Products and Resources Catalog

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2024 Region 6 Training and Technical Assistance Needs Assessment Results By Nicole Schoenborn, SSW PTTC Evaluator Each year, the South Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (SSWPTTC) conducts a training and technical assistance (T/TA) needs assessment to help us capture the training needs of the field and inform our overall process for creating the work plan for the region. Our first needs assessment was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic as we saw emerging T/TA needs in the workforce. After 6 years, it has expanded into a comprehensive assessment of needs across the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), with additional sections around onboarding, health equity, and data literacy. In the past year, the needs assessment informed live events such as the Unraveling Connections: Social Determinants of Health and Substance Misuse Prevention  and the Alcohol, Equity, and Social Justice: Breaking the Silence. Services in the South Southwest region had a stronger emphasis last year on building the capacity of substance misuse prevention professionals to address gaps in prevention with services for underserved communities. Themes that have strongly surfaced for next year’s services continue to address Social Determinants of Health, underserved communities, and cultural humility and responsiveness. In addition, evaluating programs and communicating data using visualization methods will be a focus area for data-related services in this next year of the SSW PTTC. To view the data and findings, select the links below. Read more about the SSW PTTC Needs Assessment Needs Assessment 2024 PowerPoint        
Published: December 12, 2025
El NeCPTTC ha creado un conjunto de herramientas de planificación de la sostenibilidad para ayudar a los especialistas en prevención a producir y mantener resultados positivos en el uso indebido de sustancias. Este conjunto de herramientas guía a los profesionales en la evaluación de sus procesos e intervenciones de planificación estratégica para determinar qué es necesario sostener y la mejor manera de hacerlo. El conjunto de herramientas ofrece un proceso de planificación de la sostenibilidad de cinco pasos para ayudar a las comunidades a pasar de la comprensión a la acción y a identificar y asegurar los recursos necesarios para mantener resultados positivos de prevención más allá de la financiación actual. Los pasos incluyen establecer objetivos de sostenibilidad, seleccionar su enfoque de sostenibilidad, identificar los recursos necesarios, identificar colaboraciones y asociaciones y desarrollar su enfoque de alcance de sostenibilidad. Para cada uno de estos cinco pasos, el kit de herramientas proporciona una hoja de trabajo complementaria para ayudar a guiar de manera práctica a las personas y organizaciones a través de este proceso de planificación. El kit de herramientas ya está disponible para su uso. Puedes acceder a todas las piezas a continuación:
Published: January 13, 2025
Explore resources dedicated to fostering leadership and partnerships in prevention efforts. Each resource is designed to build leaders and strong partnerships, enhancing prevention services across diverse communities. A Focus on Tribal Behavioral Health Providers: The Need to Advocate for the Wellbeing of Generations  Apps for Veterans and Those Working With Veterans Addressing Trauma  Culture is Community  Humility, Respect, Understanding, and Inclusion: Working with Indigenous Peoples  Mental Health Care For All: Let's Make It A Reality  Mobilizing Marginalized Communities to Prevent Substance Misuse  Part 2 of 3 Supporting Youth and Building Leadership in Prevention: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion  Part 3 of 3 Youth and Prevention: Building Authentic Youth and Adult Partnerships     
Published: December 17, 2024
This list of resources provides support for the prevention professional working with a variety of interest groups. Each resource is designed to provide practical and effective strategies for work across diverse communities. Addressing Rural Health Disparities  Alcohol, Equity, and Social Justice: Breaking the Silence  Alcohol Availability is a Social Justice Issue  Building Resilience in Military Families  Celebrate Love. Celebrate Joy.  Community Trauma and Systemic Intervention Strategies  The Cultural Adaption Continuum  Culture is Prevention: Celebrating Hispanic Latino Heritage Month  Enhancing Cultural Competency to Reduce Health Disparities (scroll down to the epi corner)  Elevate Your Work: Accessibility for Prevention Professionals  Embracing Equity  Next Steps for Building the Resilience of Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seeking individuals through Prevention  Part 1 of 2, Substance Misuse Among Students with Disabilities-Identifying Promising Equitable Approaches  Part 2 of 2, Students with Disabilities, Substance Misuse, and Incarceration-Triangulating the Issues  Promising Approaches for Reducing Substance Misuse-Related Health Disparities in a Rural Context  Reducing Community Trauma, Repairing Communities  Substance Misuse Prevention and Support for Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylum-Seekers in the South Southwest  Substance Misuse Through the Lens of Black History Month  Substance Use Disorders in People with Disabilities  Understanding Stress and Substance Use Among LGBTQ+ Adolescents  Unraveling Connections: Social Determinants of Health and Substance Misuse Prevention     
Published: December 17, 2024
Explore a comprehensive collection of resources aimed at understanding and addressing the diverse needs of various populations through data-driven insights. Each resource provides practical strategies for prevention and support across different communities. A Closer Look at Opioid-Related Mortality: A Focus on American Indians and Alaskan Natives Charting Paths to Prevention: Mapping Social Vulnerability and Alcohol-Related Deaths Lunch and Learn Emerging Drug Trends in the South Southwest  Fostering the Resilience of Children  Identifying Opioid Misuse Risk and Protective Factors for Hispanic/Latino Populations  Measuring Community Level Trauma  Swimming Upstream with Data, Prevention Data Sources Series, for Military, Rural, and LGBTQ+ Interest Groups  The Syndemic Framework: Enhancing Understanding of the Root Causes of Disease  Women and Alcohol: Drinking to Cope  Youth in the Juvenile Justice System   
Published: December 17, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue Enhancing the Collaborative Efforts of Communities to Address Homelessness Epi Corner:Adolescent Health Literacy and Substance Use What's Happening Around the Region? What's New at SAMHSA?
