parole, a parenting educator for families experiencing homelessness, and the National Youth Coordinator for Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). For 15 years, Nigel taught university courses in the science of addiction, the history of drugs in America, community organizing, and self-discovery through activities and play. When he worked in Uganda as a photographer documenting the behavior of wild chimpanzees, he also taught forest conservation to young people in local villages. Nigel has been in private practice as a workshop facilitator and trainer since 2003. His passion is supporting young people to discover and use the tools they need to build the equitable, just, and healthy society they deserve. He works with groups across the United States, sharing prevention, social justice, brain development, and youth leadership skills. Besides working to help youth find and use their power to become change agents, Nigel spends time at home in Eugene, Oregon, with his wife, his two disobedient cats, and his baby son. When he gets the chance, he listens to rock music way louder than he probably should.   Webinar Recording and Slides Webinar Recording Download Webinar Slide-Deck   Additional Resource Resources on Stigma from Across the TTC Networks   Questions? Contact Clarissa Lam Yuen ([email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this webinar.
Published: July 18, 2022
Print Media
Developed by the Central East PTTC, this fact sheet serves as a resource for prevention professionals to understand stigma, it's effects on persons who misuse substances, the causes of stigma, ways to address stigma, and what prevention professionals can do. Linked in this digital fact sheet are a number of additional resources.                  
Published: June 13, 2022
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