Products and Resources Catalog

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eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue The Importance of Accessibility: 5 Simple Steps Resources Highlighting Accessibility and Disabilities Epi Corner: Social Network Analysis: A Helpful Tool in the Prevention Toolbox What's Happening Around the Region? Webinar: Elevate Your Work: Accessibility for Prevention Professionals Webinar: Reducing Youth Substance Misuse by Implementing Mental Health Initiatives New From SAMHSA National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month Get Involved with National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month - A Toolkit
Published: July 17, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue Systems Thinking for Prevention Professionals Epi Corner: Addressing Parental Loss in Children of Overdose Victims What's Happening Around the Region? Webinar: Elevate Your Work: Accessibility for Prevention Professionals Exciting Updates! HealtheKnowledge Online Learning Platform An Important Announcement from the Blueprints Registry New Products and Resources from the South Southwest PTTC New From SAMHSA
Published: June 19, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. The June 2024 issue features content celebrating Pride Month, PTSD Awareness Month, and Intersection of Addiction and Racism: A Curated Bibliography‒a new comprehensive resource created by AMERSA, the ATTC NCO, and the PTTC NCO. You will also find links to upcoming trainings focused on the therapeutic benefits of humor in treatment and recovery, prevention efforts in rural communities, and trauma-informed care for transition-age youth. Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: June 6, 2024
Webinar Recording and Follow-Up Materials   Webinar Description What if college graduates entered the prevention workforce with basic knowledge of prevention science, the Strategic Prevention Framework, and the importance of evidence-based programs, practices, and policies? Despite the interdisciplinary nature of substance misuse prevention, traditional college courses often lack explicit content relevant to this critical field. To address this, the Pacific Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) developed curriculum infusion packages that can be easily inserted into existing college-level coursework to engage the pre-professional workforce. This webinar will explore the pressing need for capacity-building within the pre-professional workforce, guide participants through the Pacific Southwest PTTC’s curriculum infusion packages, “The Power of Prevention,” and discuss additional ways they can be utilized to develop knowledge and skills for coalition staff, volunteers, and partners. By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to: Articulate the need to increase exposure to prevention science and application prior to entering the prevention workforce Describe the benefits of curriculum infusion packages as an innovative method of introducing core prevention concepts Discuss how curriculum infusion packages are useful and accessible across professional roles and can increase prevention knowledge regardless of educational background or status   Webinar Recording and Slides Power of Prevention Recording Power of Prevention Slide Deck   Presenters Michelle Frye-Spray, MS, CPS specializes in integrating prevention science, capacity-building, and workforce development to expedite the adoption and diffusion of evidence-based interventions that achieve intended outcomes. With over 30 years of experience in substance misuse prevention, including 15 years focused on managing and delivering Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) services to states, jurisdictions, and tribes across the western region, she has extensive subject matter expertise in designing and delivering learner-centered, skills-based training and consultations to secondary educators, prevention practitioners, pre-professionals, coalition members, including under-served populations and organizations, on the application of prevention science. As part of her work with SAMSHA’s Northwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC), she has chaired and co-chaired the Cannabis Prevention and Community, Coalition, and Collaboration Workgroups, and as a member of the Prevention Workforce Development Workgroup contributed to updating the SPF Application for Success Training (SAPST). Britany Wiele, CPS is a Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Specialist for the Pacific Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC), administered by CASAT at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR). In this role, she provides direct TTA services to build state, jurisdiction, tribal, and community capacity in the application of data-driven decision-making to the selection, implementation, and evaluation of evidence-based programs and practices to prevent substance misuse within the Health and Human Services (HHS) Region 9. Additionally, Ms. Wiele chairs the National PTTC Cannabis Risk Work Group. Prior to her work with CASAT, she served as Program Manager for Join Together Northern Nevada, a substance misuse prevention coalition serving Washoe County, NV where she implemented effective community-wide youth and adult substance misuse prevention programs, developed informational materials, and delivered presentations relating to prevention, drug trends, and other topics to diverse audiences.   Questions Contact Reagan Hart ([email protected]) if you have additional questions about the content related to this webinar.