Published: November 21, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue Navigating the Green Wave and Protecting Youth in the South Southwest Region Additional Resources on Youth Substance Use Prevention Epi Corner: Implicit Bias and Algorithms Generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) What's Happening Around the Region? Webinar: Reducing Youth Substance Misuse by Implementing Mental Health initiatives New from SAMHSA Substance Use Prevention Month: Telling the Prevention Story October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Published: October 17, 2024
Print Media, Toolkit
Social Justice, Cultural Humility, Ethics, and Equity in the Planning and Implementation of Evidence-Based Prevention Interventions This is a comprehensive resource developed by Community Coalitions and Collaborators workgroup of the Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network. It focuses on integrating social justice, cultural humility, ethics, and equity into the planning and implementation of evidence-based prevention interventions. The workbook is structured around the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) and the Prevention Think Tank Code of Ethical Standards, providing a step-by-step guide for professionals in the field. Key sections include: Introduction: Overview of the importance of ethics, social justice, and cultural humility in prevention. Cultural Humility: Principles and practices for understanding and respecting diverse cultures. Capacity Building: Strategies for engaging community resources and addressing systemic inequities. Ethics and Social Justice: Intersection of ethical principles with social justice to ensure equitable prevention efforts. Data Equity: Ethical considerations in data collection and analysis to avoid reinforcing biases. Implementation and Sustainability: Best practices for sustaining prevention initiatives with a focus on community involvement and innovation. Planning Resources: Tools and guidelines for effective prevention planning with an equity lens. This workbook is designed to support prevention professionals in creating inclusive, ethical, and effective prevention programs that address the needs of diverse communities.
Published: September 10, 2024
Description: This two-hour training explores Harm Reduction strategies, or interventions aimed at reducing negative consequences related to substance use or other risk behaviors. Session reviews misunderstandings and barriers to helping people who actively use substances and informs on the 8 principles of harm reduction and how they apply in behavioral health." Presenter: Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T, is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC), and a member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry. As a cultural agent, Ms. Padilla promotes an equity lens in trainings for engaging diverse communities in need, aligning with evidence and strength-based strategies within behavioral health, addiction, prevention, and recovery supports fields and professional capacities.
Published: September 9, 2024
This webinar focuses a roundtable discussion on sustaining collaborator relationships for preventionists, followed by a question and answer portion.  Featured speakers are Capetra Parker, Dan Fitzgerald, Bethanie Rado, and Amy Mellick-Wetzel.
Published: August 28, 2024
Webinar Description: As prevention professionals, facilitation in both virtual and face-to-face spaces is an integral part of our work. The ability to convene partners -- whether in meetings, trainings or events – and lead them through collaborative decision-making and other processes is essential to the success of community-based change efforts. This session looked at the art and science of facilitation, the skills needed for successful facilitation and discussed real-world tips and techniques for consensus-building with groups and managing group dynamics. Session Learning Objectives included: Describing the facilitation skills prevention practitioners need Identifying techniques for managing group processes and dynamics Identifying strategies for handling challenging situations as a facilitation   Presenter Info: Sandra Puerini Del Sesto, M.Ed, ACPS is a consultant and master trainer in behavioral health and strategic planning for states and non-profits. For over thirty-five years, Ms. Del Sesto has provided training throughout the United States in all areas of prevention practice.   Jess Goldberg, MSW, MPH, CPS, is a Training and Technical Assistance Specialist with Education Development Center. She specializes in building capacity to improve behavioral health at the national, state, regional and local levels.
Published: August 5, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue The Importance of Accessibility: 5 Simple Steps Resources Highlighting Accessibility and Disabilities Epi Corner: Social Network Analysis: A Helpful Tool in the Prevention Toolbox What's Happening Around the Region? Webinar: Elevate Your Work: Accessibility for Prevention Professionals Webinar: Reducing Youth Substance Misuse by Implementing Mental Health Initiatives New From SAMHSA National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month Get Involved with National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month - A Toolkit
Published: July 17, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue Systems Thinking for Prevention Professionals Epi Corner: Addressing Parental Loss in Children of Overdose Victims What's Happening Around the Region? Webinar: Elevate Your Work: Accessibility for Prevention Professionals Exciting Updates! HealtheKnowledge Online Learning Platform An Important Announcement from the Blueprints Registry New Products and Resources from the South Southwest PTTC New From SAMHSA
Published: June 19, 2024
Stigma the Gift that Keeps on Giving: Residual Effects of Stress During the Recovery Process from Active Substance Use Part 2 Demetrie Garner, CPRS, and Shawn Colvin, CPRS, RPS, RCPF June 13, 2024, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Identifying triggers is essential at the beginning of the recovery process, but more is to be revealed. Comprehensive support systems, including counseling, employment assistance, and accessible housing, can alleviate some of the stress and contribute to a successful recovery. Sustainable support is a counterbalance to stress and the stigmatization of being in recovery. As we unpack the benefits of support systems, we will also discuss the tools for prevention and how to move forward in recovery. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Recognize the role of comprehensive support systems in alleviating stress during recovery. Investigate various types of support systems and how they can act as preventive measures in dealing with stress and the association of stigma. Examine tools and techniques and address stress and triggers in a recovery context. Develop strategies to build and maintain long-term recovery and apply the knowledge gained to support others. PRESENTERS Demetrie Garner, CPRS, as a Peer Recovery Specialist, has been presented with the unique opportunity of working in the largest Emergency Department in the state of Maryland. This has given him the vantage point to encounter minority disparities. A lack of health communication targeted to African-Americans and other minorities help further this disparity. As a Peer Recovery Specialist, the visible cracks of systemic inadequacies in health care and its access garners attention and policy changes in patients with substance use disorders. Having the experience in active addiction abusing opiates, cocaine, and alcohol for 26 years with countless relapses fostered the experience needed to help others in active addiction. Finding recovery over the last 2 and 1/2 years while working in the recovery field has given Demetrie a unique perspective in recidivism and retention throughout the process of recovery. With the help of the God of his understanding (Jesus Christ), Narcotics Anonymous, and healthy relationships, the pathway of a daily reprieve from active addiction is now possible. Continuous work through pastoral licensed counseling has unlocked the acceptance of childhood molestation and recovery from trauma. After 21 years since Demetrie decided to drop out of high school in the 11th grade, education seemed to become more important to obtain. If he wants to help individuals who look like himself and suffer from trauma and active addiction, then higher education has to be pursued. While at the University of Maryland at Baltimore County, currently a sophomore, Demetrie’s interest in studies is in the social science of public health. Future involvement with research is being pursued with patients that have wait times in emergency rooms with substance use disorders. Previous research this past semester has examined minorities hesitancy to receive Covid vaccinations.   Shawn Colvin, CPRS, RPS, RCPF, has been working in the field of recovery professionally for 10 1/2 years at the Helping Up Mission in Baltimore City. He has been clean and sober for 13 years. Shawn loves being a Treatment Manager, Peer Specialist, Facilitator, and Treatment Coordinator! Shawn has a passion for assisting others toward a life of positive transformation out of the darkness of addiction!  