Published: May 30, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. The May 2024 issue features content celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Hepatitis C Awareness Month, and National Prevention Week. You will also find links to upcoming trainings focused on the therapeutic benefits of humor in treatment and recovery, prevention efforts in rural communities, and trauma-informed care for transition-age youth. Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: May 10, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. The April 2024 issue spotlights content celebrating National Minority Health Month and Alcohol Awareness Month. It also features links to upcoming trainings focused on supporting Black students experiencing racial trauma, harnessing AI for substance misuse prevention, and process improvement. Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: April 12, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC. The March 2024 issue spotlights content celebrating Women's History Month and National Social Work Month. It also features updated versions of the Sustainability Planning in Prevention Guidebook and Sustainability Planning in Prevention Toolkit, as well as upcoming trainings focused on provider well-being and culturally responsive services for Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) clients. As always, you will also find links to all scheduled events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC! Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: March 18, 2024
The Fundamentals of Understanding and Using Data in Prevention Part 3: DIY Data for Prevention Professionals Jamie Comstock, MURP, PS-C, and Robin Carr, PS-C February 29, 2024, 11:00am-12:30pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Looking for tips and tricks on how to present your data in a way that catches people’s attention and is easily understood? Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the Five C’s of Data: Chart, Color, Context, Clutter, and Composition. Through learning about the Five C's, participants of this virtual training will gain skills to present data in a manner that best resonates with their audiences. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Choose the most effective chart for their data Use color for emphasis and action Show data in context for maximum (and realistic) impact Reduce clutter so data insights can be easily understood PRESENTERS Jamie Comstock, MURP, PS-C and Robin Carr, PS-C founded Info Inspired in 2014, after many years of designing and giving presentations with no formal training in this area, and watching their public health colleagues struggle with the same skills gap. Both are certified prevention specialists with 30 years’ combined experience in the field. They’ve spent the last several years researching and testing ways to not only capture and hold an audience’s attention, but to also inspire audiences. They’ve spent countless hours refining the presentation planning process, identifying free resources, and learning how to maximize the tools they already had. It’s also important to know that they aren’t graphic designers, artists, or especially tech savvy. Everything they do, you can do too. They’ve presented at the Community Anti Drug Coalitions of America’s Leadership Forum, the Maine Public Health Association Annual Meeting, the New England Institute of Addiction Studies, the New England School of Best Practices, and provided training and technical assistance to non-profit organizations throughout New England. They have been featured on the Organizing for Change podcast and have an on-demand webinar available through the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center.  
Published: February 29, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
In this Issue: Substance Misuse Through the Lens of Black History Month Alcohol Availability is a Social Justice Issue Epi Corner: The Syndemic Framework: Enhancing Understanding of the Root Causes of Disease What's Happening Around the Region? Free Logic Model TA Webinar: Alcohol, Equity, and Social Justice: Breaking the Silence What's New?
Published: February 27, 2024
Webinar Description This interactive two-hour training discussed how cognitive bias develops, contributes to inequitable outcomes for persons of color, and informed on bias reducing techniques for enhancing the provider-client interactions and outcomes for marginalized communities.   Presenter Information Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T, is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC), and a member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry. As a cultural agent, Ms. Padilla promotes an equity lens in trainings for engaging diverse communities in need, aligning with evidence and strength-based strategies within behavioral health, addiction, prevention, and recovery supports fields and professional capacities.   Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer
Published: February 23, 2024
  Webinar Description This interactive presentation reviewed the dynamics of culture in substance use prevention and recovery support services. Additionally, content considered cultural humility key components and how they translate in practice for person-centered care and enhance the opportunities that build trust and rapport.   Presenter Information Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T, is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC), and a member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry. As a cultural agent, Ms. Padilla promotes an equity lens in trainings for engaging diverse communities in need, aligning with evidence and strength-based strategies within behavioral health, addiction, prevention, and recovery supports fields and professional capacities.   Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer
Published: February 23, 2024
Webinar Description Tailored for early career practitioners looking to elevate their prevention practice, this session explored the foundational prevention competencies that every prevention professional should build toward, where to find professional development opportunities to support growing those capacities, and best practices for planning your personal approach to professional development. Appropriate for individuals intending to pursue prevention certification, are seeking career advancement or simply want to improve their skills and abilities. Our presenters shared practical insights and valuable resources to support the professional development journey. Session Learning Objectives included: Defining key foundational competencies important for early prevention practitioners to develop Listing sources (e.g., organizations, websites) providing professional development opportunities for prevention professionals Describing the process for developing a personal approach to professional development   Presenter Information Sandra Puerini Del Sesto, M.Ed, ACPS is a consultant and master trainer in behavioral health and strategic planning for states and non profits. For over thirty five years, Ms. Del Sesto has provided training throughout the United States in all areas of prevention practice. She is a member of the advisory boards of the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC), the National Latino PTTC and the New England School of Addiction Studies. Sandra serves as the RI delegate to the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC). Jessica Goldberg is a Training and Technical Assistance Specialist with Education Development Center. For over a decade, Jess has specialized in building capacity to improve behavioral health at the national, state, regional and local levels. Her areas of expertise include preventing youth substance use; promoting cross sector collaborations; addressing health disparities; strategic planning, logic model development, and sustainability planning. Jess is a Certified Prevention Specialist and holds an MSW and an MPH from Boston University.   Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer Personal Professional Development Action Plan Starter
Published: February 23, 2024
Webinar Description This 1.5 hour interactive session looked at cultivating community support for prevention coalitions and explored how to transform local leaders to prevention champions. As managing a coalition effectively is an art, it requires excellent communication skills and the ability to build both individual and organizational prevention capacity. It also involves establishing and maintaining close working relationships with community members and collaborating with them to select and implement community and culturally appropriate substance misuse prevention interventions. In a post-Covid world, the ways in which we work and communicate have shifted in meaningful ways, but the fundamental principles informing that work remain the same. Learning Objectives: Identify key organizational functions and resources necessary to support effective coalitions Discuss strategies to build organizational capacity Describe key strategies for a plan to continually monitor organizational capacity   Presenter Information Charlotte Carlton brings over 30 years of experience leading and implementing substance use prevention programs at the community, state, regional, and national levels. She is currently working with multiple Education Development Center (EDC) teams to provide support for prevention efforts in Health & Human Services Regions 1 and 2. Previously, she served as the Director of the Southeast Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) and as a Senior Program Director for the Pacific Institute of Research and Evaluation (PIRE). She has done extensive research on the subject of program sustainability, most recently applying that research to the sustainability of community coalitions. She is the co-recipient of the 2002 Science to Practice award presented by the Society for Prevention Research and the 2001 Award of Excellence for outstanding contributions to the prevention field from the National Prevention Network.   Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer Extra Resource - NeC-PTTC Resources Coalitions Post Covid Extra Resource - NeC-PTTC Coalitions Post Covid - Tips for Engagement
Published: February 23, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Northeast and Caribbean Winter 2023 Newsletter (English | Spanish) is here. This issue highlights resources for strategic communication, as well as, our upcoming trainings. 
Published: February 23, 2024
The Ethics of Authentic Connections and Healing Boundaries Laura Hinds, MSW, LCSW February 21, 2024, 1:00pm-3:00pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION For many of us, Ethics and Boundaries have been taught, or interpreted, as walls of disconnection between providers and those they serve. However, we know that authentic connections and unconditional positive regard are both Trauma Informed and powerful offerings to people struggling with Substance Use Disorder. This conversation supports us in clarifying the definitions and applications of ethics and boundaries that can protect AND promote the health and well-being of those we serve. LEARNING OBJECTIVES List the examples of how ethics inform appropriate and strong boundaries in our work relationships with clients who experience Substance Use Disorder. Identify how the historic instruction on ethics and boundaries and how that teaching threatens clinical engagement and client outcomes. Name 5 ways a provider can hold appropriate and ethical boundaries. PRESENTERS Laura Hinds, MSW, LCSW, is a clinical social worker with experience in medical, behavioral and mental health settings.  Laura has had the pleasure of working with high acuity special needs populations and their providers for over 22 years.  An alumna and instructor at Penn’s School of Social Policy and Practice for 13 years, and Bryn Mawr’s School of Social Work and Social Research’s for the past 4 years, Laura has supported the learning and education of new social workers, veterans in the field, and their interdisciplinary partners.  With a focus on trauma, human and gender development, racial equity, and crisis intervention Laura supports special needs populations and those who serve them.  