Published: June 13, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. The June 2024 issue features content celebrating Pride Month, PTSD Awareness Month, and Intersection of Addiction and Racism: A Curated Bibliography‒a new comprehensive resource created by AMERSA, the ATTC NCO, and the PTTC NCO. You will also find links to upcoming trainings focused on the therapeutic benefits of humor in treatment and recovery, prevention efforts in rural communities, and trauma-informed care for transition-age youth. Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: June 6, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue A Focus on Tribal Behavioral Health Providers: The Need to Advocate for the Wellbeing of Generations Epi Corner: Building Resilience in Military Families New! Swimming Upstream with Data: Military Individuals and Families What's Happening Around the Region? Webinar: Charting Paths to Prevention: Mapping Social Vulnerability and Alcohol-Related Deaths Webinar: Principles for Prevention Professionals Across the Spectrum Free Logic Model Technical Assistance We're hiring: Data Training and Technical Assistance Specialist
Published: May 16, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. The May 2024 issue features content celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Hepatitis C Awareness Month, and National Prevention Week. You will also find links to upcoming trainings focused on the therapeutic benefits of humor in treatment and recovery, prevention efforts in rural communities, and trauma-informed care for transition-age youth. Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: May 10, 2024
Webinar Description The association between chronic exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and poor behavioral health outcomes across the lifespan is well-established, but ACEs are preventable. This webinar will explore the evidence supporting upstream strategies that can prevent ACEs from happening in the first place as well as positive childhood experiences (PCEs) that can mitigate the harms of ACEs. Recent data sources that can be used to monitor ACEs and PCEs at the state-level to guide prevention and evaluation activities will also be explored.   Webinar Objectives By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to: Explain the influence of ACEs and PCEs on risk behaviors using a lifecourse perspective; Describe primary prevention strategies that can prevent ACEs; Describe how PCEs can buffer the impact of ACEs on behavioral health outcomes; Identify state-level data sources that can be used to monitor ACEs and PCEs.   Presenters Amanda Haboush-Deloye earned her Ph.D. in experimental psychology and her Master of Arts in clinical psychology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Amanda's research background is on mental health in adolescent, adult, and older adult populations. She also has a particular interest in improving research methods to be more culturally competent. As a researcher at NICRP, she has designed and implemented many research projects regarding children's physical health, mental health, and education, as well as children's advocacy initiatives such as Every Child Matters in Nevada and Prevent Child Abuse Nevada. Being a Las Vegas native, Amanda aims to remain in Nevada and work with NICRP to create a healthy community where families and children are a priority.   Kristin Clements-Nolle received her MPH in Behavioral Sciences and Ph.D in Epidemiology, both from the University of California, Berkeley. Kristen is a nationally recognized adolescent health researcher and has published extensively on the impact of ACE exposure on health outcomes across the lifespan. She also investigates social, community, and family factors that can prevent ACE exposure and/or mitigate the impact on behavioral health outcomes. Kristen is currently a Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Public Health and the principal investigator for a five year grant funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that will focus on preventing ACEs and promoting positive childhood experiences in Nevada.   Post Webinar Materials Preventing ACEs and Their Associated Harms Recording Preventing ACEs and Their Associated Harms Slide Deck   Questions Please email Reagan Hart at ([email protected]) for any questions.
Published: May 2, 2024
The Role of Evidence-Based Prevention Strategies in Helping Address Addiction Robert Rogers, LADC, CCS, PS-A, LSW May 1, 2024, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION In this session, we will review evidence-based strategies for substance use prevention addressing alcohol, cannabis, vaping, and prescription drugs that local coalitions and prevention providers can implement in their communities. We will examine interest groups to collaborate and “work with” as we work on the prevention of substance use and discuss the importance of language in reducing stigma and bias related to substance use and the people impacted by the use of substances. LEARNING OBJECTIVES - Identify a minimum of 2 strategies for substance use prevention. (Substances covered include alcohol, cannabis, vaping, and prescription drugs.) - Identify a minimum of 3 interest groups to collaborate with on evidence-based prevention strategies. - Describe the importance of language in reducing stigma. PRESENTERS Robert Rogers, LADC, CCS, LSW, PS-A, has worked with youth and families throughout Somerset and Kennebec Counties since 1994. Robert works for Kennebec Behavioral Health as Director of Substance Use Prevention and Grant Services. He worked with Somerset Public Health as the Drug-Free Communities Program Coordinator, completing ten years of coalition work. Robert is a certified Prime for Life instructor and the State of Maine certified Responsible Beverage Seller trainer for the Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages & Lottery Operations. Robert also coordinates Respect ME, a Certified Domestic Violence Intervention Program for female survivors of domestic violence who used resistive violence with their intimate partners. Robert was appointed to the state Substance Abuse Service Commission, served by appointment on the state's Maine Opiate Collaborative Prevention and Harm Reduction team, served as Chair for the Maine Prevention Specialists Certification Board, and serves as a Maine representative on the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center’s Advisory Board. Additionally, Robert is on the Board of Directors for AdCare of Maine and Sunset Home, a non-profit assisted living facility for older women in Waterville, Maine. Robert is an Adjunct Professor of Substance Use Prevention at the University of Maine at Farmington. Most recently, Governor Mills appointed Robert to the State of Maine Board of Alcohol & Drug Counselors and serves as the board's Chair. In 2021, Robert was awarded the Neill E. Miner Memorial Prevention Award, and in 2014 was awarded Prevention Provider of the Year by the Maine Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse.  