Published: February 21, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The February 2024 issue features content from the Great Lakes ATTC celebrating Black History Month, including our upcoming 2024 Black History Month Panel Presentation. It also features a new educational brief on health equity in crisis systems, upcoming prevention trainings on drug trends in the region, and updates to the Classroom WISE curriculum for 2024. As always, you will also find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!   Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: February 12, 2024
Stigma and Bias in Behavioral Health Laura Hinds, MSW, LCSW January 31, 2024, 1:00pm-3:00pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Racial and use bias has been demonstrated in the research related to Behavioral Health and Medically Assisted Therapy. The conclusion that has been drawn is that even well-meaning providers and staff hold biases that impact how and to whom they offer care and medicinal support for Substance Use Disorder (SUD). This lecture explores this research and supports participants in reflecting on, identifying, and mitigating this reality so as to offer equitable respect and support for everyone living with SUD. A LEARNING OBJECTIVES List the ways in which bias affects Behavioral Health Treatment and intervention for people living with Substance Use Disorder. Define the difference between implicit and explicit bias, and how to identify them. Recite at least three ways to identify and address their implicit bias in relation to their work in Behavioral Health. PRESENTERS Laura Hinds, MSW, LCSW, is a clinical social worker with experience in medical, behavioral and mental health settings.  Laura has had the pleasure of working with high acuity special needs populations and their providers for over 22 years.  An alumna and instructor at Penn’s School of Social Policy and Practice for 13 years, and Bryn Mawr’s School of Social Work and Social Research’s for the past 4 years, Laura has supported the learning and education of new social workers, veterans in the field, and their interdisciplinary partners.  With a focus on trauma, human and gender development, racial equity, and crisis intervention Laura supports special needs populations and those who serve them.  
Published: January 31, 2024
  The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), in partnership with ACF, developed a youth facing/youth developed digital platform resource.   Help young men develop good mental health practices. Share the latest resource from We Think Twice™, designed to encourage self-awareness and offer a set of tools for managing mental health. Please adapt the background information and social media posts to connect this mental health resource with those who need it.  
Published: January 12, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Great Lakes Current is the e-newsletter of the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC.   The January 2024 issue features the third installment of the Counselor's Corner blog series: Integrating Spirituality and Counseling with African American Clients, information on the Opioid Response Network's 2022-2023 regional summits, and a call for applications for the upcoming HEART (Healing Ethno And Racial Trauma) Training for Behavioral Health Providers Serving Hispanic & Latinx Communities intensive training series. As always, you will also find links to all upcoming events and trainings hosted by the Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC!   Make sure you're subscribed to our email contact list so you never miss a month of The Great Lakes Current newsletter, and thank you for reading!
Published: January 11, 2024
        Prevention in Pictures: Using Prevention Graphic Novels to Facilitate Conversations with Youth Sarah Johnson, MA, PS-C, and Scott Gagnon, MPP, PS-C January 10, 2024, 1:00pm-2:00pm EST COURSE DESCRIPTION Join us to learn about a unique prevention tool: Graphic Medicine. Graphic Medicine are evidence-based ways of accessibly communicating health information. In the Air is a graphic medicine built to foster conversations with and among young people around vaping, choices about substance use, and social factors. This graphic novel-styled story of five teens going through high school incorporates the behavioral science of substance misuse prevention with the stories, interests, and ideas of members of the Tobacco Free Rhode Island Youth Ambassadors. The novel has questions to help guide the discussion, a strong research base, and roots in risk and protective factors. During this session, participants will become familiar with the resource, how to use it to facilitate conversations with young people, and how to use the accompanying facilitator guide. Participants will learn how to request copies and learn about an upcoming resource in the same style that addresses youth problem gambling. The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions and explore how this and future products can work to support their prevention work. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learn what a graphic medicine is and how you can use this format in prevention efforts with young people. Understand the process of creating a graphic medicine through a prevention lens with cultural responsiveness and youth voice as driving factors. Learn about an upcoming resource being designed with this format specifically to foster conversations around youth gambling prevention. Practice facilitating conversations with the tool. PRESENTERS Scott Gagnon, MPP, PS-C New England PTTC Director - Associate Executive Director, AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc.     Sarah Johnson, MA, PS-C Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator, AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc.        