Published: May 1, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. The April 2024 issue spotlights content celebrating National Minority Health Month and Alcohol Awareness Month. It also features links to upcoming trainings focused on supporting Black students experiencing racial trauma, harnessing AI for substance misuse prevention, and process improvement. Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: April 12, 2024
Preventing Underage Alcohol Use Part 2: Strategies and Recommendations for the Field of Prevention Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip, and Olivia Stuart, LMSW April 11, 2024, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION This webinar will provide information on available evidence-based and culturally responsive prevention strategies for addressing underage alcohol use. It will cover both environmental and behavioral interventions, as well as opportunities to implement or expand policies that can address the social determinants of health. The webinar will review general strategies for underage alcohol use as well as those specifically focused on early adolescents and/or college-age youth. Lastly, it will describe how to ensure cultural responsiveness is incorporated into youth alcohol prevention efforts and programming. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Recognize the importance of providing evidence-based culturally responsive alcohol misuse prevention strategies. Describe evidence-based environmental strategies for preventing underage alcohol use. Describe evidence-based behavioral strategies for preventing underage alcohol use among early adolescents and college-age youth. Explain how to ensure cultural responsiveness in youth alcohol prevention programs. PRESENTERS Emily Patton, MSc, PgDip holds a Masters of Science in Abnormal and Clinical Psychology from Swansea University and a Postgraduate Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Edinburgh. She offers significant professional experience in the fields of public policy development and analysis, criminal justice research, data collection and analysis, program development, and performance management.   Olivia Stuart, MSW supports the training & technical assistance (T/TA) team in the development and delivery of knowledge translation products across multiple projects. In this capacity, she assists with webinars, literature reviews, and infographics on a range of behavioral health topics. Prior to joining Carnevale Associates, Olivia interned with the Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center where she supported projects to reduce inequities in the criminal justice system. Olivia also served as a Graduate Research Supervisor at George Mason University and worked for several years in LGBTQ+ advocacy and fundraising. She holds a Master of Social Work degree from George Mason University.  
Published: April 11, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. The March 2024 issue spotlights content celebrating Women's History Month and National Social Work Month. It also features updated versions of the Sustainability Planning in Prevention Guidebook and Sustainability Planning in Prevention Toolkit, as well as upcoming trainings focused on provider well-being and culturally responsive services for Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) clients. As always, you will also find links to all scheduled events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC! Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: March 18, 2024
The Fundamentals of Understanding and Using Data in Prevention Part 3: DIY Data for Prevention Professionals Jamie Comstock, MURP, PS-C, and Robin Carr, PS-C February 29, 2024, 11:00am-12:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Looking for tips and tricks on how to present your data in a way that catches people’s attention and is easily understood? Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the Five C’s of Data: Chart, Color, Context, Clutter, and Composition. Through learning about the Five C's, participants of this virtual training will gain skills to present data in a manner that best resonates with their audiences. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Choose the most effective chart for their data Use color for emphasis and action Show data in context for maximum (and realistic) impact Reduce clutter so data insights can be easily understood PRESENTERS Jamie Comstock, MURP, PS-C and Robin Carr, PS-C founded Info Inspired in 2014, after many years of designing and giving presentations with no formal training in this area, and watching their public health colleagues struggle with the same skills gap. Both are certified prevention specialists with 30 years’ combined experience in the field. They’ve spent the last several years researching and testing ways to not only capture and hold an audience’s attention, but to also inspire audiences. They’ve spent countless hours refining the presentation planning process, identifying free resources, and learning how to maximize the tools they already had. It’s also important to know that they aren’t graphic designers, artists, or especially tech savvy. Everything they do, you can do too. They’ve presented at the Community Anti Drug Coalitions of America’s Leadership Forum, the Maine Public Health Association Annual Meeting, the New England Institute of Addiction Studies, the New England School of Best Practices, and provided training and technical assistance to non-profit organizations throughout New England. They have been featured on the Organizing for Change podcast and have an on-demand webinar available through the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center.  
Published: February 29, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue: Substance Misuse Through the Lens of Black History Month Alcohol Availability is a Social Justice Issue Epi Corner: The Syndemic Framework: Enhancing Understanding of the Root Causes of Disease What's Happening Around the Region? Free Logic Model TA Webinar: Alcohol, Equity, and Social Justice: Breaking the Silence What's New?
Published: February 27, 2024
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