Published: January 10, 2024
  Webinar Description SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) is a preventive public health approach used to identify and intervene with persons whose pattern of use put them at risk for, or who are experiencing, substance-related health and other psychosocial problems, such as HIV and HCV, or exacerbated mental health issues. Prevention with Latinx communities includes a culturally responsive, trauma-informed, and inclusive framework conducive to screening and early intervention. The content will inform on how taking a few minutes to conduct a person-centered brief intervention can help motivate reduction of substance use with Hispanic, Latino and Latinx communities. The approach further identifies those with high potential for a substance use disorder and opportunities for accessing culturally relevant resources.     Presenter Information Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T, is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC), and a member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry. As a cultural agent, Ms. Padilla promotes an equity lens in trainings for engaging diverse communities in need, aligning with evidence and strength-based strategies within behavioral health, addiction, prevention, and recovery supports fields and professional capacities.     Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer
Published: January 3, 2024
  Webinar Description This interactive four-hour workshop reviewed how mitigating factors such as stress, discrimination, microaggressions and societal attributions influence racial stigma and differential prevention services. The intersecting challenges of social drivers of health and development of racial trauma in communities of color will also be explored. The content will offer bias reducing strategies that help mitigate stigma and benefits of integrating culturally responsive care to help attain and retain highest levels of person-centered care for people of color and other marginalized communities.     Presenter Information Diana Padilla, MCPC, CARC, CASAC-T, is a Research Project Manager at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center. She is a senior staff trainer for the Northeast & Caribbean Addiction Transfer Technology Center Network (NeC-ATTC), and a member of the ASAP-NYCB Trainer Registry. As a cultural agent, Ms. Padilla promotes an equity lens in trainings for engaging diverse communities in need, aligning with evidence and strength-based strategies within behavioral health, addiction, prevention, and recovery supports fields and professional capacities.     Additional Documents PowerPoint Flyer  
Published: January 2, 2024
eNewsletter or Blog
The Northeast and Caribbean Fall 2023 Newsletter (English | Spanish) is here. This issue highlights resources for strategic planning for the New Year, as well as, our upcoming trainings.  
Published: December 1, 2023
Practical Skills in Prevention: A Series Focused on Soft Skills When it comes to building workforce capacity, some fields overlook the importance of practical or “soft skills” as they are not as tangible as technical or “hard skills.” Soft skills are abilities that relate to how you work and interact with others. Soft skills are transferable, and useful in every domain of life. Soft skills enable you to collaborate, build relationships, and enhance productivity. For prevention professionals, strong communication skills instill confidence to engage with communities, foster meaningful connections and strengthen relationships. Developing soft skills may take time but is essential for advancing in the modern prevention workforce.   Supplemental Resources: Presentation Slides Leading Community Change Handout (Prosper & Partners) Discussion Prompts for Leading Community Change Worksheet (Prosper & Partners)   Session 2: Contagious Leadership! If there is such a thing? Join us for an engaging webinar addressing burnout and high turnover in the prevention field. Prevention leaders face the challenge of attracting and retaining talented professionals in a competitive job market, where expectations are ever-changing. This interactive webinar covered the transformational leadership model and how it can improve team morale and personnel retention. Participants had the opportunity to discuss a case study, which allowed them to actively apply the leadership model and explore its potential applicability within their own work context.   Learning Objectives: Explore the challenges of retaining prevention professionals Define transformative leadership  Brainstorm strategies to motivate and engage prevention professionals   Presenter: Colber Prosper, M.S. Colber Prosper, M.S., is the CEO of Prosper & Partners International Consulting Firm, LLC and authored the book title, No Entry Examining the Powers that Undermine our Full Potential. Colber is an expert in various areas like education, organizational development, community public health and prevention. However, all of this work is centered around building community and creating inclusive spaces for all. He is passionate about spirituality, social justice, humans and South Florida sport teams.  
Published: November 21, 2023
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